A powerful iOS SDK for real-time communication using enabling seamless push messages and real-time interactions in your iOS applications.
- Real-time bidirectional streaming
- User targeting with IDs, tags, and metadata
- Customizable push messages with dynamic templates
- Automatic connection management
- Support for experiments and A/B testing
- iOS 13.0+
- Swift 5.0+
- Swift Package Manager
Get started with Pushlytic in your iOS app - it's quick and easy!
- Open Xcode and go to
File > Add Packages...
- Enter the package URL:
- Set the dependency rule to Up to Next Minor Version, starting at
- Add the package to your desired target
Note: We're rapidly improving Pushlytic! 🚀 During our pre-1.0 phase:
- Minor version updates (0.x.0) may include exciting new features and improvements that could have breaking changes
- Using "Up to Next Minor" ensures you get all bug fixes while maintaining stability
- Once we hit 1.0.0, we'll follow strict semantic versioning with "Up to Next Major Version"
Join us early and help shape the future of push infrastructure! Your feedback and use cases are invaluable as we move toward our 1.0.0 release.
import SwiftUI
import Pushlytic
struct YourApp: App {
private let messagingDelegate: MessageHandler
init() {
self.messagingDelegate = MessageHandler()
// Initialize Pushlytic with delegate
Pushlytic.configure(with: Pushlytic.Configuration(apiKey: "YOUR_API_KEY"))
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// Open a connection to start receiving messages
// Later, when you want to stop receiving messages:
// - Set clearState to false to allow automatic reconnection on app foreground
// - Set clearState to true to clear all connection metadata and prevent automatic reconnection
Pushlytic.endStream(clearState: false)
// Ensure the stream is opened before registering connection data
// Open a connection to start receiving messages
// You must open the stream first before registering connection data, such as user ID, tags, or metadata.
// Register user ID
// Add tags for targeting
Pushlytic.registerTags(["premium_user", "electronics"])
// Set user metadata
"first_name": "John",
"account_type": "premium"
class MessageHandler: PushlyticDelegate {
func pushlytic(didReceiveMessage message: String) {
// Handle raw message string
print("Received message: \(message)")
// Parse message into a custom type
struct CustomMessage: Codable {
let id: String
let content: String
Pushlytic.parseMessage(message) { (customMessage: CustomMessage) in
print("Parsed message - ID: \(customMessage.id), Content: \(customMessage.content)")
} errorHandler: { error in
print("Failed to decode message: \(error)")
func pushlytic(didChangeConnectionStatus status: ConnectionStatus) {
switch status {
case .connected:
print("Connected to message stream")
case .disconnected:
print("Disconnected from message stream")
case .error(let error):
print("Connection error: \(error)")
case .timeout:
print("Connection timeout")
The SDK provides a convenient way to parse incoming JSON messages into Swift types:
// Define your message types
struct CustomMessage: Codable {
let id: String
let content: String
let metadata: MessageMetadata
struct MessageMetadata: Codable {
let timestamp: Date
let priority: String
// Parse incoming messages
Pushlytic.parseMessage(jsonString) { (message: CustomMessage) in
// Access typed message properties
print("Message ID: \(message.id)")
print("Content: \(message.content)")
print("Timestamp: \(message.metadata.timestamp)")
} errorHandler: { error in
print("Parsing error: \(error)")
An example app demonstrating usage of Pushlytic SDK features is available in the Examples/
directory. It showcases:
- Stream connection
- Message handling
- User segmentation
- Metadata-driven personalization
- Examples/: Contains a fully functional example app demonstrating SDK usage
- Sources/: Core SDK functionality
- Tests/: Unit tests for SDK components
Contributions are welcome! Please see the CONTRIBUTING.md
file for guidelines on submitting issues, feature requests, and pull requests.
Pushlytic iOS SDK is available under the MIT License. See the LICENSE
file for more information.
- For security vulnerabilities, contact our security team at [email protected]
- For general support, reach out to [email protected] or visit our documentation site