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tweaked teleoperation
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ptsteadman committed Apr 19, 2015
1 parent ee1f6a0 commit 2236140
Showing 1 changed file with 225 additions and 0 deletions.
225 changes: 225 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

Human Robot Interation, Design Project II
import argparse
import sys

import rospy
import tf2_ros
import math
import numpy as np

import baxter_interface
from baxter_interface import CHECK_VERSION

BASE_FRAME = 'camera_depth_frame'

TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left'] = dict()
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right'] = dict()
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_s0'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_s1'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_e0'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_e1'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_w0'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_w1'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['left']['left_w2'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_s0'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_s1'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_e0'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_e1'] = math.pi
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_w0'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_w1'] = 0.0
TEST_JOINT_ANGLES['right']['right_w2'] = 0.0

def get_joint_angles(user, tfBuffer, test, mirrored):
@param line: the line described in a list to process
@param names: joint name keys
joint_angles = dict()
joint_angles['left'] = dict()
joint_angles['right'] = dict()

frames = get_frame_positions(user, tfBuffer)
if frames is None and not test:
# if there's a problem with tracking, don't move
return None

if test:
# use the hardcoded angles for debugging
joint_angles = TEST_JOINT_ANGLES
# do the math to find joint angles!
reh = frames['right_hand'] - frames['right_elbow']
res = frames['right_shoulder'] - frames['right_elbow']
leh = frames['left_hand'] - frames['left_elbow']
les = frames['left_shoulder'] - frames['left_elbow']
rse = np.negative(res)
lse = np.negative(les)

# find down vector and normals
nt = np.cross(frames['right_shoulder'] - frames['torso'], frames['left_shoulder'] - frames['torso'])
d = np.cross(nt, frames['right_shoulder'] - frames['left_shoulder'])
rns = np.cross(d, rse)
lns = np.cross(d, lse)
lne = np.cross(leh, les)
rne = np.cross(reh, res)

# normalize vectors
reh = reh / np.linalg.norm(reh)
res = res / np.linalg.norm(res)
leh = leh / np.linalg.norm(leh)
les = les / np.linalg.norm(les)
rse = rse / np.linalg.norm(rse)
lse = lse / np.linalg.norm(lse)
nt = nt / np.linalg.norm(nt)
d = d / np.linalg.norm(d)
rns = rns / np.linalg.norm(rns)
lns = lns / np.linalg.norm(lns)
lne = lne / np.linalg.norm(lne)
rne = rne / np.linalg.norm(rne)

# do the math to find joint angles
joint_angles['left']['left_s0'] = np.arccos(,lns)) - math.pi/5.0 # was + 0.0
joint_angles['left']['left_s1'] = np.arccos(, lse)) - math.pi/2.0
joint_angles['left']['left_e0'] = np.arccos(, lne))
joint_angles['left']['left_e1'] = math.pi - np.arccos(, les))
joint_angles['left']['left_w0'] = 0.0
joint_angles['left']['left_w1'] = 0.0
joint_angles['left']['left_w2'] = 0.0
joint_angles['right']['right_s0'] = np.arccos(,rns)) - math.pi*7.0/8.0 # was - pi
joint_angles['right']['right_s1'] = np.arccos(, rse)) - math.pi/2.0
joint_angles['right']['right_e0'] = np.arccos(, rne)) - math.pi
joint_angles['right']['right_e1'] = math.pi - np.arccos(, res))
joint_angles['right']['right_w0'] = 0.0
joint_angles['right']['right_w1'] = 0.0
joint_angles['right']['right_w2'] = 0.0

if mirrored:
return joint_angles
# this is the default option, where the teleoperator's
# left/right arm corresponds to the robot's left/right arm
unmirrored = dict()
unmirrored['left'] = dict()
unmirrored['right'] = dict()
unmirrored['left']['left_s0'] = joint_angles['right']['right_s0']
unmirrored['left']['left_s1'] = joint_angles['right']['right_s1']
unmirrored['left']['left_e0'] = joint_angles['right']['right_e0']
unmirrored['left']['left_e1'] = joint_angles['right']['right_e1']
unmirrored['left']['left_w0'] = 0.0
unmirrored['left']['left_w1'] = 0.0
unmirrored['left']['left_w2'] = 0.0
unmirrored['right']['right_s0'] = joint_angles['left']['left_s0']
unmirrored['right']['right_s1'] = joint_angles['left']['left_s1']
unmirrored['right']['right_e0'] = joint_angles['left']['left_e0']
unmirrored['right']['right_e1'] = joint_angles['left']['left_e1']
unmirrored['right']['right_w0'] = 0.0
unmirrored['right']['right_w1'] = 0.0
unmirrored['right']['right_w2'] = 0.0
return unmirrored

def get_frame_positions(user, tfBuffer):
frame_positions = dict()
for frame in FRAMES:
transformation= tfBuffer.lookup_transform(BASE_FRAME, "%s_%d" % (frame, user), rospy.Time())
translation = transformation.transform.translation
pos = np.array([translation.x, translation.y, translation.z])
frame_positions[frame] = pos
except (tf2_ros.LookupException, tf2_ros.ConnectivityException, tf2_ros.ExtrapolationException) as e:
print "Problem with kinect tracking."
print e
return None
return frame_positions

def teleoperate(rate, user, test, mirrored):
Teleoperates the robot based on tf2 frames.
@param rate: rate at which to sample joint positions in ms
rate = rospy.Rate(rate)
# TODO: make these attributes of a class
tfBuffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tfBuffer)

left = baxter_interface.Limb('left')
right = baxter_interface.Limb('right')

while not rospy.is_shutdown():
joint_angles = get_joint_angles(user, tfBuffer, test, mirrored)
print joint_angles
if joint_angles is not None:
print "updated positions"
print "Rospy shutdown, exiting loop."
return True

def main():
Note: This version of simply drives the joints towards the next position at
each time stamp. Because it uses Position Control it will not attempt to
adjust the movement speed to hit set points "on time".
arg_fmt = argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=arg_fmt,
'-r', '--rate', type=int, default=10,
help='rate to sample the joint positions'

'-t', '--test', type=bool, default=False,
help='use hardcoded test joint angles'
'-u', '--user', type=int, default=1,
help='kinect user number to use'

'-m', '--mirrored', type=bool, default=False,
help='mirror the teleoperators movements'
args = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:])

print("Initializing node... ")
print("Getting robot state... ")
rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION)
init_state = rs.state().enabled

def clean_shutdown():
if not init_state:
print("Disabling robot...")

print("Enabling robot... ")

teleoperate(args.rate, args.user, args.test, args.mirrored)

if __name__ == '__main__':

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