"Quantum Playground" is an innovative platform housing diverse projects at the intersection of quantum computing and Natural Language Processing (QNLP). Notable among them is a Qiskit-powered Sentiment Analysis project, harnessing quantum computing's potential for nuanced sentiment understanding. Additionally, the platform hosts minor projects, including Encryption Decryption and Random Number Generation, showcasing the versatility of Qiskit in varied quantum tasks and its integration with NLP advancements
Sentiment Analysis Model made by Quantum Natural Language Processing and Traditional VADER.
Uses QNLP Library QISKIT to use features like QuantumCircuit, Transpile, Aer, Assemble.
Uses Matplotlib and Axes3D to create Bloch Vector
Mini Data Encryption And Decryption application using Qiskit.
Clone the repository
$ git clone https://github.com/puranjayb/Quantum-Playground.git $ cd Quantum-Playground
Install dependencies
$ npm install
Start the server
$ npm run build $ npm run preview
Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the server
$ uvicorn --reload app:main.py
Puranjay B |
Chidambaram A |
Diya V
Deeksha A
Arvind A