Fahrradladen mit Online Shop
The user should be able to log in, enter their details, and offer a bike to lend, or borrow one from the other users.
- Using MySQL with PDO.
- Register function works.
- Login function works.
- Minor improvements and deletion of obsolete code.
! To do: Complete all DB functions Improve stability with exception handling Save session to file Stay on the same page in case of an error.
- Home Page.
- CSS Fixes: Register Page is now scrollable.
- Login function fully functional.
- Fixed site.php not immediately loading after successful login.
- Fixed header.php not immediately loading after successful logout.
- Two different Headers depending on Login status.
- Put Header and Main in the right order.
- CSS Fixes: Header was unclickable if the page included "login.php". Buttons on the nav bar were overlapping.
- removed: notenspiegel files.
- added files from the "Login" homework.
- added modified files from the "notenspiegel" homework to make it an "add user" instead of "add grade".