- Poznań, PL
- Pro
saleor-dashboard Public
Forked from saleor/saleor-dashboardA GraphQL-powered, single-page dashboard application for Saleor.
TypeScript BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedFeb 13, 2021 -
socketio-jwt Public
Forked from nvdnkpr/socketio-jwtAuthenticate socket.io incoming connections with JWTs
api-query-params Public
Forked from loris/api-query-paramsConvert URL query parameters to MongoDB queries
osm24 Public
Forked from osm-pl/osm24Opening hours using OpenStreetMap data
homebrew-cask Public
Forked from Homebrew/homebrew-cask🍻 A CLI workflow for the administration of macOS applications distributed as binaries
expo-docs Public
Forked from dmrd/exponent-docsDocumentation!
macvim Public
Forked from macvim-dev/macvimVim - the text editor - for Mac OS X
C UpdatedSep 9, 2018 -
The uncompromising Python code formatter
gh-with-ssl Public
Example how to make SSL with custom domain on GitHub Pages
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 2, 2018 -
gemeindeverzeichnis Public
Forked from juliuste/gemeindeverzeichnisGerman „Gemeindeverzeichnis“ (vaguely 'community register') containing all federal entities.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 19, 2018 -
pydot-fork Public
Forked from pydot/pydotPython interface to Graphviz's Dot language
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 23, 2017 -
okapi Public
Forked from opencaching/okapiA common API for all National Opencaching.XX sites
PHP UpdatedJun 15, 2017 -
h2o-3 Public
Forked from h2oai/h2o-3Open Source Fast Scalable Machine Learning API For Smarter Applications (Deep Learning, Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, Generalized Linear Modeling (Logistic Regression, Elastic Net), K-Means, PC…
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 22, 2017 -
cc-mrjob Public
Forked from commoncrawl/cc-mrjobDemonstration of using Python to process the Common Crawl dataset with the mrjob framework
Python MIT License UpdatedJan 20, 2017 -
flask Public
Forked from pallets/flaskA microframework based on Werkzeug, Jinja2 and good intentions
Python Other UpdatedJan 4, 2017 -
deb-python-pydot-ng Public
Forked from openstack-archive/deb-python-pydot-ngDebian package build scripts for python-pydot-ng project
Python MIT License UpdatedNov 25, 2016 -
flower Public
Forked from mher/flowerReal-time monitor and web admin for Celery distributed task queue
Python Other UpdatedNov 23, 2016 -
send2cgeo_addon Public
Browser addon (Firefox & Chrome) for using send2cgeo feature of c:geo
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 13, 2016 -
pytest-factoryboy Public
Forked from pytest-dev/pytest-factoryboyfactory_boy integration the pytest runner
Python UpdatedNov 12, 2016 -
procrastinator Public
Chrome addon to block websites that make you less productive.
JavaScript Other UpdatedOct 29, 2016 -
flask-admin Public
Forked from pallets-eco/flask-adminSimple and extensible administrative interface framework for Flask
Python Other UpdatedOct 26, 2016 -
python-social-auth Public
Forked from omab/python-social-authSocial auth made simple
Python BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 12, 2016 -
dactyl Public
Forked from 5digits/dactylPentadactyl and other related Gecko extensions