Collection of tools and code examples designed to help users improving the accuracy of the MPS MagAlpha magnetic angle sensor by implementing a calibration curve.
This repository includes an library for Arduino for the TLE5012 Magnetic Angle Sensor with SSC interface.
STM32 USB device bootloader using DFU class interface
An Android app that collects and displays real-time smartphone orientation data (X, Y, Z angles) from accelerometers, stores orientation history, exports to text files, and includes a Python script…
visualizing orientation of inertial measurement unit (MPU6050) using VPython (a 3D graphics python module).
Python client to visualize absolute orientation from a BNO055 by means of an Arduino Nano with Adafruit libraries
Visualization of IMU orientation from quaternion or Euler angles with a rotating cube
MAVLink proxy and command line ground station
Quaternion Based AHRS Estimation Using MPU9250 and STM32G431
The Time Series Visualization Tool that you deserve.
This is the GitHub mirror for the LibrePilot source code. The main development is taking place at
CooCox CoOS is an embedded real-time multi-task OS specially for ARM Cortex M series.
Gliding competition manager app for Openvario
A Software Suite that implements a logic analyzer with the PRU on the BeagleBone / BeagleBone Black.
A Software Suite that implements a logic analyzer with the PRU on the BeagleBone / BeagleBone Black.
My Cookbook for setting up BeagleLogic on a BeagleBone Black.
a set of tools to convert ".igc" flight logs into Tacview's ".acmi" format
SlimStreamer is an audio streaming software for Linux with multi-room functionality. SlimStreamer captures audio playback from ALSA and broadcasts it to connected Squeezebox devices (real or ‘virtu…
A repository of plugins and software that can be used to control industrial robots with Grasshopper in Rhino3D.
debauchee / barrier
Forked from deskflow/deskflowOpen-source KVM software
Control hardware KVM/Matrix devices when your mouse moves to the edge of the screen
Windows kernel-mode driver emulating well-known USB game controllers.
Multiprotocol TX Module (or MULTI-Module) is a 2.4GHz transmitter module which controls many different receivers and models.
Convert PPM from GepRC GR8 controller to IBUS for connecting to PC and play with Simulator via UART and Virtual Joystick
Decodes RC PPM signal and re-encodes it to IBus over serial.
FlySky iBus protocol decoder library for Arduino.