Tags: prasanthj/jOOQ
Version 3.10.1 - October 11, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a 3.10 patch release with bug fixes Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#6651 - Improve "no catalogs were loaded" error message jOOQ#6655 - Improve code generator's INFO message when objects have no name Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#6622 - Constants.MINOR_VERSION points to 3.9 instead of 3.10 jOOQ#6624 - NPE "Error while fetching indexes" while generating code for function based indexes jOOQ#6636 - Limit.numberOfRowsOrMax should be initalised from static value jOOQ#6641 - QualifiedName.nonEmpty() shouldn't clone argument jOOQ#6649 - Error while generating classes from Record Types and Oracle Types in Oracle 11g jOOQ#6658 - Error in maven-install.bat and .sh scripts when installing cross released Scala deliverables jOOQ#6667 - Costly null check in CombinedCondition constructor jOOQ#6670 - Lazy initialise thread local ArrayLists in DefaultExecuteContext jOOQ#6673 - DefaultBinding.escape() uses String.replace() rather than StringUtils.replace() jOOQ#6677 - Add markdown to error message about slow SQL
Version 3.8.9 - September 28, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with an urgent fix for the 3.8 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#6449 - Improve TableLike.field(Field) Javadoc jOOQ#6590 - Improve DSLContext.batchStore() Javadoc, indicating that it does not execute MERGE / UPSERT semantics Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#6425 - Compilation error in generated code when both SchemaVersionProvider and CatalogVersionProvider are applied jOOQ#6481 - Typo in DSLContext.fetchCount() and error in DSLContext.fetchExists() Javadoc jOOQ#6508 - XMLDatabase doesn't work when dialect is not a SQLDialect.family() jOOQ#6515 - ClobBinding and BlobBinding don't correctly inline their bind values jOOQ#6539 - NullPointerException in AbstractRecord.intern0() jOOQ#6559 - Error in Record.compareTo(...) Javadoc jOOQ#6573 - Trigger generated errors are not fetched through jOOQ's plain SQL API jOOQ#6597 - "Invalid column index" on Oracle stored procedure call when return type is converted to boolean and argument type is defaulted jOOQ#6601 - Exception thrown when creating table with SQLDataType.UUID in MySQL
Version 3.9.6 - September 27, 2017 ================================================================================ Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#6589 - Improve DSLContext.batchStore() Javadoc, indicating that it does not execute MERGE / UPSERT semantics Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#6424 - Compilation error in generated code when both SchemaVersionProvider and CatalogVersionProvider are applied jOOQ#6480 - Typo in DSLContext.fetchCount() and error in DSLContext.fetchExists() Javadoc jOOQ#6507 - XMLDatabase doesn't work when dialect is not a SQLDialect.family() jOOQ#6514 - ClobBinding and BlobBinding don't correctly inline their bind values jOOQ#6538 - NullPointerException in AbstractRecord.intern0() jOOQ#6558 - Error in Record.compareTo(...) Javadoc jOOQ#6572 - Trigger generated errors are not fetched through jOOQ's plain SQL API jOOQ#6596 - "Invalid column index" on Oracle stored procedure call when return type is converted to boolean and argument type is defaulted jOOQ#6600 - Exception thrown when creating table with SQLDataType.UUID in MySQL
Version 3.9.5 - July 28, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.9 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#6448 - Improve TableLike.field(Field) Javadoc Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#6437 - Do not return ID on Record.update() when updatablePrimaryKeys is set to false jOOQ#6455 - Code generation regression for <dateAsTimestamp>
on 3.8.8 - July 17, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with an urgent fix for the 3.8 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#5660 - Add clarification to OFFSET[DATE]TIME Javadoc that the behaviour is defined by the JDBC driver/database jOOQ#6421 - Stop distributing third party dependencies through zip distribution Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#5636 - Incorrect deserialisation of deeply nested PostgreSQL ARRAYs / UDTs jOOQ#5650 - DSL.currentDate() produces field name current_user jOOQ#5651 - Trailing comma from ScalaGenerator when using schemaVersionProvider jOOQ#5705 - Escape HTML characters in generated JavaDoc jOOQ#5711 - Function delegates window RANGE calls to ROWS jOOQ#5718 - CREATE SEQUENCE doesn't work in Derby, SQL Server, when names aren't quoted jOOQ#5774 - MockResultSet should call Converter to transform MockResult's <U> back to <T> jOOQ#5843 - Shouldn't DEBUG log OUT parameters on procedures that don't have any jOOQ#5857 - Outdated link to jooq-export.xsd in Result.formatXML() Javadoc jOOQ#5951 - Compilation error in generated code when applying converter to Oracle NUMBER procedure parameter jOOQ#5977 - Support JTDS limit of 2000 bind variables also for SQL Server jOOQ#6041 - Possible leaking JDBC Arrays in DefaultExecuteContext.ARRAYS jOOQ#6060 - StackOverflowError when DefaultBinding.pgFromString() encounters unknown type jOOQ#6062 - NullPointerException thrown when calling Oracle Function with BOOLEAN parameter jOOQ#6177 - Unstable alias generation for derived tables jOOQ#6179 - DefaultTransactionProvider should not roll back to savepoint in top transaction jOOQ#6181 - ClassNotFoundException occures when generate codes form JPA entity by maven plugin jOOQ#6185 - IF EXISTS emulation using THROW doesn't work for SQL Server 2008 jOOQ#6193 - Compilation error in generated code when column is called RESULT or PRIME jOOQ#6225 - Field.contains(T) doesn't delegate to Field.contains(Field<T>) when using plain SQL jOOQ#6229 - MySQL enum type doesn't generate correct DDL via DSLContext.ddl() jOOQ#6393 - SQL Server multiple errors are not propagated if an update count precedes them jOOQ#6397 - Definition.getQualifiedName() is wrong when <outputSchemaToDefault/> is set to true jOOQ#6408 - NullPointerException when trying to get mvn help on goal generate
[jOOQ#5742] Stop distributing third party dependencies through zip di… …stribution
Version 3.9.4 - July 17, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.9 branch Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#6305 - Oracle flashback query for aliased table results in invalid sql jOOQ#6318 - ALTER TABLE .. ADD COLUMN ignores column type's DEFAULT clause jOOQ#6337 - DataType.hasLength(), hasPrecision(), hasScale(), and others should depend on Binding's <T> type jOOQ#6338 - Exception thrown when creating table with converted VARCHAR type jOOQ#6340 - Recognise H2 SYSTEM_SEQUENCE in INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.COLUMN_DEFAULT as an Identity column jOOQ#6341 - JPADatabase with GeneratedValue does not account for dialect jOOQ#6369 - Oracle LocalDate bind variables aren't cast to DATE jOOQ#6384 - Derby requires RESTRICT on DROP SCHEMA statement jOOQ#6392 - SQL Server multiple errors are not propagated if an update count precedes them jOOQ#6396 - Definition.getQualifiedName() is wrong when <outputSchemaToDefault/> is set to true jOOQ#6405 - NullPointerException when fetching unnamed nested records in plain SQL with PostgreSQL jOOQ#6407 - NullPointerException when trying to get mvn help on goal generate jOOQ#6409 - SQL Server doesn't generate any code when top-level inputSchema is specified, but not inputCatalog jOOQ#6417 - <types/> cannot match user-defined types (e.g. PostGIS GEOMETRY)
Version 3.9.3 - May 30, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.9 branch Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#5778 - Bad Inlining of LocalDate, LocalTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, OffsetDateTime bind values jOOQ#5787 - DataType.getSQLType() doesn't return the right value for java.time types jOOQ#6107 - Bad formatting when combining constraints in CREATE TABLE statement jOOQ#6112 - File does not get renamed on Windows when TABLE_A is renamed to TABLEA jOOQ#6113 - NullPointerException when generating code in single-uppercase-named-database setup on MariaDB and MySQL jOOQ#6119 - Several DB2 fixes jOOQ#6142 - Add identity column support to XMLGenerator jOOQ#6153 - NullPointerException in GenerationUtil with Postgres CITEXT extension applied jOOQ#6164 - XMLGenerator doesn't export <is_nullable/> for columns jOOQ#6166 - XMLDatabase doesn't correctly load UNIQUE keys jOOQ#6176 - Unstable alias generation for derived tables jOOQ#6178 - DefaultTransactionProvider should not roll back to savepoint in top transaction jOOQ#6180 - ClassNotFoundException occures when generate codes form JPA entity by maven plugin jOOQ#6184 - IF EXISTS emulation using THROW doesn't work for SQL Server 2008 jOOQ#6190 - JPADatabase doesn't correctly generate tables for multi-schema entities jOOQ#6192 - Compilation error in generated code when column is called RESULT or PRIME jOOQ#6205 - PL/SQL Records not generated depending on the order of procedures in a package jOOQ#6224 - Field.contains(T) doesn't delegate to Field.contains(Field<T>) when using plain SQL jOOQ#6227 - Edit New issue NoSuchFieldError when using commercial dialect with open source edition in Maven code generation jOOQ#6228 - MySQL enum type doesn't generate correct DDL via DSLContext.ddl() jOOQ#6262 - XMLGenerator: UniqueConstraintCatalog set to referenced key instead of catalog jOOQ#6290 - Don't generate type length modifier for PostgreSQL bytea types in DDL jOOQ#6293 - Improve support for SQL Server date time literals jOOQ#6295 - Configuration.dialect() should return SQLDialect.DEFAULT when null
Version 3.9.2 - April 20, 2017 ================================================================================ This is a patch release with some useful fixes for the 3.9 branch Features and Improvements ------------------------- jOOQ#5861 - Add a configuration option for varargs setters Bug Fixes --------- jOOQ#5813 - InformationSchema export contains wrong column name jOOQ#5821 - Missing @Support annotations for PostgreSQL on InsertOnDuplicateSetStep.set() jOOQ#5842 - Shouldn't DEBUG log OUT parameters on procedures that don't have any jOOQ#5856 - Outdated link to jooq-export.xsd in Result.formatXML() Javadoc jOOQ#5860 - Data loader unable to decode Base64 encoding binary types jOOQ#5864 - Work around Oracle 12c issue with INSERT .. SELECT into tables with IDENTITY column jOOQ#5880 - Schema version check does not work with Scala jOOQ#5882 - NullPointerException when running Maven code generator plugin without <target/> specification jOOQ#5891 - <expressions/> deprecation message is logged several times by the code generator jOOQ#5893 - H2Database orders tables by ID instead of NAME jOOQ#5937 - Ignore strategy/name when strategy/matchers is present, in code generator jOOQ#5948 - Boolean data type rewrites on Oracle procedures conflict with PL/SQL BOOLEAN data type logic jOOQ#5950 - Compilation error in generated code when applying converter to Oracle NUMBER procedure parameter jOOQ#5976 - Support JTDS limit of 2000 bind variables also for SQL Server jOOQ#5978 - java.util.impl.Contains should check both sides of the expression for array types jOOQ#5980 - ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when generating DSLContext.ddl() for DefaultSchema jOOQ#6036 - Do not throw UnsupportedOperationException in DefaultResultSet etc jOOQ#6040 - Possible leaking JDBC Arrays in DefaultExecuteContext.ARRAYS jOOQ#6049 - UDTRecordImpl.readSQL(SQLInput) and writeSQL(SQLOutput) optimisations jOOQ#6059 - StackOverflowError when DefaultBinding.pgFromString() encounters unknown type jOOQ#6061 - NullPointerException thrown when calling Oracle Function with BOOLEAN parameter