A super-simple set of pagination tools for Django 1.8+
The full documentation will soon be at https://dj-paginator.readthedocs.io.
- Super simple code base.
- Easy to create and switch themes.
- Really good documentation! (coming soon)
- Really good tests! (coming soon)
- Class-Based View mixin so you don't need to load template tags (coming soon)
Install dj-paginator:
pip install dj-paginator
In your installed apps:
INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'paginator' ]
In your list view:
class MyListView(ListView): model = MyModel paginate_by = 10
In your list view template:
{% load paginator_tags %} {% paginator %}
# Currently defaults to bootstrap. # I'll add foundation soon. PAGINATOR_THEME = 'foundation'
{% load paginator_tags %} {# Is the default #} {% bootstrap_paginator %} {# For when I add the foundation theme#} {% foundation_paginator %}