- Email: [email protected]
- Github: pwliuab
- Branch_name: front-end&&back-end-code
- Responsible for web construction including backend and frontend.
- Heatmap drawing using D3.js
- (Front-end : react.js && D3.js && Flourish && Material UI && SVG integration) && (Back-end : node.js && express.js && MongoDB && Postman)
- website demo video shooting
- Data preprocessing : python pandas https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1HnLGZdriaiNi9juI7g-VdcquSlBKkpgR
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: lvvv-318
- Dev ID: lvvv-318
- responsible for text cloud visualization, dotplot visualization. preprocess data using colab
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: yliugt
- Dev ID:
- responsible for partI Analysis--relationship of countries' performance and its economic factors
- Email: [email protected]
- Github: yhouaj
- Dev ID: yolo_branch
- responsible for part I & II Analysis - trend of total medal and trend of sports-wise comparsion
- OS : Windows
- tools : atom (for javascript coding), colab (for python pandas data preprocessing), Postman (for backend-testing), React library(npm front-end && backend), flourish , Excel, MongoDB (databse)
- data preprocessing : python -> pandas
(dataset : 2021 Tokyo Olympics Dataset (Information of Medals),Countries of the World Dataset (Information of different countries),120 Years of Olympic History Dataset (Historical Data))
- front-end : react-js, D3-js ( installation of node js )-> (command of installing react: npx create-react-app my-app)
- back-end : node.js, express.js, Postman
- database : mongo db ( you need to set up mongo db and create database and collection before take a look to front-end )
(or you go to history before 2/12 's update to get front-end with d3.csv() fetching which can fetched data directly)
- front-end : front-end&&back-end-code -> comp4462-app [ commmand: npm install -> npm start ]
- back-end : front-end&&back-end-code -> comp4462-server node.js -> get csv files -> send json back to client side [ support get post and put ]
- database : mongo db {we have setted it up , it can be used if deployment is needed}
- Readme.md and team repository
- backend environment set-up
- frontend environment set-up
- work division
- data preprocessing of race bar chart
- data preprocessing of parallel chart
- data preprocessing of heatMap
- data visualization of heatMap
- data visualization of race bar chart
- data visualization of parallel chart
- Documentation of coding
- ppt preparation
- presentation rehearsal
- video filming
- coding collection
- system documentation
- system adjustment
- backend handling
- To be done