CVE-2023-41425 Public
WonderCMS Authenticated RCE - CVE-2023-41425
eventia Public
An event scheduler written in Python3, Flask, REST APIs to manage events
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 18, 2024 -
portPulse Public
portPulse, or ppulse.py written in python3, a small tool that can be used for port scanning through HTTP requests.
knotty Public
knotty, a CLI tool for cracking and computing hashes, and generating rainbow tables in 50+ hashing algorithms.
revshell Public
Pentestmonkeys' PHP reverse shell with dynamic host and port passing through GET request parameters
dumper Public
A tool written in C++ to take a quick look into any type of file, it allows to view the binary, decimal, octal, hexadecimal representations of files.
THM-Room Public
Automate Room Joining and Generate list of tryhackme rooms code/URLs
Python UpdatedNov 28, 2022 -
caesarNrot Public
caesarNrot, a simple bash script implementation of caesar cipher and ROT algorithm
blizzardwrap Public
BlizzardWrap - A CLI tool for encoding and decoding (supports several formats/algos)
mrMailer Public
This repository is for sending email using python language
Python UpdatedDec 29, 2020