- Restore my dotfiles on any *nix OS.
- Install required applications on any Linux OS.
Dotfiles are symlinked from the repo to the required location. That is, changes on repository get auto reflected on the system.
$ git clone https://github.com/pratiktri/dotfiles
$ sh setup.sh -h
Apply all settings stored in the script's directory to your home directory.
Usage: ./setup.sh [OPTION]
-h, --help Show this help message.
-d, --dry-run Simulate dotfile symlink without doing anything.
-i, --install Install programs listed on package-list-os & package-list-brew files.
Installation scripts are inside scripts
It reads 2 text files to gather lists of software to install:
- To install using OS package manager.package-list-brew
- To install using brew package manager.
Any package not available are skipped.
calls install-os-packages.sh
and install-brew-packages.sh
. Both can be executed separately.
aka, pending installations that I gave up automating.
All Distros:
- Appimagelauncher: https://github.com/TheAssassin/AppImageLauncher/releases
- Zoho Mail: https://downloads.zohocdn.com/zmail-desktop/linux/
- Zoho Workdrive: https://www.zoho.com/workdrive/desktop-sync.html
- Jetbrains-Toolbox: https://www.jetbrains.com/toolbox-app/
- Sublime-Text: https://www.sublimetext.com/docs/linux_repositories.html
Debian & Ubuntu:
- Add non-free and backport sources, then run the
again - Ulauncher: https://ulauncher.io/#Download
- Add non-free and backport sources, then run the
Need to be inside this directory
cd scripts/test
to change OS -
Run the script