FOLD is a context creation platform for journalists and storytellers, allowing them to structure and craft complex stories.
FOLD is live at
If you have bug reports, please file issues here. If you have feature requests, please post them on our trello board
To run the FOLD server, API keys are needed for the various search integrations. They can be put in a settings.json file (along with a few other settings variables) containing the following values.
"VIMEO_API_KEY" // used for vimeo context card integration (
"TWITTER_API_KEY" // used for twitter signup and context card integration (
"GOOGLE_API_SERVER_KEY" // used for youtube context card integration (
"FLICKR_API_KEY" // used for flickr context card integration (
"IMGUR_CLIENT_ID" // used for imgur context card integration (
"GIPHY_API_KEY" // (can use their public beta key "dc6zaTOxFJmzC" for development) used for giphy context card integration (
"SOUNDCLOUD_CLIENT_ID" // used for soundcloud context card integration (
"EMBEDLY_KEY" // used to generate previews for link context cards (
"CLOUDINARY_API_KEY" // allows user to upload their own image for headers and context cards (
"NEW_USER_ACCESS_PRIORITY" // (1 is a good default) an "access priority" for new users, works with PUBLISH_ACCESS_LEVEL and CREATE_ACCESS_LEVEL below to determine if a user is allowed to create a story or publish
"SMTP_USERNAME" // used for sending emails, for example forgotten password emails
"public": {
"GOOGLE_API_CLIENT_KEY" // used for google maps integration (
"SEGMENT_WRITE_KEY" // used for analytics. (
"CLOUDINARY_CLOUD_NAME" // allows user to upload their own image for headers and context cards (
"PUBLISH_ACCESS_LEVEL" // (99999 is a good default) The maximum access priority a user can have and still be allowed to publish
"CREATE_ACCESS_LEVEL" // (99999 is a good default) The maximum access priority a user can have and still be allowed to create a new story
To start, run: ./start
To reset the database, run: ./reset