ParkEZ | Deployed
Picture a truck driver coming home after a week on the road but is unable to find a safe and adequate parking space for his truck and expensive cargo in their trailer. ParkEZ allows truckers and trucking companies to reserve parking spaces for heavy equipment eg., trucks, trailers, and construction vehicles at a safe location. By using this application that same driver can worry less about their equipment and spend more time with their families by quickly booking their spot ahead of their arrival.
Dashboard have lots of features.
Parking layout
Select Spot
- You can select as many spot as you like from different categories and once you hit selected you will get option for checkout
- once you slected it and if you go back you wont able to remove it from zone as it will be disabled you have to remove it from checkout area.
procced to checkout.
Checkout Page
- There will be billing option at the first which is same as your profile info.
- If you want to change it you required to edit your profile first.
- All selected parking slots will be described as per the price and total to pay with tax.
- You require to agree the terms and condition.
- Then you can purchase spots for that particular month.
Purchased page
- We are not going to procced with transaction and all because it is just a prototype for the project by University purpose.
Your Spots
React, Node, Express, JavaScript, Sequelize, MySql, Passport, Axios, Rest API, Bootstrap.