TEA is a C++, Qt(4,5,6) text editor with the hundreds of features for Linux, *BSD, Mac, Windows, OS/2 and Haiku.
Home site > http://tea.ourproject.org
Development > https://github.com/psemiletov/tea-qt
My hot AUR package > https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tea-qt-git/
Donate >
PayPal: [email protected]
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/semiletov
Communities >
You can install TEA from the source in 4 ways, using build systems qmake/make, meson/ninja, cmake/make, cmake/ninja. But first, you need to install some development libraries.
Qt 4.8 or Qt 5.4+ or Qt 6, zlib
libaspell (for spell checking engine), libhunspell (for spell checking engine), poppler-qt5 or poppler-qt6 (to read the text from PDF), ddjvuap (to read the text from DJVU)
Note for FreeBSD users: you need the pkgconf package - pkg install pkgconf
Which build system you should use?
Use qmake for: Qt 4, old distros and Windows. Use meson or cmake for modern distros. cmake is the mainline build system for TEA.
With cmake, TEA supports Qt5 and Qt6 build.
If you want to build and install TEA with cmake + make, run at the TEA source dir:
mkdir b
cd b
cmake ..
make install (as root or with sudo)
To build and install TEA with cmake/ninja and GCC, do:
mkdir b
cd b
cmake -GNinja ..
ninja install
By default, cmake builds TEA without some features: printer and aspell support, libpoppler and djvuapi. To enable them, use from the build directory:
If the Qt5 and Qt6 both are present on the system, use CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH variable to set the path to the QtN. Otherwise, Qt6 will be prefered.
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/lib/qt .. //usr/lib/qt is the directory with qt5
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/lib/qt6 .. //usr/lib/qt6 is the directory with qt6
cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$HOME/Qt/6.0.0/gcc_64/lib/cmake ..
//here we point to the locally installed Qt6
With meson, TEA supports Qt5 build.
To build and install TEA with meson/ninja and GCC, do:
mkdir b
cd b
ninja install
To build and install TEA with meson/ninja and CLANG, do:
mkdir b
CC=clang CXX=clang++ meson b
cd b
ninja install
To enable PDF and DJVU text extraction support use, and Aspell support (disabled by default as well as the printing support):
mkdir b
meson b
meson configure -Dpdf=enabled -Ddjvu=enabled -Daspell=enabled b
cd b
ninja install
With qmake, TEA supports Qt4 and Qt5 build.
With qmake to build is simple:
make install (as root or with sudo)
To make some source configuration (with qmake), use CONFIG variable at qmake command line parameter. For example:
qmake "CONFIG+=useclang" "CONFIG+=noaspell"
You can use some values:
nosingleapp - do not build TEA with the single application mode support
nodesktop - do not install desktop files and icons
useclang - TEA will be compiled with Clang
noaspell - disable the Aspell (if you have it installed, but do not want to compile TEA with Aspell support)
nohunspell - disable Hunspell for TEA
usepoppler - use libpoppler-qt5 or qt4 for PDF text layer import. DISABLED by default
usedjvu - use libdjvulibre to read DJVU files text (read only). DISABLED by default
noprinter - disable printing support
** Notes: **
If you have installed both Qt4 and Qt5, use the qmake from Qt4 or Qt5 to configure TEA with exact version of QT. The common solution is to make symlink to qmake from Qt5 and name it qmake5, then use qmake5 instead of the usual qmake.
If the context menus in TEA are not localized, install the qttranslations or qt-translations package from your distro's repository.
/* Basic snippet for Ubuntu users (Qt5 build) - run this from Terminal at the TEA source directory (unpacked):
sudo apt-get install g++ pkg-config
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libaspell-dev libhunspell-dev
sudo apt-get install qt5-default qttools5-dev-tools
sudo apt-get install libqt5qml5 libqt5quick5 qtdeclarative5-dev
sudo make install
Snippet for Ubuntu users (Qt4 build):
sudo apt-get install g++ pkg-config
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev libaspell-dev libhunspell-dev
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev qt4-dev-tools
sudo make install
Thank you for packaging TEA!
Altough TEA has two home sites, it is better to use Github releases as the source: https://github.com/psemiletov/tea-qt/archive/$pkgver.tar.gz
Please note, that TEA source dir after unpacking will be tea-qt-${pkgver}
TEA after the compilation is a single binary file (with embedded resources).
TEA supports 3 build systems:
qmake - the traditional one, good for Qt4-Win32-OS/2-Slackware builds. TEA's qmake project file is old and obscure.
cmake - good for Qt5/Qt6 build, the reference one for TEA. I recommend to use cmake to build TEA package.
meson - I use it internally. Does not have the printer support.
- For the qmake build, to override the default installation path (/usr/local, with binary at /usr/local/bin) use:
qmake PREFIX=your_path
make install
User defined hotkeys may not work due to Qt5 and Unity global menu feature. To remove global menu support in Qt5 apps, do
sudo apt-get autoremove appmenu-qt5
or, if you want to remove also GTK global menus, use:
sudo apt-get autoremove appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt5
TEA code is licensed under GPL V3 and, partially, as a Public Domain. TEA media (images, etc), manuals and translations are public domain. Note to contributors - please put your translations into the public domain or GPL.