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Pulseq-zero allows to define MRI sequences with the Python1 port of Pulseq2: PyPulseq3, and use them within MR-zero4. This way they are deeply integrated in a differentiable digital twin, enabling not only the simulation of the defined sequence but also the efficient optimization of any sequence parameter and any loss function, using the power of PyTorch5 and gradient-descent with backpropagation.

Pulseq-zero uses PDG6, a fast, analytical and physically exact simulation model that calculates signals that are comparable to in-vivo measurements within seconds. At the same time, the required changes to the sequence code are minimal; Pulseq-zero exports the optimized sequence works by simply using the installed PyPulseq without any interference.

Table of contents

  1. General Information
  2. Usage
  3. Development
  4. API
  5. References

1. General Information

Pulseq-zero can be cloned from this repository but is also hosted on PyPI, install it locally with:

pip install pulseqzero


Pulseq-zero does not define or require any dependencies. That being said, it models the API of PyPulseq 1.4.2 and is only tested with that version of PyPulseq; Using it for scripts that are written for other versions of PyPulseq might lead to unexpected results or errors if function names, arguments or behaviour changed.

Pulseq-zero was displayed at ESMRMB 2024! You can view the abstract here: abstract/ This project is affiliated with MR-zero and PDG but none of the other technologies. It relies on the following amazing projects:

  • Python is the programming language used for Pulseq-zero
  • Pulseq is a vendor-agnostic library and file format for sequence definition and transfer to real systems
  • PyPulseq is the port of Pulseq to Python
  • MR-zero is a digital twin of the full measurement and reconstruction pipeline for sequence optimization and discovery
  • PyTorch is an ecosystem of tools for efficient tensor math with GPU accelleration, autograd through backpropagation and a wide variety of optimizers
  • PDG (short for Phase Distribution Graphs) is a state-of-the-art Bloch simulation that produces accurate MRI signals for any sequence, orders of magnitude faster than other approaches

2. Usage

Example scripts are provided in the tests folder. They are modified versions of the PyPulseq 1.4.2 examples found here. The changes that are typically necessary to convert from a pypulseq sequence script to Pulseq-zero are as follows:

Import pulseq

Change the python imports to access all functions via the Pulseq-zero facade: A wrapper that can switch between the pulseq - MR-zero interface and the real pypulseq.


import pypulseq as pp

# Build a sequence...
seq = pp.Sequence()


import pulseqzero
pp = pulseqzero.pp_impl
# Use exactly as before...
seq = pp.Sequence()

Define the sequence

Wrap the sequence code in a function. This is not a necessity but a best practice for better code organization and done in newer pypulseq examples as well. Namely, it allows to:

  • switch executing the sequence script with pypulseq and write a .seq file and simulation with MR-zero
  • define sequence parameter as function arguments for re-creating the sequence with different settings
  • easily use the sequence definition in an optimization loop.

The result is something like the following example:

def my_gre_seq(TR, TE):
  seq = pp.Sequence()

  # ... create your sequence ...
  seq.add_block(pp.make_delay(TR - 3e-3)) # use the parameters in any way
  # ... more sequence creation ...

  return seq


The sequence definition can now be used in many ways!

  • Using with pulseq for plotting and exporting:
    seq = my_gre_seq(14e-3, 5e-3)
  • Using with MR-zero for simulation:
    import MRzeroCore as mr0
    # Data loading and other imports
    with pulseqzero.mr0_mode():
      seq = my_gre_seq(14e-3, 5e-3).to_mr0()
    graph = mr0.compute_graph(seq, sim_data)
    signal = mr0.execute_graph(graph, seq, sim_data)
    reco = mr0.reco_adjoint(signal, seq.get_kspace())
  • Using pulseq-zero helpers to simplify common tasks even more!
    # Define some target_image which we try to achieve
    TR = torch.tensor(14e-3)
    TE = torch.tensor(5e-3)
    for iter in range(100):
      pulseqzero.optimize(my_gre_seq, target_image, TR, TE)
    # Back to using plain old pypulseq for export again!
    # The pulseq-zero magic is disabled outside of all special calls but theparameters remain optimized
    seq = my_gre_seq(TR, TE)

3. Development

If you want to contribute to Pulseq-zero or make local changes to it, the easiest way is to install it locally in editable mode:

  1. Create a virtual environment that can use globally installed packages
python -m venv --system-site-packages .venv
  1. Activate this environment
# Windows CMD
# Linux bash
$ source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install pulseq-zero in the virtual enviornment in editable mode
pip install --editable .

4. API

Additional API

Pulseq requires many events to align with the block-, gradient- or ADC raster. For this, rounding is necessary, which is not differentiable. As a workaround, Pulseq-zero includes differentiable rounding functions, which are wrappers around the corresponding PyTorch functions, but which behave like the identity function for backpropagation. This means they are invisible to the calculation of gradients, which is okay as long as the rounding is small compared to the changes to the optimized parameters, which is typically the case with small raster times.

my_param = torch.tensor(1.5, requires_grad=True)
some_calc = pp.round(torch.sin(my_param))

assert some_calc == 1
assert my_param.grad == torch.cos(my_param)

Use pulseq-zeros rounding functions instead of e.g. those of numpy or torch if it is applied to timings (or other sequence properties) that are part of an optimization.

In the mr0_mode context, all PyPulseq functions are swapped for Pulseq-zero implementations that track all calls so that the sequence can be converted to MR-zero later:

with pulseqzero.mr0_mode():
  seq = build_my_seq()

If you use some functions that are only available in PyPulseq but not Pulseq-zero (PNS computations or similar), you can check if mr0_mode is activated:

if pulseqzero.is_mr0_mode():

Finally, the sequence object returned in mr0_mode has one method that is not available otherwise and forms the central point of Pulseq-zero:

with pulseqzero.mr0_mode():
  seq = build_my_seq()
  # This function here
  mr0_seq = seq.to_mr0()
  # Now do some simulations with mr0_seq!

PyPulseq API

The following is a list of all functions and methods exposed in PyPulseq 1.4.2 when importing it directly. Pulseq-zero tries to provide all of those - it is currently not planned to cover other functions that are available internally in PyPulseq but not exposed this way. If you need one of them, file an issue or submit a pull request.

Not all functions on this list will be supported: Pulseq-zero does not aim to translate functions that are not differentiable or would require to emulate large portions of inner workings of PyPulseq if they are rarely used, other functions will not do any actual work (like test reports) as they are not useful when simulating / optimizing sequences. The list tracks the progress on deciding which function to support and implementing them if desired. Functions that behave differently to PyPulseq are listed in the following sections.

  • calc_SAR
  • Sequence
    • __init__
    • __str__
    • adc_times
    • add_block
    • calculate_gradient_spectrum
    • calculate_kspace
    • calculate_kspacePP
    • calculate_pns
    • check_timing
    • duration
    • evaluate_labels
    • flip_grad_axis
    • get_block
    • get_definition
    • get_extension_type_ID
    • get_extension_type_string
    • get_gradients
    • mod_grad_axis
    • plot
    • read
    • register_adc_event
    • register_grad_event
    • register_label_event
    • register_rf_event
    • remove_duplicates
    • rf_from_lib_data
    • rf_times
    • set_block
    • set_definition
    • set_extension_string_ID
    • test_report
    • waveforms
    • waveforms_and_times
    • waveforms_export
    • write
  • add_gradients
  • align
  • calc_duration
  • calc_ramp
  • calc_rf_bandwidth
  • calc_rf_center
  • make_adc
  • make_adiabatic_pulse
  • make_arbitrary_grad
  • make_arbitrary_rf
  • make_block_pulse
  • make_delay
  • make_digital_output_pulse
  • make_extended_trapezoid
  • make_extended_trapezoid_area
  • make_gauss_pulse
  • make_label
  • make_sinc_pulse
  • make_trapezoid
  • sigpy
    • SigpyPulseOpts
    • sigpy_n_seq
    • make_slr
    • make_sms
  • make_trigger
  • Opts
    • __init__
    • set_as_default
    • reset_default
    • __str__
  • points_to_waveform
  • rotate
  • scale_grad
  • split_gradient
  • split_gradient_at
  • get_supported_labels
  • traj_to_grad

Disabled in mr0 mode

These will in mr0 mode either return the specified value or don't exist so using them raises an error. The reason for disabling is either that a differentiable re-implementation is out of scope of pulseq-zero (e.g.: pulse optimization) or not sensible (like sequence loding).

function return value
calc_SAR (True, [])
Sequence.calculate_pns error
Sequence.check_timing None
Sequence.evaluate_labels error
Sequence.plot None error
Sequence.write None or "" depending on create_signature
Sequence.register_*_event error - is only used internally
sigpy error
make_adiabatic_pulse error
make_label None
make_extended_trapezoid_area error
calc_rf_bandwidth returns zeroes as mr0 mode doesn't store pulse shapes
calc_rf_center returns (shape_dur / 2, 0) - mr0 mode ignores (assymetric) pulse shapes
points_to_waveform error

Altered behaviour

Some functions are only partially supported in mr0 mode and / or some aspects are missing in simulation. In general, pulseq-zero tries not to include every single attribute that exists in pypulseq to reduce bloat; if scripts rely on them existing (even if they are ignored even in pypulseq) they can be added to the objects created in the make_ functions even if they don't affect anything. Some pypulseq functions round to raster times, which is not done in mr0 mode for differentiability. Pypulseq does many more checks on timing or other parameters that are not checked by pulseq-zero. These are not listed here, but note that some scripts that don't run otherwise might run in mr0 mode. Pulses have no shape, center_pos will influence the returned gzr but nothing else - TODO should be considered when converting timing to mr0

function remarks
make_trigger, make_digital_output_pulse returns Delay, ignores rest
make_adc has no dead_time property
make_arbitrary_rf, make_block_pulse, make_gauss_pulse, make_sinc_pulse returned object has no signal or t attribute (waveform is not computed) but has an added flip_angle
make_trapezoid area, flat_area are calculated properties, no attributes first, last or use, signal or t
make_sinc_pulse has no dead_time, ringdown_time or use properties
make_gauss_pulse has no dead_time, ringdown_time, use, signal or t
make_arbitrary_rf has no dead_time, ringdown_time, use, signal or t
calc_duration adc doesn't include dead_time (pypulseq bug), only includes trigger delay (see make_trigger)
make_arbitrary_grad no first or last
make_extended_trapezoid skipping some checks and ignoring convert_to_arbitrary; area is a computed property, no first or last
make_extended_trapezoid_area Implementation copied from pypulseq, not yet differentiable (can't optimize parameters of gradients created with this function)
add_gradients Implementation copied from pypulseq, not yet differentiable (can't optimize parameters of gradients created with this function)
Sequence way less internal bookkeeping, most variables are missing, reports etc. are not calculated

5. References


  1. python programming language:

  2. Layton K et al: Pulseq: A rapid and hardware-independent pulse sequence prototyping framework. MRM 2017, doi: 10.1002/mrm.26235

  3. Keerthi SR et al: PyPulseq: A Python Package for MRI Pulse Sequence Design. JOSS 2019, doi: 10.21105/joss.01725

  4. Loktyushin A et al: MRzero - Automated discovery of MRI sequences using supervised learning. MRM 2021, doi: 10.1002/mrm.28727

  5. Paszke A et al: PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library. arxiv 2019, doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1912.01703

  6. Endres J et al: Phase distribution graphs for fast, differentiable, and spatially encoded Bloch simulations of arbitrary MRI sequences. MRM 2024, doi: 10.1002/mrm.30055


Automatic optimization of pulseq sequences







No packages published
