💙 A set of files used to implement a simple customer wishlist on a Shopify store
Laravel Bridge for the Symfony Form Component
A skeleton repository for Spatie's Laravel Packages
A skeleton repository for Spatie's PHP Packages
Lets you find a path to the system CA bundle, and includes a fallback to the Mozilla CA bundle.
The checklist that is used when a project is going live
Chrome extension that records your browser interactions and generates a Playwright or Puppeteer script.
PHP Censor is an open source self-hosted continuous integration server for PHP projects.
Image recognition open source index and search engine
Image annotation site and API to enable the distributed annotation of museum images.
Mirror of Asqatasun ---> we've moved to GITLAB - Opensource web site analyser, used for web accessibility "a11y"
Quickly create responsive HTML emails that work on any device and client. Even Outlook.
Unsurprising JavaScript - No longer active
a node.js plugin to integrate nw.js/electron games with steamworks
Call all Node.js modules directly from DOM/WebWorker and enable a new way of writing applications with all Web technologies.
alistapart / salted
Forked from rodriguezcommaj/saltedSalted: A responsive email template
A responsive image polyfill for <picture>, srcset, sizes, and more
A simple and attractive code quality tool for CSS built on top of LESS
Email Blueprints is a collection of HTML email templates that can serve as a solid foundation and starting point for the design of emails
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
A workflow for building Backbone applications.
Allows for automatic Image fallbacks for browsers that can't handle SVGs