You will have to manually install the dependencies (sometimes package names changes. Right, Hyprshot?)
sudo pacman -S waybar
sudo pacman -S zsh
sudo pacman -S hyprland
yay -S hyprshot
sudo pacman -S hyprlock
sudo pacman -S swww
sudo pacman -S kitty
sudo pacman -S awesome-terminal-fonts otf-font-awesome ttf-font-awesome ttf-jetbrains-mono ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd nerd-fonts
sudo pacman -S fastfetch
sudo pacman -S rofi-wayland
git clone -b mauve
cd hypr-dots
sudo chmod -R 777 *
bash ./
sudo pacman -S neovim
sudo pacman -S nwg-look
mainmod(super) + C: switch themes
mainmod(super) + Return: open terminal
mainmod(super) + Q: close active window
mainmod(super) + M: exit system
mainmod(super) + F: toggle fullscreen
mainmod(super) + E: open file manager
alt + F: toggle floating windows
alt + X: open menu
alt + Z: open power menu
alt + S: toggle split screen
mainmod(super) + A: focus left window
mainmod(super) + D: focus right window
mainmod(super) + W: focus up window
mainmod(super) + S: focus down window
alt + P: take screenshot
mainmod(super) + L: lock screen
mainmod(super) + K: close panel
mainmod(super) + J: start panel
alt + 1: switch to workspace 1
alt + 2: switch to workspace 2
alt + 3: switch to workspace 3
alt + 4: switch to workspace 4
alt + 5: switch to workspace 5
alt + 6: switch to workspace 6
alt + 7: switch to workspace 7
alt + 8: switch to workspace 8
alt + 9: switch to workspace 9
alt + 0: switch to workspace 10
mainmod(super) + 1: move to workspace 1
mainmod(super) + 2: move to workspace 2
mainmod(super) + 3: move to workspace 3
mainmod(super) + 4: move to workspace 4
mainmod(super) + 5: move to workspace 5
mainmod(super) + 6: move to workspace 6
mainmod(super) + 7: move to workspace 7
mainmod(super) + 8: move to workspace 8
mainmod(super) + 9: move to workspace 9
mainmod(super) + 0: move to workspace 10