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Vega-Lite V3 for Rust

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A Rust API for Vega-Lite v3 to build chart with a rusty API.

Similar to the Altair project in python, this crate build upon Vega-Lite specifications. Vega-Lite is a high-level grammar of interactive graphics. It provides a concise JSON syntax for rapidly generating visualizations to support analysis. Vega-Lite specifications can be compiled to Vega specifications. Those specifications are then parsed by Vega’s JavaScript runtime to generate both static images or interactive web-based views. This crate has a complete mapping of Vega-Lite 3.4 specification and can be found in src/ With all the types and structs, it's possible to create your Rust Vegalite graph that will be serialize into a Vega-Lite JSON. Thanks to Showata the resulting visualization can be display in your Web-Browser or in a Rust Jupyter Notebook. It's also possible to use an existing Vega-Lite json and plug your data source seamlessly. This way you can leverage existing vizualisation and adapt it to your design.


In order to have a complete mapping of the Vega-Lite v3 specification the code for the schema was automaticlly generated. To help describe all the possible features a gallery of example is provided on github

Simple chart using ndarray generated data

let values: Array2<f64> = Array::random((100, 2), StandardNormal);

let chart = VegaliteBuilder::default()
    .title("Random points")

Simple chart using existing json definition with new data

// Use existing vega-lite json specification
let spec = r##"{
    "$schema": "",
    "encoding": {
        "x": {
            "field": "data.0",
            "type": "quantitative"
        "y": {
            "field": "data.1",
            "type": "quantitative"
    "mark": "point",
    "title": "Random points"

// Use you own data to populate the chart
let values: Array2<f64> = Array::random((100, 2), StandardNormal);
let mut chart: Vegalite = serde_json::from_str(spec)?; = values.into();

// display the chart using `showata`;


name enabled by default functionnality
show_vega yes can display charts in the browser or in a notebook
csv yes can load data from a csv
ndarray yes can load data from a ndarray



rust api for vega-lite v3







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Contributors 4

