A demo app for Turso's embedded replicas running on AWS Lambda
This app tracks when users were last active, and what game they played. Users can update their info any time. Results are cached on disk in a libSQL database running in embedded replica mode.
The demo is hosted here: http://nowplaying.sarna.dev
Here are the steps that should more or less work, assuming you have aws
CLI installed and set up (and mind all the user-specific variables):
npm prune --omit=dev
zip -r nowplaying.zip .
aws lambda create-function --function-name nowplaying --zip-file fileb://nowplaying.zip --handler index.handler --runtime nodejs18.x --role $YOUR_AWS_ROLE
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name nowplaying --environment "Variables={LIBSQL_SYNC_URL=$YOUR_TURSO_DB_URL,LIBSQL_AUTH_TOKEN=$(turso db tokens create $YOUR_TURSO_DB_NAME)}"
# and for updating the code
aws lambda update-function-code --function-name nowplaying --zip-file fileb://nowplaying.zip
Fetch user data: GET https://your-lambda-url/
Update user data: GET https://your-lambda-url/?name=your-name&playing=game-you-are-playing