This repo is just for fun.
A common stream output template for all types of array. It is just a toy.
A toy to extract shape data of a multi-dimensional array for using in runtime.
A toy for beginners to see binary encodings of POD arithmetic types, like int and float.
A box object that can hold all types of pod object. Allow some weired things to be done.
A toy to do runtime polymorphism without using virtual functions. Therefore, standard layouts and runtime polymorphism co-exist. You can use it like the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include "interface.h"
using namespace std;
double area(){
IFACE_END(IShape, area)
class Circle: public implement <Circle, IShape>{
Circle(double _r):r(_r){}
double area(){
cout << "Circle: ";
return 3.14 * r * r;
double r;
class Rectangle: public implement <Rectangle, IShape> {
Rectangle(double _w, double _h):h(_h),w(_w){}
double area() {
cout << "Rectangle: ";
return h * w;
double h;
double w;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Circle s1(10);
Rectangle s2(10, 20);
IShape *p = &s1;
cout << (p->area()) << endl;
p = &s2;
cout << (p->area()) << endl;
return 0;
A var class that can hold all types of pod object, even programmer defined types. Operators can be automatically applied, if they are defined.
This is NOT a reflection implementation.
It is just a TOY.
Try it with the following codes (Compiled with -std=c++20 -Wa,-mbig-obj):
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdint>
#include "notype.h"
using namespace std;
struct Vec2D{
int x;
int y;
ostream &operator<< (ostream &o, const Vec2D &k){
return o << k.x << ',' << k.y;
istream &operator>> (istream &i, Vec2D &k) {
return i >> k.x >> k.y;
int main(){
var x = Vec2D(2, 4);
cout << x << endl;
x = 10;
cout << x << endl;
x = 5.5;
cout << x << endl;
x = "Hello";
cout << x << endl;
return 0;
A proof of concept for extending basic data types in C++. A simple quick and dirty demo of concept to wrap and add member functions for types like int, char, float.
Bind almost any type to an alias name. A proof of concept with the 'loophole' skills. This is NOT for any production use. This is NOT supported officially by standard, although this works in GCC.
A demo for programming in Chinese in Codeblocks. This needs C++20 / UTF-8 compiler, and Windows 10. I do not use Windows 11. I have no idea how to configure that registry options in Windows 11.