Final project of the Ad-hoc Networks (ET4388) course at TU Delft, The Netherlands (2012)
We investigate an enforcing technique that improves the throughput in a wireless AD-Hoc network inhabited by nodes that agree to relay packets but fail to do so. To diminish this issue, we propose a scheme that computes the reputation of nodes participating in the wireless AD-Hoc network. Sometimes indirect or non-neighbor nodes may forward untrustworthy reputation information, we also propose a solution to mitigate this problem. Through our simulation, selfish nodes are effectively isolated, thus better performance of network is achieved.
Team members: Mani Prashanth Varma Manthena, Carryoles Maria, Ryan Huo
Paper: [Final Project Paper](Project/Final Project Paper.pdf)
Presentation: [Final Project Presentation](Project/Final Project Presentation.pdf)