All data structure implementations are safe for concurrent access (through mutex).
// List interface is implemented by all list data structures.
type List interface {
// Len returns the number of elements in list
Len() (l int)
// Front returns the first element of list or nil if the list is empty
Front() (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Back returns the last element of the list or nil if the list is empty
Back() (v interface{}, ok bool)
// PushFront inserts a new element with value v at the front of the list
PushFront(v interface{})
// PushBack inserts a new element with value v at the back of the list
PushBack(v interface{})
// Set a new element with value v at the given index i.
// if index i is out of bound, it returns false, otherwise true
Set(i int, v interface{}) (ok bool)
// Get ..
Get(i int) (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Insert value v at index i
Insert(i int, v interface{}) (ok bool)
// Remove the element at given index i. Returns true if element was removed otherwise false.
Remove(i int) (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Clear the list
// PushBackList inserts a copy of an other list at the back of list l.
// The lists l and other may be the same. They must not be nil.
PushBackList(l List)
// PushFrontList inserts a copy of an other list at the front of list l.
// The lists l and other may be the same. They must not be nil.
PushFrontList(l List)
// Contains returns true if the given value exists in the list, otherwise false
Contains(v interface{}) (ok bool)
// IndexOf returns the index of the given value if it exists, otherwise it returns -1
IndexOf(v interface{}) (i int)
// Values returns all the values in the list as a slice
Values() (vs []interface{})
// Clone creates a shallow copy and returns the reference
Clone() (l List)
// Swap two values at two given indexes
Swap(a, b int) (ok bool)
// String ..
String() (s string)
- Array list implements Tree interface.
- It uses Go slices to store the values.
- Singly linked list implements Tree interface.
- Doubly linked list implements Tree interface.
- Queue internally uses
to store data. - You can configure queue to use any type that implement List
q := queue.New() // []
q.Enqueue(10) // [10]
q.Enqueue(20) // [10, 20]
val, ok := q.Dequeue() // val = 10, ok = true, [20]
val, ok := q.Peek() // val = 20, ok = true, [20]
len := q.Length() // len = 1
q.Values() // [20]
q.Clear() // []
Advanced Usage
// Make queue use other type of lists
q := queue.NewWithConfig(&queue.Config{
List: doublylinkedlist.New(),
- Stack internally uses
to store data. - You can configure stack to use any type that implement List
s := queue.New() // []
s.Push(10) // [10]
s.Push(20) // [10, 20]
val, ok := s.Pop() // val = 10, ok = true, [20]
val, ok := s.Peek() // val = 20, ok = true, [20]
len := s.Length() // len = 1
s.Values() // [20]
s.Clear() // []
Advanced Usage
// Make stack use other type of lists
s := stack.NewWithConfig(&stack.Config{
List: doublylinkedlist.New(),
type Tree interface {
// Set a value into the tree
// Returns false if key already exists in tree, otherwise true
Set(k, v interface{}) (ok bool)
// Get a value by key
// Returns value if key exists, otherwise it returns nil, false
Get(k interface{}) (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Remove a value from the tree
// Returns true if value was removed, otherwise false.
Remove(k interface{}) (ok bool)
// Min returns the minimum value present in the tree
// Returns false if tree is empty
Min() (n Node, ok bool)
// Max returns the maximum value present in the tree
// Returns false if tree is empty
Max() (n Node, ok bool)
// Contains return true if key exists in tree, otherwise false
Contains(key interface{}) (ok bool)
// Len returns the total number of nodes in tree
Len() (l int)
// Clear all the nodes from tree
// Keys returns a ds.List with all keys in-order
Keys() (l List)
// Values returns a ds.List with all values in-order (same as Tree.InOrder())
Values() (l List)
// InOrder returns a ds.List with all values in-order
InOrder() (l List)
// PreOrder returns a ds.List with all values in pre order
PreOrder() (l List)
// PostOrder returns a ds.List with all values in post order
PostOrder() (l List)
- Insertions and deletions are iterative.
- Node in tree stores - value, left child, and right child.
- Insertions, deletions, balancing are all iterative.
- Node in tree stores - value, left child, right child and balance factor.
- Insertions, deletions, balancing are all iterative.
- Node in tree stores - value, left child, right child, parent and color of node.
- Insertions, deletions, balancing are all iterative.
// Heap interface has to be implemented by all heap variants.
type Heap interface {
// Push a given values into the tree.
// Returns true if push succeeds.
Push(vs ...interface{}) (ok bool)
// Pop removes first value from tree, and returns it.
// Second return value will be false if tree is empty.
Pop() (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Peek returns the first value in heap without removing it
// Second return value will be false if tree is empty.
Peek() (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Clear removes all the values from heap
// Len gives the number of values in heap
Len() (l int)
// String returns the string representation of the heap
String() (s string)
- Binary heap by default uses
to store data.
- D-ary heap by default uses
to store data.
// Map ..
type Map interface {
// Set a value in map
Set(k, v interface{}) (ok bool)
// Get finds value by key and returns it, if found, otherwise it returns nil
Get(k interface{}) (v interface{}, ok bool)
// Remove a value from map
Remove(k interface{}) (ok bool)
// Keys returns list of keys present in map
Keys() (ks ds.List)
// Values returns list of values present in map
Values() (vals ds.List)
// Contains return whether given key exists in map
Contains(k interface{}) (ok bool)
// Len returns total number of entries in map
Len() (l int)
// Clear removes all the entries from map