Otaku Kun, uses basic web scraping on manga and anime sites to compile and download your favourite manga readables and stream anime all at one place.
Just go to the Output folder and download the setup file. (WINDOWS only) After installation run the .exe file in admininstrator mode
Use the search bar to search for your favourite anime/manga, if properly spelled you will be given a list of results to choose from.
If watching anime, click on the anime card and choose episode you want to watch.
If downloading manga, click on the card of the manga you want to download.
Then you can choose the required chapter to download and read offline when needed.
Click on the cogwheel icon on the top left to change the download directory of the pdfs.
Refer to the images for more details
There you go. As simple as that.
There might be some glitches or unknown errors you might encounter. if there are please report them to me at the given Gmail to be updated