A command-line-based Catalog of my things, application built with object-oriented programming (OOP). functionalities include adding and dsplaying books, music albums, games etc.
[App Demo]
- Clone the repository to get a local copy
- From commandline of your preferred ruby enviroment navigate to the file using cd
- Run the app using ruby main.rb or require main.rb
- Click on the numbers representing your options and follow the command prompt
- Run tests using rspec spec
👤 Onyeagoziri Precious Akams
- GitHub: @kamzzy
- Twitter:@precious_akams
- LinkedIn:Onyeagoziri Akams
- AngelList:Onyeagoziri Akams
- GitHub: @Estherstarr
- Twitter:@anibeesther
- LinkedIn:Onwuanibe Onomeh
- Twitter:@rwubakwanayo
- LinkedIn:[rwubakwanayo-olivier](https://rw.linkedin.com/in/rwubakwanayo-olivier
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
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- Microverse
This project is MIT licensed.