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Check the version of Docker installed

docker --version

Run a Docker container with a Python hello world application

docker run -p 5000:5000 in28min/hello-world-python:0.0.1.RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a Java hello world application

docker run -p 5000:5000 in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.1.RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a Node.js hello world application

docker run -p 5000:5000 in28min/hello-world-nodejs:0.0.1.RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a Node.js hello world application in detached mode

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 in28min/hello-world-nodejs:0.0.1.RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a Python hello world application in detached mode

docker run -d -p 5001:5000 in28min/hello-world-python:0.0.1.RELEASE

View the logs of a Docker container

docker logs 04e52ff9270f5810eefe1f77222852dc1461c22440d4ecd6228b5c38f09d838e

View the logs of a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker logs c2ba

List Docker images

docker images

List running containers

docker container ls

List all containers, including stopped ones

docker container ls -a

Stop a running container with a given container ID

docker container stop f708b7ee1a8b

Run a Docker container with a REST API in detached mode

docker run -d -p 5001:8080 in28min/hello-world-rest-api:0.0.1.RELEASE

Pull a Docker image from a registry

docker pull mysql

Search for Docker images in a registry

docker search mysql

Show the history of a Docker image

docker image history in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.1.RELEASE

Show the history of a Docker image with a given image ID

docker image history 100229ba687e

Inspect a Docker image

docker image inspect 100229ba687e

Remove a Docker image

docker image remove mysql

Remove a Docker image with a given image name and tag

docker image remove in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.1.RELEASE

Remove a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker container rm 3e657ae9bd16

List all containers, including stopped ones

docker container ls -a

Pause a running container with a given container ID or name

docker container pause 832

Unpause a paused container with a given container ID or name

docker container unpause 832

Stop a running container with a given container ID or name

docker container stop 832

Inspect a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker container inspect ff521fa58db3

Remove all stopped containers

docker container prune

Show Docker system information

docker system

Show Docker disk usage

docker system df

Show detailed Docker system information

docker system info

Remove all unused Docker resources

docker system prune -a

Display the top resource-consuming processes of a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker top 9009722eac4d

Show live resource usage statistics of a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker stats 9009722eac4d

Run a Docker container with a Java hello world application, limited to 512MB memory

docker container run -p 5000:5000 -d -m 512m in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.1.RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a Java hello world application, limited to 512MB memory and CPU quota of 50%

docker container run -p 5000:5000 -d -m 512m --cpu-quota=50000 in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.1.RELEASE

Show Docker system events

docker system events

Show live resource usage statistics of a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker container stats 4faca1ea914e3e4587d1d790948ec6cb8fa34f26e900c12632fd64d4722fd59a

Show live resource usage statistics of a Docker container with a given container ID or name

docker stats 42f170966ce613d2a16d7404495af7b3295e01aeb9142e1fa1762bbdc581f502

Change directory to the Python hello world project

cd /in28Minutes/git/devops-master-class/projects/hello-world/hello-world-python

Build a Docker image with a given tag

docker build -t in28min/hello-world-python:0.0.2.RELEASE .

Run a Docker container with a Python hello world application, mapped to port 5000

docker run -p 5000:5000 -d in28min/hello-world-python:0.0.2.RELEASE

Show the history of a Docker image with a given image ID

docker history e66dc383f7a0

Push a Docker image to a registry

docker push in28min/hello-world-python:0.0.2.RELEASE

Change directory to the Node.js hello world project

cd ../hello-world-nodejs/

Build a Docker image with a given tag

docker build -t in28min/hello-world-nodejs:0.0.2.RELEASE .

Run a Docker container with a Node.js hello world application, mapped to port 5000

docker container run -d -p 5000:5000 in28min/hello-world-nodejs:0.0.2.RELEASE

Push a Docker image to a registry

docker push in28min/hello-world-nodejs:0.0.2.RELEASE

Change directory to the Java hello world project

cd ../hello-world-java/

Build a Docker image with a given tag

docker build -t in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.2.RELEASE .

Run a Docker container with a Java hello world application, mapped to port 5000

docker run -d -p 5000:5000 in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.2.RELEASE

Push a Docker image to a registry

docker push in28min/hello-world-java:0.0.2.RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a Node.js hello world application, mapped to port 5001 and ping

docker run -d -p 5001:5000 in28min/hello-world-nodejs:0.0.3.RELEASE ping

Run a Docker container with a currency exchange service

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name=currency-exchange in28min/currency-exchange:0.0.1-RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a currency conversion service

docker run -d -p 8100:8100 --name=currency-conversion in28min/currency-conversion:0.0.1-RELEASE

List Docker networks

docker network ls

Inspect a Docker network with a given network name

docker network inspect bridge

Run a Docker container with a currency conversion service, linked to the currency exchange service and environment variable set

docker run -d -p 8100:8100 --env CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_SERVICE_HOST=http://currency-exchange --name=currency-conversion --link currency-exchange in28min/currency-conversion:0.0.1-RELEASE

Create a Docker network with a given network name

docker network create currency-network

Stop a running container with a given container ID or name

docker container stop currency-exchange

Stop a running container with a given container ID or name

docker container stop currency-conversion

Run a Docker container with a currency exchange service, connected to the currency-network

docker run -d -p 8000:8000 --name=currency-exchange --network=currency-network in28min/currency-exchange:0.0.1-RELEASE

Run a Docker container with a currency conversion service, connected to the currency-network and environment variable set

docker run -d -p 8100:8100 --env CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_SERVICE_HOST=http://currency-exchange --name=currency-conversion --network=currency-network in28min/currency-conversion:0.0.1-RELEASE

Check the version of Docker Compose installed

docker-compose --version

Change directory to the microservices folder

cd ../../microservices/

Start the services defined in the Docker Compose file

docker-compose up

Start the services defined in the Docker Compose file in detached mode

docker-compose up -d

List running containers

docker container ls

List Docker networks

docker network ls

Inspect a Docker network with a given network name

docker network inspect microservices_currency-compose-network

Stop the services defined in the Docker Compose file

docker-compose down

List all containers, including stopped ones

docker container ls -a

Remove all unused Docker resources

docker system prune -a

Validate the Docker Compose file

docker-compose config

List Docker images used by the services defined in the Docker Compose file

docker-compose images

List the running services defined in the Docker Compose file

docker-compose ps

Display the top resource-consuming processes of the services defined in the Docker Compose file

docker-compose top

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