JSCAD is an open source set of modular, browser and command line tools for creating parametric 2D and 3D designs with JavaScript code. It provides a quick, precise and reproducible method for gener…
A simple, open source Mac OS app for presentations on low-contrast monitors.
A data visualization framework combining React & D3
⛔️ DEPRECATED Control your LG TV (webOS 2.0+) with Amazon Alexa
Node.js bridge for LG Smart TV and Amazon Alexa
Control your webOS powered LG TV with amazon's alexa.
Web application for creating publication ready charts and graphs
The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React
Examples for D3.js in Action 2nd Edition (D3v4)
Open research into data visualization process
Tools to integrate Mapbox with Google Docs
chrome extension that takes automatic screenshots for a given url
Here you find the public transportation data sets from Zurich, San Francisco and Geneva for the Read the Getting Started Guide and download the data.