Released version 24.11.19
- Minor updates to global configuration files
- Updated repositories
- Upgraded Moodle to version 4.1.14+
- Updated langpacks
- Alexandria importer: Updated plugin
- Configurable reports: Upgraded block
- Course quotas: Updated report
- Font family: Upgraded atto plugin
- Geogebra: Upgraded module
- hvp: Upgraded module
- Local Àgora: Updated cache definitions for Moodle 4.1.14
- Migratehvp2h5p: Upgraded admin tool
- Wiris: Upgraded all components
- Nodes 2: Added CSS styles
- Nodes 2: Added link to cookies policy in footer
- Nodes 2: Contacte: Removed target blank
- Nodes 2: Fixed logo being lost the first time the changes in customizer are saved
- Nodes 2: Front page notice: Block the size of the notice and restrict access to background color
- Nodes 2: Header buttons: Fixed size increase when text is too long and removed lowercase being mandatory
- agora-functions: Preserve HTML tags when sending e-mail
- agora-functions: Updated language files
- nodes-theme-switcher: Updated user messages and links
- options-reading.php: Allow administrators to change frontpage page
- pending-submission-notifications: Moved plugin logic to agora-functions
- wordpress-social-login: Improved code of Moodle provider
- XTEC lib: Added operation to register Astra Pro
- Config: Move from md5 to bcrypt as an encryption method for initial passwords
- Instances: Added dropdown menus to filter by service and instance state in instance list
- Instances: Fixed error message not being shown to users
- Jobs: Add specific treatment for bcrypt passwords
- Query: Added support for non-ASCII characters to batch queries (II)