🔭 I’m currently working on
- Building efficient, scalable systems with a focus on optimizing performance, security, and reducing latency in APIs and databases.
- Implementing parallel processing, Firebase Authentication, and audit logs for secure and fast applications.
- Exploring deeper topics such as Encryption, Compression, and Protocols.
🤝 I’m looking for help with
- Contributions and collaborations in open-source projects, especially in Golang, Rust, or system-level programming.
- Advanced topics in encryption, file compression, and network protocols.
🌱 I’m currently learning
- Golang and Rust for high-performance back-end systems.
- Deeper insights into system-level programming, compression algorithms (like Zstd), and cryptographic techniques.
💬 Ask me about
- Optimizing full-stack applications for high-performance use cases.
- Scaling Node.js and MongoDB systems, with a focus on API efficiency.
- Best practices in RESTful API development, Firebase Authentication, and secure database transactions.
⚡ Fun fact
- I love Anime, Manga, Manhwa, retro music, and playing badminton in my free time!