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Python gRPC Client for EventStoreDB

This Python package provides multithreaded and asyncio Python clients for the EventStoreDB database.

The multithreaded EventStoreDBClient is described in detail below. Please scroll down for information about AsyncEventStoreDBClient.

These clients have been developed and are being maintained in a collaboration with the EventStoreDB team, and are officially support by Event Store Ltd. Although not all aspects of the EventStoreDB gRPC API are implemented, many of the most useful features are presented in an easy-to-use interface.

These clients have been tested to work with EventStoreDB LTS versions 22.10 and 23.10, and release candidates 24.2 and 24.6, without and without SSL/TLS, with both single-server and cluster modes, and with Python versions 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11 and 3.12.

The test suite has 100% line and branch coverage. The code has typing annotations checked strictly with mypy. The code is formatted with black and isort, and checked with flake8. Poetry is used for package management during development, and for building and publishing distributions to PyPI.

For an example of usage, see the eventsourcing-eventstoredb package.


The EventStoreDBClient class can be imported from the esdbclient package.

Probably the three most useful methods of EventStoreDBClient are:

  • append_to_stream() This method can be used to record new events in a particular "stream". This is useful, for example, when executing a command in an application that mutates an aggregate. This method is "atomic" in that either all or none of the events will be recorded.

  • get_stream() This method can be used to retrieve all the recorded events in a "stream". This is useful, for example, when reconstructing an aggregate from recorded events before executing a command in an application that creates new events.

  • subscribe_to_all() This method can be used to receive all recorded events in the database. This is useful, for example, in event-processing components because it supports processing events with "exactly-once" semantics.

The example below uses an "insecure" EventStoreDB server running locally on port 2113.

import uuid

from esdbclient import EventStoreDBClient, NewEvent, StreamState

# Construct EventStoreDBClient with an EventStoreDB URI. The
# connection string URI specifies that the client should
# connect to an "insecure" server running on port 2113.

client = EventStoreDBClient(

# Generate new events. Typically, domain events of different
# types are generated in a domain model, and then serialized
# into NewEvent objects. An aggregate ID may be used as the
# name of a stream in EventStoreDB.

stream_name1 = str(uuid.uuid4())
event1 = NewEvent(
    data=b'{"order_number": "123456"}'
event2 = NewEvent(
event3 = NewEvent(

# Append new events to a new stream. The value returned
# from the append_to_stream() method is the overall
# "commit position" in the database of the last new event
# recorded by this operation. The returned "commit position"
# may be used in a user interface to poll an eventually
# consistent event-processing component until it can
# present an up-to-date materialized view. New events are
# each allocated a "stream position", which is the next
# available position in the stream, starting from 0.

commit_position1 = client.append_to_stream(
    events=[event1, event2],

# Append events to an existing stream. The "current version"
# is the "stream position" of the last recorded event in a
# stream. We have recorded two new events, so the "current
# version" is 1. The exception 'WrongCurrentVersion' will be
# raised if an incorrect value is given.

commit_position2 = client.append_to_stream(

# - allocated commit positions increase monotonically
assert commit_position2 > commit_position1

# Get events recorded in a stream. This method returns
# a sequence of recorded event objects. The recorded
# event objects may be deserialized to domain event
# objects of different types and used to reconstruct
# an aggregate in a domain model.

recorded_events = client.get_stream(

# - stream 'stream_name1' now has three events
assert len(recorded_events) == 3

# - allocated stream positions are zero-based and gapless
assert recorded_events[0].stream_position == 0
assert recorded_events[1].stream_position == 1
assert recorded_events[2].stream_position == 2

# - event attribute values are recorded faithfully
assert recorded_events[0].type == "OrderCreated"
assert recorded_events[0].data == b'{"order_number": "123456"}'
assert recorded_events[0].id ==

assert recorded_events[1].type == "OrderSubmitted"
assert recorded_events[1].data == b'{}'
assert recorded_events[1].id ==

assert recorded_events[2].type == "OrderCancelled"
assert recorded_events[2].data == b'{}'
assert recorded_events[2].id ==

# Start a catch-up subscription from last recorded position.
# This method returns a "catch-up subscription" object,
# which can be iterated over to obtain recorded events.
# The iterator will not stop when there are no more recorded
# events to be returned, but instead will block, and then continue
# when further events are recorded. It can be used as a context
# manager so that the underlying streaming gRPC call to the database
# can be cancelled cleanly in case of any error.

received_events = []
with client.subscribe_to_all(commit_position=0) as subscription:

    # Iterate over the catch-up subscription. Process each recorded
    # event in turn. Within an atomic database transaction, record
    # the event's "commit position" along with any new state generated
    # by processing the event. Use the component's last recorded commit
    # position when restarting the catch-up subscription.

    for event in subscription:

        if event.commit_position == commit_position2:
            # Break so we can continue with the example.

# - events are received in the order they were recorded
assert received_events[-3].type == "OrderCreated"
assert received_events[-3].data == b'{"order_number": "123456"}'
assert received_events[-3].id ==

assert received_events[-2].type == "OrderSubmitted"
assert received_events[-2].data == b'{}'
assert received_events[-2].id ==

assert received_events[-1].type == "OrderCancelled"
assert received_events[-1].data == b'{}'
assert received_events[-1].id ==

# Close the client's gRPC connection.


Install package

It is recommended to install Python packages into a Python virtual environment.

From PyPI

You can use pip to install this package directly from the Python Package Index.

$ pip install esdbclient

With Poetry

You can use Poetry to add this package to your pyproject.toml and install it.

$ poetry add esdbclient

EventStoreDB server

The EventStoreDB server can be run locally using the official Docker container image.

Run container

For development, you can run a "secure" EventStoreDB server using the following command.

$ docker run -d --name eventstoredb-secure -it -p 2113:2113 --env "HOME=/tmp" --dev

As we will see, your client will need an EventStoreDB connection string URI as the value of its uri constructor argument. The connection string for this "secure" EventStoreDB server would be:


To connect to a "secure" server, you will usually need to include a "username" and a "password" in the connection string, so that the server can authenticate the client. With EventStoreDB, the default username is "admin" and the default password is "changeit".

When connecting to a "secure" server, you may also need to provide an SSL/TLS certificate as the value of the root_certificates constructor argument. If the server certificate is publicly signed, the root certificates of the certificate authority may be installed locally and picked up by the grpc package from a default location. The client uses the root SSL/TLS certificate to authenticate the server. For development, you can either use the SSL/TLS certificate of a self-signing certificate authority used to create the server's certificate. Or, when using a single-node cluster, you can just use the server certificate itself, getting the server certificate with the following Python code.

import ssl

server_certificate = ssl.get_server_certificate(addr=('localhost', 2113))

Alternatively, you can start an "insecure" server using the following command.

$ docker run -d --name eventstoredb-insecure -it -p 2113:2113 --insecure

The connection string URI for this "insecure" server would be:


As we will see, when connecting to an "insecure" server, there is no need to include a "username" and a "password" in the connection string. If you do, these values will be ignored by the client, so that they are not sent over an insecure channel.

Please note, the "insecure" connection string uses a query string with the field-value Tls=false. The value of this field is by default true.

Stop container

To stop and remove the "secure" container, use the following Docker commands.

$ docker stop eventstoredb-secure
$ docker rm eventstoredb-secure

To stop and remove the "insecure" container, use the following Docker commands.

$ docker stop eventstoredb-insecure
$ docker rm eventstoredb-insecure

EventStoreDB client

This EventStoreDB client is implemented in the esdbclient package with the EventStoreDBClient class.

Import class

The EventStoreDBClient class can be imported from the esdbclient package.

from esdbclient import EventStoreDBClient

Construct client

The EventStoreDBClient class has one required constructor argument, uri, and three optional constructor argument, root_certificates, private_key, and certificate_chain.

The uri argument is expected to be an EventStoreDB connection string URI that conforms with the standard EventStoreDB "esdb" or "esdb+discover" URI schemes.

The client must be configured to create a "secure" connection to a "secure" server, or alternatively an "insecure" connection to an "insecure" server. By default, the client will attempt to create a "secure" connection. And so, when connecting to an "insecure" server, the connection string must specify that the client should attempt to make an "insecure" connection by using the URI query string field-value Tls=false.

The optional root_certificates argument can be either a Python str or a Python bytes object containing PEM encoded SSL/TLS certificate(s), and is used by to authenticate the server to the client. When connecting to an "insecure" service, the value of this argument will be ignored. When connecting to a "secure" server, it may be necessary to set this argument. Typically, the value of this argument would be the public certificate of the certificate authority that was responsible for generating the certificate used by the EventStoreDB server. It is unnecessary to set this value in this case if certificate authority certificates are installed locally, such that the Python grpc library can pick them up from a default location. Alternatively, for development, you can use the server's certificate itself. The value of this argument is passed directly to grpc.ssl_channel_credentials().

The optional private_key and certificate_chain arguments are both either a Python str or a Python bytes object. These arguments may be used to authenticate the client to the server. It is necessary to provide correct values for these arguments when connecting to a "secure" server that is running the commercial edition of EventStoreDB with the User Certificates plugin enabled. The value of private_key should be the X.509 user certificate's private key in PEM format. The value of certificate_chain should be the X.509 user certificate itself in PEM format. The values of these arguments are passed directly to grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(). When connecting to an "insecure" service, the values of these arguments will be ignored. Please note, an alternative way of supplying the client with a user certificate and private key is to use the UserCertFile and UserKeyFile field-values of the connection string URI query string (see below). If the UserCertFile field-value is specified, the certificate_chain argument will be ignored. If the UserKeyFile field-value is specified, the public_key argument will be ignored.

In the example below, constructor argument values for uri and root_certificates are taken from the operating system environment.

import os

client = EventStoreDBClient(

Connection strings

An EventStoreDB connection string is a URI that conforms with one of two possible schemes: either the "esdb" scheme, or the "esdb+discover" scheme.

The syntax and semantics of the EventStoreDB URI schemes are described below. The syntax is defined using EBNF.

Two schemes

The "esdb" URI scheme can be defined in the following way.

esdb-uri = "esdb://" , [ user-info , "@" ] , grpc-target, { "," , grpc-target } , [ "?" , query-string ] ;

In the "esdb" URI scheme, after the optional user info string, there must be at least one gRPC target. If there are several gRPC targets, they must be separated from each other with the "," character.

Each gRPC target should indicate an EventStoreDB gRPC server socket, all in the same EventStoreDB cluster, by specifying a host and a port number separated with the ":" character. The host may be a hostname that can be resolved to an IP address, or an IP address.

grpc-target = ( hostname | ip-address ) , ":" , port-number ;

If there is one gRPC target, the client will simply attempt to connect to this server, and it will use this connection when recording and retrieving events.

If there are two or more gRPC targets, the client will attempt to connect to the Gossip API of each in turn, attempting to obtain information about the cluster from it, until information about the cluster is obtained. A member of the cluster is then selected by the client according to the "node preference" specified by the connection string URI. The client will then close its connection and connect to the selected node without the 'round robin' load balancing strategy. If the "node preference" is "leader", and after connecting to a leader, if the leader becomes a follower, the client will reconnect to the new leader.

The "esdb+discover" URI scheme can be defined in the following way.

esdb-discover-uri = "esdb+discover://" , [ user-info, "@" ] , cluster-domainname, [ ":" , port-number ] , [ "?" , query-string ] ;

In the "esdb+discover" URI scheme, after the optional user info string, there should be a domain name which identifies a cluster of EventStoreDB servers. Individual nodes in the cluster should be declared with DNS 'A' records.

The client will use the cluster domain name with the gRPC library's 'round robin' load balancing strategy to call the Gossip APIs of addresses discovered from DNS 'A' records. Information about the EventStoreDB cluster is obtained from the Gossip API. A member of the cluster is then selected by the client according to the "node preference" option. The client will then close its connection and connect to the selected node without the 'round robin' load balancing strategy. If the "node preference" is "leader", and after connecting to a leader, if the leader becomes a follower, the client will reconnect to the new leader.

User info string

In both the "esdb" and "esdb+discover" schemes, the URI may include a user info string. If it exists in the URI, the user info string must be separated from the rest of the URI with the "@" character. The user info string must include a username and a password, separated with the ":" character.

user-info = username , ":" , password ;

The user info is sent by the client in a "basic auth" authorization header in each gRPC call to a "secure" server. This authorization header is used by the server to authenticate the client. The Python gRPC library does not allow call credentials to be transferred to "insecure" servers.

Query string

In both the "esdb" and "esdb+discover" schemes, the optional query string must be one or many field-value arguments, separated from each other with the "&" character.

query-string = field-value, { "&", field-value } ;

Each field-value argument must be one of the supported fields, and an appropriate value, separated with the "=" character.

field-value = ( "Tls", "=" , "true" | "false" )
            | ( "TlsVerifyCert", "=" , "true" | "false" )
            | ( "ConnectionName", "=" , string )
            | ( "NodePreference", "=" , "leader" | "follower" | "readonlyreplica" | "random" )
            | ( "DefaultDeadline", "=" , integer )
            | ( "GossipTimeout", "=" , integer )
            | ( "MaxDiscoverAttempts", "=" , integer )
            | ( "DiscoveryInterval", "=" , integer )
            | ( "KeepAliveInterval", "=" , integer )
            | ( "KeepAliveTimeout", "=" , integer ) ;
            | ( "UserCertFile", "=" , string ) ;
            | ( "UserKeyFile", "=" , string ) ;

The table below describes the query string field-values supported by this client.

Field Value Description
Tls "true", "false" (default: "true") If "true" the client will create a "secure" gRPC channel. If "false" the client will create an "insecure" gRPC channel. This must match the server configuration.
TlsVerifyCert "true", "false" (default: "true") This value is currently ignored.
ConnectionName string (default: auto-generated version-4 UUID) Sent in call metadata for every call, to identify the client to the cluster.
NodePreference "leader", "follower", "readonlyreplica", "random" (default: "leader") The node state preferred by the client. The client will select a node from the cluster info received from the Gossip API according to this preference.
DefaultDeadline integer (default: None) The default value (in seconds) of the timeout argument of client "write" methods such as append_to_stream().
GossipTimeout integer (default: 5) The default value (in seconds) of the timeout argument of gossip read methods, such as read_gossip().
MaxDiscoverAttempts integer (default: 10) The number of attempts to read gossip when connecting or reconnecting to a cluster member.
DiscoveryInterval integer (default: 100) How long to wait (in milliseconds) between gossip retries.
KeepAliveInterval integer (default: None) The value (in milliseconds) of the "grpc.keepalive_ms" gRPC channel option.
KeepAliveTimeout integer (default: None) The value (in milliseconds) of the "grpc.keepalive_timeout_ms" gRPC channel option.
UserCertFile string (default: None) Absolute filesystem path to file containing the X.509 user certificate in PEM format.
UserKeyFile string (default: None) Absolute filesystem path to file containing the X.509 user certificate's private key in PEM format.

Please note, the client is insensitive to the case of fields and values. If fields are repeated in the query string, the query string will be parsed without error. However, the connection options used by the client will use the value of the first field. All the other field-values in the query string with the same field name will be ignored. Fields without values will also be ignored.

If the client's node preference is "follower" and there are no follower nodes in the cluster, then the client will raise an exception. Similarly, if the client's node preference is "readonlyreplica" and there are no read-only replica nodes in the cluster, then the client will also raise an exception.

The gRPC channel option "grpc.max_receive_message_length" is automatically configured to the value 17 * 1024 * 1024. This value cannot be configured.


Here are some examples of EventStoreDB connection string URIs.

The following URI will cause the client to make an "insecure" connection to gRPC target 'localhost:2113'. Because the client's node preference is "follower", methods that can be called on a follower should complete successfully, methods that require a leader will raise a NodeIsNotLeader exception.


The following URI will cause the client to make an "insecure" connection to gRPC target 'localhost:2113'. Because the client's node preference is "leader", if this node is not a leader, then a NodeIsNotLeader exception will be raised by all methods.


The following URI will cause the client to make a "secure" connection to gRPC target 'localhost:2113' with username 'admin' and password 'changeit' as the default call credentials when making calls to the EventStoreDB gRPC API. Because the client's node preference is "leader", by default, if this node is not a leader, then a NodeIsNotLeader exception will be raised by all methods.


The following URI will cause the client to make "secure" connections, firstly to get cluster info from either 'localhost:2111', or 'localhost:2112', or 'localhost:2113'. Because the client's node preference is "leader", the client will select the leader node from the cluster info and reconnect to the leader. If the "leader" node becomes a "follower" and another node becomes "leader", then the client will reconnect to the new leader.


The following URI will cause the client to make "secure" connections, firstly to get cluster info from either 'localhost:2111', or 'localhost:2112', or 'localhost:2113'. Because the client's node preference is "follower", the client will select a follower node from the cluster info and reconnect to this follower. Please note, if the "follower" node becomes the "leader", the client will not reconnect to a follower -- such behavior may be implemented in a future version of the client and server.


The following URI will cause the client to make "secure" connections, firstly to get cluster info from addresses in DNS 'A' records for '', and then to connect to a "leader" node. The client will use a default timeout of 5 seconds when making calls to EventStore API "write" methods.

esdb+discover://admin:[email protected]?DefaultDeadline=5

The following URI will cause the client to make "secure" connections, firstly to get cluster info from addresses in DNS 'A' records for '', and then to connect to a "leader" node. It will configure gRPC connections with a "keep alive interval" and a "keep alive timeout".

esdb+discover://admin:[email protected]?KeepAliveInterval=10000&KeepAliveTimeout=10000

Event objects

This package defines a NewEvent class and a RecordedEvent class. The NewEvent class should be used when writing events to the database. The RecordedEvent class is used when reading events from the database.

New events

The NewEvent class should be used when writing events to an EventStoreDB database. You will need to construct new event objects before calling append_to_stream().

The NewEvent class is a frozen Python dataclass. It has two required constructor arguments (type and data) and three optional constructor arguments (metadata, content_type and id).

The required type argument is a Python str, used to describe the type of domain event that is being recorded.

The required data argument is a Python bytes object, used to state the serialized data of the domain event that is being recorded.

The optional metadata argument is a Python bytes object, used to indicate any metadata of the event that will be recorded. The default value is an empty bytes object.

The optional content_type argument is a Python str, used to indicate the kind of data that is being recorded. The default value is 'application/json', which indicates that the data was serialised using JSON. An alternative value for this argument is the more general indication 'application/octet-stream'.

The optional id argument is a Python UUID object, used to specify the unique ID of the event that will be recorded. If no value is provided, a new version-4 UUID will be generated.

new_event1 = NewEvent(
    data=b'{"name": "Greg"}',
assert new_event1.type == 'OrderCreated'
assert == b'{"name": "Greg"}'
assert new_event1.metadata == b''
assert new_event1.content_type == 'application/json'
assert isinstance(, uuid.UUID)

event_id = uuid.uuid4()
new_event2 = NewEvent(
    metadata=b'{"a": 1}',
assert new_event2.type == 'ImageCreated'
assert == b'01010101010101'
assert new_event2.metadata == b'{"a": 1}'
assert new_event2.content_type == 'application/octet-stream'
assert == event_id

Recorded events

The RecordedEvent class is used when reading events from an EventStoreDB database. The client will return event objects of this type from all methods that return recorded events, such as get_stream(), subscribe_to_all(), and read_subscription_to_all(). You do not need to construct recorded event objects.

Like NewEvent, the RecordedEvent class is a frozen Python dataclass. It has all the attributes that NewEvent has (type, data, metadata, content_type, id) that follow from an event having been recorded, and some additional attributes that follow from the recording of an event (stream_name, stream_position, commit_position, recorded_at). It also has a link attribute, which is None unless the recorded event is a "link event" that has been "resolved" to the linked event. And it has a retry_count which has an integer value when receiving recorded events from persistence subscriptions, otherwise the value of retry_count is None.

The type attribute is a Python str, used to indicate the type of an event that was recorded.

The data attribute is a Python bytes object, used to indicate the data of an event that was recorded.

The metadata attribute is a Python bytes object, used to indicate the metadata of an event that was recorded.

The content_type attribute is a Python str, used to indicate the type of data that was recorded for an event. It is usually 'application/json', indicating that the data can be parsed as JSON. Alternatively, it is 'application/octet-stream'.

The id attribute is a Python UUID object, used to indicate the unique ID of an event that was recorded.

The stream_name attribute is a Python str, used to indicate the name of a stream in which an event was recorded.

The stream_position attribute is a Python int, used to indicate the position in a stream at which an event was recorded.

In EventStoreDB, a "stream position" is an integer representing the position of a recorded event in a stream. Each recorded event is recorded at a position in a stream. Each stream position is occupied by only one recorded event. New events are recorded at the next unoccupied position. All sequences of stream positions are zero-based and gapless.

The commit_position attribute is a Python int, used to indicate the position in the database at which an event was recorded.

In EventStoreDB, a "commit position" is an integer representing the position of a recorded event in the database. Each recorded event is recorded at a position in the database. Each commit position is occupied by only one recorded event. Commit positions are zero-based and increase monotonically as new events are recorded. But, unlike stream positions, the sequence of successive commit positions is not gapless. Indeed, there are usually large differences between the commit positions of successively recorded events.

Please note, in EventStoreDB 21.10, the commit_position of all RecordedEvent objects obtained from read_stream() is None, whereas those obtained from read_all() have the actual commit position of the recorded event. This was changed in version 22.10, so that event objects obtained from both get_stream() and read_all() have the actual commit position. The commit_position attribute of the RecordedEvent class is annotated with the type Optional[int] for this reason only.

The recorded_at attribute is a Python datetime, used to indicate when an event was recorded by the database.

The link attribute is an optional RecordedEvent that carries information about a "link event" that has been "resolved" to the linked event. This allows access to the link event attributes when link events have been resolved, for example access to the correct event ID to be used when acknowledging or negatively acknowledging link events. Link events are "resolved" when the resolve_links argument is True and when replaying parked events (negatively acknowledging an event received from a persistent subscription with the 'park' action will create a link event, and when parked event are replayed they are received as resolved events). The ack_id property helps with obtaining the correct event ID to use when acknowledging or negatively acknowledging events received from persistent subscriptions.

The retry_count is a Python int, used to indicate the number of times a persistent subscription has retried sending the event to a consumer.

from dataclasses import dataclass
from datetime import datetime

class RecordedEvent:
    Encapsulates event data that has been recorded in EventStoreDB.

    type: str
    data: bytes
    metadata: bytes
    content_type: str
    id: UUID
    stream_name: str
    stream_position: int
    commit_position: Optional[int]
    recorded_at: Optional[datetime] = None
    link: Optional["RecordedEvent"] = None
    retry_count: Optional[int] = None

    def ack_id(self) -> UUID:
        if is not None:

    def is_system_event(self) -> bool:
        return self.type.startswith("$")

    def is_link_event(self) -> bool:
        return self.type == "$>"

    def is_resolved_event(self) -> bool:
        return is not None

    def is_checkpoint(self) -> bool:
        return False

The property ack_id can be used to obtain the correct event ID to ack() or nack() events received when reading persistent subscriptions. The returned value is either the value of the id attribute of the link attribute, if link is not None, otherwise it is the value of the id attribute.

The property is_system_event indicates whether the event is a "system event". System events have a type value that starts with '$'.

The property is_link_event indicates whether the event is a "link event". Link events have a type value of '$>'.

The property is_resolve_event indicates whether the event has been resolved from a "link event". The returned value is True if link is not None.

The property is_checkpoint is False. This can be used to identify Checkpoint instances returned when receiving events from include_checkpoints=True.


In EventStoreDB, a "stream" is a sequence of recorded events that all have the same "stream name". There will normally be many streams in a database, each with many recorded events. Each recorded event has a position in its stream (the "stream position"), and a position in the database (the "commit position"). Stream positions are zero-based and gapless. Commit positions are also zero-based, but are not gapless.

The methods append_to_stream(), get_stream() and read_all() can be used to read and record in the database.

Append events

requires leader

The append_to_stream() method can be used atomically to record a sequence of new events. If the operation is successful, it returns the commit position of the last event in the sequence that has been recorded.

This method has three required arguments, stream_name, current_version and events.

The required stream_name argument is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream to which a sequence of events will be appended.

The required current_version argument is expected to be either a Python int that indicates the stream position of the last recorded event in the stream, or StreamState.NO_STREAM if the stream does not yet exist or has been deleted. The stream positions are zero-based and gapless, so that if a stream has two events, the current_version should be 1. If an incorrect value is given, this method will raise a WrongCurrentVersion exception. This behavior is designed to provide concurrency control when recording new events. The correct value of current_version for any stream can be obtained by calling get_current_version(). However, the typical approach is to reconstruct an aggregate from the recorded events, so that the version of the aggregate is the stream position of the last recorded event, then have the aggregate generate new events, and then use the current version of the aggregate as the value of the current_version argument when appending the new aggregate events. This ensures the consistency of the recorded aggregate events, because operations that generate new aggregate events can be retried with a freshly reconstructed aggregate if a WrongCurrentVersion exception is encountered when recording new events. This controlling behavior can be entirely disabled by setting the value of the current_version argument to the constant StreamState.ANY. More selectively, this behaviour can be disabled for existing streams by setting the value of the current_version argument to the constant StreamState.EXISTS.

The required events argument is expected to be a sequence of new event objects. The NewEvent class should be used to construct new event objects. The append_to_stream() operation is atomic, so that either all or none of the new events will be recorded. It is not possible with EventStoreDB atomically to record new events in more than one stream.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, a new event, event1, is appended to a new stream. The stream does not yet exist, so current_version is StreamState.NO_STREAM.

# Construct a new event object.
event1 = NewEvent(type='OrderCreated', data=b'{}')

# Define a new stream name.
stream_name1 = str(uuid.uuid4())

# Append the new events to the new stream.
commit_position1 = client.append_to_stream(

In the example below, two subsequent events are appended to an existing stream. The stream has one recorded event, so current_version is 0.

event2 = NewEvent(type='OrderUpdated', data=b'{}')
event3 = NewEvent(type='OrderDeleted', data=b'{}')

commit_position2 = client.append_to_stream(
    events=[event2, event3],

The returned values, commit_position1 and commit_position2, are the commit positions in the database of the last events in the recorded sequences. That is, commit_position1 is the commit position of event1 and commit_position2 is the commit position of event3.

Commit positions that are returned in this way can be used by a user interface to poll a downstream component until it has processed all the newly recorded events. For example, consider a user interface command that results in the recording of new events, and an eventually consistent materialized view in a downstream component that is updated from these events. If the new events have not yet been processed, the view might be stale, or out-of-date. Instead of displaying a stale view, the user interface can poll the downstream component until it has processed the newly recorded events, and then display an up-to-date view to the user.

Idempotent append operations

The append_to_stream() method is "idempotent" with respect to the id value of a NewEvent object. That is to say, if append_to_stream() is called with events whose id values are equal to those already recorded in the stream, then the method call will successfully return, with the commit position of the last new event, without making any changes to the database.

This is because sometimes it may happen, when calling append_to_stream(), that the new events are successfully recorded, but somehow something bad happens before the method call can return successfully to the caller. In this case, we cannot be sure that the events have in fact been recorded, and so we may wish to retry.

If the events were in fact successfully recorded, it is convenient for the retried method call to return successfully, and without either raising an exception (when current_version is either StreamState.NO_STREAM an integer value) or creating further event records (when current_version is StreamState.ANY or StreamState.EXISTS), as it would if the append_to_stream() method were not idempotent.

If the method call initially failed and the new events were not in fact recorded, it makes good sense, when the method call is retried, that the new events are recorded and that the method call returns successfully. If the concurrency controls have not been disabled, that is if the current version is either StreamState.NO_STREAM or an integer value, and if a WrongCurrentVersion exception is raised when retrying the method call, then we can assume both that the initial method call did not in fact successfully record the events, and also that subsequent events have in the meantime been recorded by somebody else. In this case, an application command which generated the new events may need to be executed again. And the user of the application may need to be given an opportunity to decide if they still wish to proceed with their original intention, by displaying a suitable error with an up-to-date view of the recorded state. In the case where concurrency controls have been disabled, by using StreamState.ANY or StreamState.EXISTS as the value of current_version, retrying a method call that failed to return successfully will, more simply, just attempt to ensure the new events are recorded, regardless of their resulting stream positions. In either case, when the method call does return successfully, we can be sure the events have been recorded.

The example below shows the append_to_stream() method being called again with events event2 and event3, and with current_version=0. We can see that repeating the call to append_to_stream() returns successfully without raising a WrongCurrentVersion exception, as it would if the append_to_stream() operation were not idempotent.

# Retry appending event3.
commit_position_retry = client.append_to_stream(
    events=[event2, event3],

We can see that the same commit position is returned as above.

assert commit_position_retry == commit_position2

The example below shows the append_to_stream() method being called again with events event2 and event3, with and current_version=StreamState.ANY.

# Retry appending event3.
commit_position_retry = client.append_to_stream(
    events=[event2, event3],

We can see that the same commit position is returned as above.

assert commit_position_retry == commit_position2

By calling get_stream(), we can also see the stream has been unchanged. That is, there are still only three events in the stream.

events = client.get_stream(

assert len(events) == 3

This idempotent behaviour depends on the id attribute of the NewEvent class. This attribute is, by default, assigned a new and unique version-4 UUID when an instance of NewEvent is constructed. To set the id value of a NewEvent, the optional id constructor argument can be used when constructing NewEvent objects.

Read stream events

The read_stream() method can be used to get events that have been appended to a stream. This method returns a "read response" object.

A "read response" object is a Python iterator. Recorded events can be obtained by iterating over the "read response" object. Recorded events are streamed from the server to the client as the iteration proceeds. The iteration will automatically stop when there are no more recorded events to be returned. The streaming of events, and hence the iterator, can also be stopped by calling the stop() method on the "read response" object.

The get_stream() method can be used to get events that have been appended to a stream. This method returns a Python tuple of recorded event objects. The recorded event objects are instances of the RecordedEvent class. It calls read_stream() and passes the "read response" iterator into a Python tuple, so that the streaming will complete before the method returns.

The read_stream() and get_stream() methods have one required argument, stream_name.

The required stream_name argument is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream from which recorded events will be returned.

The read_stream() and get_stream() methods also have six optional arguments, stream_position, backwards, resolve_links, limit, timeout, and credentials.

The optional stream_position argument is a Python int that can be used to indicate the position in the stream from which to start reading. The default value of stream_position is None. When reading a stream from a specific position in the stream, the recorded event at that position will be included, both when reading forwards from that position, and when reading backwards.

The optional backwards argument is a Python bool. The default value of backwards is False, which means the stream will be read forwards, so that events are returned in the order they were recorded. If backwards is True, the events are returned in reverse order.

If backwards is False and stream_position is None, the stream's events will be returned in the order they were recorded, starting from the first recorded event. If backwards is True and stream_position is None, the stream's events will be returned in reverse order, starting from the last recorded event.

The optional resolve_links argument is a Python bool. The default value of resolve_links is False, which means any event links will not be resolved, so that the events that are returned may represent event links. If resolve_links is True, any event links will be resolved, so that the linked events will be returned instead of the event links.

The optional limit argument is a Python int which restricts the number of events that will be returned. The default value of limit is sys.maxint.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI. A suitable value for this argument can be constructed by calling the client method construct_call_credentials().

The example below shows the default behavior, which is to return all the recorded events of a stream forwards from the first recorded events to the last.

events = client.get_stream(

assert len(events) == 3
assert events[0] == event1
assert events[1] == event2
assert events[2] == event3

The example below shows how to use the stream_position argument to read a stream from a specific stream position to the end of the stream. Stream positions are zero-based, and so stream_position=1 corresponds to the second event that was recorded in the stream, in this case event2.

events = client.get_stream(

assert len(events) == 2
assert events[0] == event2
assert events[1] == event3

The example below shows how to use the backwards argument to read a stream backwards.

events = client.get_stream(

assert len(events) == 3
assert events[0] == event3
assert events[1] == event2
assert events[2] == event1

The example below shows how to use the limit argument to read a limited number of events.

events = client.get_stream(

assert len(events) == 2
assert events[0] == event1
assert events[1] == event2

The read_stream() and get_stream() methods will raise a NotFound exception if the named stream has never existed or has been deleted.

from esdbclient.exceptions import NotFound

except NotFound:
    pass  # The stream does not exist.
    raise Exception("Shouldn't get here")

Please note, the get_stream() method is decorated with the @autoreconnect and @retrygrpc decorators, whilst the read_stream() method is not. This means that all errors due to connection issues will be caught by the retry and reconnect decorators when calling the get_stream() method, but not when calling read_stream(). The read_stream() method has no such decorators because the streaming only starts when iterating over the "read response" starts, which means that the method returns before the streaming starts, and so there is no chance for any decorators to catch any connection issues.

For the same reason, read_stream() will not raise a NotFound exception when the stream does not exist, until iterating over the "read response" object begins.

If you are reading a very large stream, then you might prefer to call read_stream(), and begin iterating through the recorded events whilst they are being streamed from the server, rather than both waiting and having them all accumulate in memory.

Get current version

The get_current_version() method is a convenience method that essentially calls get_stream() with backwards=True and limit=1. This method returns the value of the stream_position attribute of the last recorded event in a stream. If a stream does not exist, the returned value is StreamState.NO_STREAM. The returned value is the correct value of current_version when appending events to a stream, and when deleting or tombstoning a stream.

This method has one required argument, stream_name.

The required stream_name argument is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream from which a stream position will be returned.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, the last stream position of stream_name1 is obtained. Since three events have been appended to stream_name1, and because positions in a stream are zero-based and gapless, so the current version is 2.

current_version = client.get_current_version(

assert current_version == 2

If a stream has never existed or has been deleted, the returned value is StreamState.NO_STREAM, which is the correct value of the current_version argument both when appending the first event of a new stream, and also when appending events to a stream that has been deleted.

current_version = client.get_current_version(

assert current_version is StreamState.NO_STREAM

How to implement snapshotting with EventStoreDB

Snapshots can improve the performance of aggregates that would otherwise be reconstructed from very long streams. However, it is generally recommended to design aggregates to have a finite lifecycle, and so to have relatively short streams, thereby avoiding the need for snapshotting. This "how to" section is intended merely to show how snapshotting of aggregates can be implemented with EventStoreDB using this Python client.

Event-sourced aggregates are typically reconstructed from recorded events by calling a mutator function for each recorded event, evolving from an initial state None to the current state of the aggregate. The function get_aggregate() shows how this can be done. The aggregate ID is used as a stream name. The exception AggregateNotFound is raised if the aggregate stream is not found.

class AggregateNotFound(Exception):
    """Raised when an aggregate is not found."""

def get_aggregate(aggregate_id, mutator_func):
    stream_name = aggregate_id

    # Get recorded events.
        events = client.get_stream(
    except NotFound as e:
        raise AggregateNotFound(aggregate_id) from e
        # Reconstruct aggregate from recorded events.
        aggregate = None
        for event in events:
            aggregate = mutator_func(aggregate, event)
        return aggregate

Snapshotting of aggregates can be implemented by recording the current state of an aggregate as a new event.

If an aggregate object has a version number that corresponds to the stream position of the last event that was used to reconstruct the aggregate, and this version number is recorded in the snapshot metadata, then any events that are recorded after the snapshot can be selected using this version number. The aggregate can then be reconstructed from the last snapshot and any subsequent events, without having to replay the entire history.

We will use a separate stream for an aggregate's snapshots that is named after the stream used for recording its events. The name of the snapshot stream will be constructed by prefixing the aggregate's stream name with 'snapshot-$'.


def make_snapshot_stream_name(stream_name):
    return f'{SNAPSHOT_STREAM_NAME_PREFIX}{stream_name}'

def remove_snapshot_stream_prefix(snapshot_stream_name):
    assert snapshot_stream_name.startswith(SNAPSHOT_STREAM_NAME_PREFIX)
    return snapshot_stream_name[len(SNAPSHOT_STREAM_NAME_PREFIX):]

Now, let's redefine the get_aggregate() function, so that it looks for a snapshot event, then selects subsequent aggregate events, and then calls a mutator function for each recorded event.

Notice that the aggregate events are read from a stream for serialized aggregate events, whilst the snapshot is read from a separate stream for serialized aggregate snapshots. We will use JSON to serialize and deserialize event data.

import json

def get_aggregate(aggregate_id, mutator_func):
    stream_name = aggregate_id
    recorded_events = []

    # Look for a snapshot.
        snapshots = client.get_stream(
    except NotFound:
        stream_position = None
        assert len(snapshots) == 1
        snapshot = snapshots[0]
        stream_position = deserialize(snapshot.metadata)['version'] + 1

    # Get subsequent events.
        events = client.get_stream(
    except NotFound as e:
        raise AggregateNotFound(aggregate_id) from e
        recorded_events += events

    # Reconstruct aggregate from recorded events.
    aggregate = None
    for event in recorded_events:
        aggregate = mutator_func(aggregate, event)

    return aggregate

def serialize(d):
    return json.dumps(d).encode('utf8')

def deserialize(s):
    return json.loads(s.decode('utf8'))

To show how get_aggregate() can be used, let's define a Dog aggregate class, with attributes name and tricks. The attributes id and version will indicate an aggregate object's ID and version number. The attribute is_from_snapshot is added here merely to demonstrate below when an aggregate object has been reconstructed using a snapshot.

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Aggregate:
    id: str
    version: int
    is_from_snapshot: bool

class Dog(Aggregate):
    name: str
    tricks: list

Let's also define a mutator function mutate_dog() that evolves the state of a Dog aggregate given various different types of events, 'DogRegistered', 'DogLearnedTrick', and 'Snapshot'.

def mutate_dog(dog, event):
    data = deserialize(
    if event.type == 'DogRegistered':
        return Dog(
    elif event.type == 'DogLearnedTrick':
        assert event.stream_position == dog.version + 1
        assert event.stream_name ==, (event.stream_name,
        return Dog(
            tricks=dog.tricks + [data['trick']],
    elif event.type == 'Snapshot':
        return Dog(
        raise Exception(f"Unknown event type: {event.type}")

For convenience, let's also define a get_dog() function that calls get_aggregate() with the mutate_dog() function as the value of its mutator_func argument.

def get_dog(dog_id):
    return get_aggregate(

We can also define some "command" functions that append new events to the database. The register_dog() function appends a DogRegistered event. The record_trick_learned() appends a DogLearnedTrick event. The function snapshot_dog() appends a Snapshot event. Notice that the record_trick_learned() and snapshot_dog() functions use get_dog().

Notice also that the DogRegistered and DogLearnedTrick events are appended to a stream for aggregate events, whilst the Snapshot event is appended to a separate stream for aggregate snapshots.

def register_dog(name):
    dog_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
    event = NewEvent(
        data=serialize({'name': name}),
    return dog_id

def record_trick_learned(dog_id, trick):
    dog = get_dog(dog_id)
    event = NewEvent(
        data=serialize({'trick': trick}),

def snapshot_dog(dog_id):
    dog = get_dog(dog_id)
    event = NewEvent(
        data=serialize({'name':, 'tricks': dog.tricks}),
        metadata=serialize({'version': dog.version}),

We can call register_dog() to register a new dog.

# Register a new dog.
dog_id = register_dog('Fido')

dog = get_dog(dog_id)
assert == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == []
assert dog.version == 0
assert dog.is_from_snapshot is False

We can call record_trick_learned() to record that some tricks have been learned.

# Record that 'Fido' learned a new trick.
record_trick_learned(dog_id, trick='roll over')

dog = get_dog(dog_id)
assert == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == ['roll over']
assert dog.version == 1
assert dog.is_from_snapshot is False

# Record that 'Fido' learned another new trick.
record_trick_learned(dog_id, trick='fetch ball')

dog = get_dog(dog_id)
assert == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == ['roll over', 'fetch ball']
assert dog.version == 2
assert dog.is_from_snapshot is False

We can call snapshot_dog() to record a snapshot of the current state of the Dog aggregate. After we call snapshot_dog(), the get_dog() function will return a Dog object that has been constructed using the Snapshot event.

# Snapshot 'Fido'.

dog = get_dog(dog_id)
assert == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == ['roll over', 'fetch ball']
assert dog.version == 2
assert dog.is_from_snapshot is True

We can continue to evolve the state of the Dog aggregate, using the snapshot both during the call to record_trick_learned() and when calling get_dog() directly.

record_trick_learned(dog_id, trick='sit')

dog = get_dog(dog_id)
assert == 'Fido'
assert dog.tricks == ['roll over', 'fetch ball', 'sit']
assert dog.version == 3
assert dog.is_from_snapshot is True

We can see from the is_from_snapshot attribute that the Dog object was indeed reconstructed from the snapshot.

Snapshots can be created at fixed version number intervals, fixed time periods, after a particular type of event, immediately after events are appended, or as a background process.

Read all events

The read_all() method can be used to get all recorded events in the database in the order they were recorded. This method returns a "read response" object, just like read_stream().

A "read response" is an iterator, and not a sequence. Recorded events can be obtained by iterating over the "read response" object. Recorded events are streamed from the server to the client as the iteration proceeds. The iteration will automatically stop when there are no more recorded events to be returned. The streaming of events, and hence the iterator, can also be stopped by calling the stop() method on the "read response" object. The recorded event objects are instances of the RecordedEvent class.

This method has nine optional arguments, commit_position, backwards, resolve_links, filter_exclude, filter_include, filter_by_stream_name, limit, timeout, and credentials.

The optional commit_position argument is a Python int that can be used to specify a commit position from which to start reading. The default value of commit_position is None. Please note, if a commit position is specified, it must be an actually existing commit position in the database. When reading forwards, the event at the commit position may be included, depending upon the filter. When reading backwards, the event at the commit position will not be included.

The optional backwards argument is a Python bool. The default of backwards is False, which means events are returned in the order they were recorded, If backwards is True, then events are returned in reverse order.

If backwards is False and commit_position is None, the database's events will be returned in the order they were recorded, starting from the first recorded event. This is the default behavior of read_all(). If backwards is True and commit_position is None, the database's events will be returned in reverse order, starting from the last recorded event.

The optional resolve_links argument is a Python bool. The default value of resolve_links is False, which means any event links will not be resolved, so that the events that are returned may represent event links. If resolve_links is True, any event links will be resolved, so that the linked events will be returned instead of the event links.

The optional filter_exclude argument is a sequence of regular expressions that specifies which recorded events should be returned. This argument is ignored if filter_include is set to a non-empty sequence. The default value of this argument matches the event types of EventStoreDB "system events", so that system events will not normally be included. See the Notes section below for more information about filter expressions.

The optional filter_include argument is a sequence of regular expressions that specifies which recorded events should be returned. By default, this argument is an empty tuple. If this argument is set to a non-empty sequence, the filter_exclude argument is ignored.

The optional filter_by_stream_name argument is a Python bool that indicates whether the filtering will apply to event types or stream names. By default, this value is False and so the filtering will apply to the event type strings of recorded events.

The optional limit argument is an integer which restricts the number of events that will be returned. The default value is sys.maxint.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The filtering of events is done on the EventStoreDB server. The limit argument is applied on the server after filtering.

The example below shows how to get all the events we have recorded in the database so far, in the order they were recorded. We can see the three events of stream_name1 (event1, event2 and event3) are included, along with others.

# Read all events (creates a streaming gRPC call).
read_response = client.read_all()

# Convert the iterator into a sequence of recorded events.
events = tuple(read_response)
assert len(events) > 3  # more than three

# Convert the sequence of recorded events into a set of event IDs.
event_ids = set( for e in events)
assert in event_ids
assert in event_ids
assert in event_ids

The example below shows how to read all recorded events in the database from a particular commit position, in this case commit_position1. When reading forwards from a specific commit position, the event at the specified position will be included. The value of commit_position1 is the position we obtained when appending event1. And so event1 is the first recorded event we shall receive, event2 is the second, and event3 is the third.

# Read all events forwards from a commit position.
read_response = client.read_all(

# Step through the "read response" iterator.
assert next(read_response) == event1
assert next(read_response) == event2
assert next(read_response) == event3

# Stop the iterator.

The example below shows how to read all events recorded in the database in reverse order. We can see that the first events we receive are the last events that were recorded: the events of the Dog aggregate from the section about snapshotting and the snapshot.

# Read all events backwards from the end.
read_response = client.read_all(

# Step through the "read response" iterator.
assert next(read_response).type == "DogLearnedTrick"
assert next(read_response).type == "Snapshot"
assert next(read_response).type == "DogLearnedTrick"
assert next(read_response).type == "DogLearnedTrick"
assert next(read_response).type == "DogRegistered"

# Stop the iterator.

The example below shows how to read a limited number of events forwards from a specific commit position.

events = tuple(

assert len(events) == 1
assert events[0] == event1

The example below shows how to read a limited number of the recorded events in the database backwards from the end. In this case, the limit is 1, and so we receive the last recorded event.

events = tuple(

assert len(events) == 1

assert events[0].type == 'DogLearnedTrick'
assert deserialize(events[0].data)['trick'] == 'sit'

Please note, like the read_stream() method, the read_all() method is not decorated with retry and reconnect decorators, because the streaming of recorded events from the server only starts when iterating over the "read response" starts, which means that the method returns before the streaming starts, and so there is no chance for any decorators to catch any connection issues.

Get commit position

The get_commit_position() method can be used to get the commit position of the last recorded event in the database. It simply calls read_all() with backwards=True and limit=1, and returns the value of the commit_position attribute of the last recorded event.

commit_position = client.get_commit_position()

This method has five optional arguments, filter_exclude, filter_include, filter_by_stream_name, timeout and credentials. These values are passed to read_all().

The optional filter_exclude, filter_include and filter_by_stream_name arguments work in the same way as they do in the read_all() method.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

This method might be used to measure progress of a downstream component that is processing all recorded events, by comparing the current commit position with the recorded commit position of the last successfully processed event in a downstream component. In this case, the value of the filter_exclude, filter_include and filter_by_stream_name arguments should equal those used by the downstream component to obtain recorded events.

Get stream metadata

The get_stream_metadata() method returns the metadata for a stream, along with the version of the stream metadata.

This method has one required argument, stream_name, which is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream for which a stream metadata will be obtained.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, metadata for stream_name1 is obtained.

metadata, metadata_version = client.get_stream_metadata(stream_name=stream_name1)

The returned metadata value is a Python dict. The returned metadata_version value is either an int if the stream exists, or StreamState.NO_STREAM if the stream does not exist and no metadata has been set. These values can be used as the arguments of set_stream_metadata().

Set stream metadata

requires leader

The method set_stream_metadata() sets metadata for a stream. Stream metadata can be set before appending events to a stream.

This method has one required argument, stream_name, which is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream for which a stream metadata will be set.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, metadata for stream_name1 is set.

metadata["foo"] = "bar"


The current_version argument should be the current version of the stream metadata obtained from get_stream_metadata().

Please refer to the EventStoreDB documentation for more information about stream metadata.

Delete stream

requires leader

The method delete_stream() can be used to "delete" a stream.

This method has two required arguments, stream_name and current_version.

The required stream_name argument is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream to which a sequence of events will be appended.

The required current_version argument is expected to be either a Python int that indicates the stream position of the last recorded event in the stream.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, stream_name1 is deleted.

commit_position = client.delete_stream(stream_name=stream_name1, current_version=2)

After deleting a stream, it's still possible to append new events. Reading from a deleted stream will return only events that have been appended after it was deleted.

Tombstone stream

requires leader

The method tombstone_stream() can be used to "tombstone" a stream.

This method has two required arguments, stream_name and current_version.

The required stream_name argument is a Python str that uniquely identifies a stream to which a sequence of events will be appended.

The required current_version argument is expected to be either a Python int that indicates the stream position of the last recorded event in the stream.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, stream_name1 is tombstoned.

commit_position = client.tombstone_stream(stream_name=stream_name1, current_version=2)

After tombstoning a stream, it's not possible to append new events.

Catch-up subscriptions

A "catch-up" subscription can be used to receive events that have already been recorded and events that are recorded subsequently. A catch-up subscription can be used by an event-processing component that processes recorded events with "exactly-once" semantics.

The subscribe_to_all() method starts a catch-up subscription that can receive all events in the database. The subscribe_to_stream() method starts a catch-up subscription that can receive events from a specific stream. Both methods return a "catch-up subscription" object, which is a Python iterator. Recorded events can be obtained by iteration. Recorded event objects obtained in this way are instances of the RecordedEvent class.

Before the "catch-up subscription" object is returned to the caller, the client will firstly obtain a "confirmation" response from the server, which allows the client to detect that both the gRPC connection and the streaming gRPC call is operational. For this reason, the subscribe_to_all() and subscribe_to_stream() methods are both usefully decorated with the reconnect and retry decorators. However, once the method has returned, the decorators will have exited, and any exceptions that are raised due to connection issues whilst iterating over the subscription object will have to be handled by your code.

A "catch-up subscription" iterator will not automatically stop when there are no more events to be returned, but instead the iteration will block until new events are subsequently recorded in the database. Any subsequently recorded events will then be immediately streamed to the client, and the iteration will then continue. The streaming of events, and hence the iteration, can be stopped by calling the stop() method on the "catch-up subscription" object.

Subscribe to all events

Thesubscribe_to_all() method can be used to start a catch-up subscription from which all events recorded in the database can be obtained in the order they were recorded. This method returns a "catch-up subscription" iterator.

This method also has ten optional arguments, commit_position, from_end, resolve_links, filter_exclude, filter_include, filter_by_stream_name, include_checkpoints, include_caught_up, timeout and credentials.

The optional commit_position argument specifies a commit position. The default value of commit_position is None, which means the catch-up subscription will start from the first recorded event in the database. If a commit position is given, it must match an actually existing commit position in the database. Only events recorded after that position will be obtained.

The optional from_end argument specifies whether or not the catch-up subscription will start from the last recorded event in the database. By default, this argument is False. If from_end is True, only events recorded after the subscription is started will be obtained. This argument will be disregarded if commit_position is not None.

The optional resolve_links argument is a Python bool. The default value of resolve_links is False, which means any event links will not be resolved, so that the events that are returned may represent event links. If resolve_links is True, any event links will be resolved, so that the linked events will be returned instead of the event links.

The optional filter_exclude argument is a sequence of regular expressions that specifies which recorded events should be returned. This argument is ignored if filter_include is set to a non-empty sequence. The default value of this argument matches the event types of EventStoreDB "system events", so that system events will not normally be included. See the Notes section below for more information about filter expressions.

The optional filter_include argument is a sequence of regular expressions that specifies which recorded events should be returned. By default, this argument is an empty tuple. If this argument is set to a non-empty sequence, the filter_exclude argument is ignored.

The optional filter_by_stream_name argument is a Python bool that indicates whether the filtering will apply to event types or stream names. By default, this value is False and so the filtering will apply to the event type strings of recorded events.

The optional include_checkpoints argument is a Python bool which indicates whether "checkpoint" messages should be included when recorded events are received. Checkpoints have a commit_position value that can be used by an event processing component to update its recorded commit position value, so that, when lots of events are being filter out, the subscriber does not have to start from the same old position when the event processing component is restarted.

The optional include_caught_up argument is a Python bool which indicates whether "caught up" messages should be included when recorded events are received. The default value of include_caught_up is False.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The example below shows how to start a catch-up subscription that starts from the first recorded event in the database.

# Subscribe from the first recorded event in the database.
catchup_subscription = client.subscribe_to_all()

The example below shows that catch-up subscriptions do not stop automatically, but block when the last recorded event is received, and then continue when subsequent events are recorded.

from time import sleep
from threading import Thread

# Append a new event to a new stream.
stream_name2 = str(uuid.uuid4())
event4 = NewEvent(type='OrderCreated', data=b'{}')


# Receive events from the catch-up subscription in a different thread.
received_events = []

def receive_events():
    for event in catchup_subscription:

def wait_for_event(event):
    for _ in range(100):
        for received in reversed(received_events):
            if event == received:
        raise AssertionError("Event wasn't received")

thread = Thread(target=receive_events, daemon=True)

# Wait to receive event4.

# Append another event whilst the subscription is running.
event5 = NewEvent(type='OrderUpdated', data=b'{}')

# Wait for the subscription to block.

# Stop the subscription.

The example below shows how to subscribe to events recorded after a particular commit position, in this case from the commit position of the last recorded event that was received above. Then, another event is recorded before the subscription is restarted. And three more events are recorded whilst the subscription is running. These four events are received in the order they were recorded.

# Append another event.
event6 = NewEvent(type='OrderDeleted', data=b'{}')

# Restart subscribing to all events after the
# commit position of the last received event.
catchup_subscription = client.subscribe_to_all(

thread = Thread(target=receive_events, daemon=True)

# Wait for event6.

# Append three more events to a new stream.
stream_name3 = str(uuid.uuid4())
event7 = NewEvent(type='OrderCreated', data=b'{}')
event8 = NewEvent(type='OrderUpdated', data=b'{}')
event9 = NewEvent(type='OrderDeleted', data=b'{}')

    events=[event7, event8, event9],

# Wait for events 7, 8 and 9.

# Stop the subscription.

The catch-up subscription call is ended as soon as the subscription object's stop() method is called. This happens automatically when it goes out of scope, or when it is explicitly deleted from memory using the Python del keyword.

Subscribe to stream events

The subscribe_to_stream() method can be used to start a catch-up subscription from which events recorded in a single stream can be obtained. This method returns a "catch-up subscription" iterator.

This method has a required stream_name argument, which specifies the name of the stream from which recorded events will be received.

This method also has six optional arguments, stream_position, from_end, resolve_links, include_caught_up, timeout and credentials.

The optional stream_position argument specifies a position in the stream from which to start subscribing. The default value of stream_position is None, which means that all events recorded in the stream will be obtained in the order they were recorded, unless from_end is set to True. If a stream position is given, then only events recorded after that position will be obtained.

The optional from_end argument specifies that the subscription will start from the last position in the stream. The default value of from_end is False. If from_end is True, then only events recorded after the subscription was created will be obtained. This argument if ignored is stream_position is set.

The optional resolve_links argument is a Python bool. The default value of resolve_links is False, which means any event links will not be resolved, so that the events that are returned may represent event links. If resolve_links is True, any event links will be resolved, so that the linked events will be returned instead of the event links.

The optional include_caught_up argument is a Python bool which indicates whether "caught up" messages should be included when recorded events are received. The default value of include_caught_up is False.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The example below shows how to start a catch-up subscription from the first recorded event in a stream.

# Subscribe from the start of 'stream2'.
subscription = client.subscribe_to_stream(stream_name=stream_name2)

The example below shows how to start a catch-up subscription from a particular stream position.

# Subscribe to stream2, from the second recorded event.
subscription = client.subscribe_to_stream(

How to implement exactly-once event processing

The commit positions of recorded events that are received and processed by a downstream component are usefully recorded by the downstream component, so that the commit position of last processed event can be determined when processing is resumed.

The last recorded commit position can be used to specify the commit position from which to subscribe when processing is resumed. Since this commit position will represent the position of the last successfully processed event in a downstream component, so it will be usual to want the next event after this position, because that is the next event that has not yet been processed. For this reason, when subscribing for events from a specific commit position using a catch-up subscription in EventStoreDB, the recorded event at the specified commit position will NOT be included in the sequence of recorded events that are received.

To accomplish "exactly-once" processing of recorded events in a downstream component when using a catch-up subscription, the commit position of a recorded event should be recorded atomically and uniquely along with the result of processing recorded events, for example in the same database as materialised views when implementing eventually-consistent CQRS, or in the same database as a downstream analytics or reporting or archiving application. By recording the commit position of recorded events atomically with the new state that results from processing recorded events, "dual writing" in the consumption of recorded events can be avoided. By also recording the commit position uniquely, the new state cannot be recorded twice, and hence the recorded state of the downstream component will be updated only once for any recorded event. By using the greatest recorded commit position to resume a catch-up subscription, all recorded events will eventually be processed. The combination of the "at-most-once" condition and the "at-least-once" condition gives the "exactly-once" condition.

The danger with "dual writing" in the consumption of recorded events is that if a recorded event is successfully processed and new state recorded atomically in one transaction with the commit position recorded in a separate transaction, one may happen and not the other. If the new state is recorded but the position is lost, and then the processing is stopped and resumed, the recorded event may be processed twice. On the other hand, if the commit position is recorded but the new state is lost, the recorded event may effectively not be processed at all. By either processing an event more than once, or by failing to process an event, the recorded state of the downstream component might be inaccurate, or possibly inconsistent, and perhaps catastrophically so. Such consequences may or may not matter in your situation. But sometimes inconsistencies may halt processing until the issue is resolved. You can avoid "dual writing" in the consumption of events by atomically recording the commit position of a recorded event along with the new state that results from processing that event in the same atomic transaction. By making the recording of the commit positions unique, so that transactions will be rolled back when there is a conflict, you will prevent the results of any duplicate processing of a recorded event being committed.

Recorded events received from a catch-up subscription cannot be acknowledged back to the EventStoreDB server. Acknowledging events, however, is an aspect of "persistent subscriptions". Hoping to rely on acknowledging events to an upstream component is an example of dual writing.

Persistent subscriptions

In EventStoreDB, "persistent" subscriptions are similar to catch-up subscriptions, in that reading a persistent subscription will block when there are no more recorded events to be received, and then continue when new events are subsequently recorded.

Persistent subscriptions can be consumed by a group of consumers operating with one of the supported "consumer strategies".

The significant different with persistent subscriptions is the server will keep track of the progress of the consumers. The consumer of a persistent subscription will therefore need to "acknowledge" when a recorded event has been processed successfully, and otherwise "negatively acknowledge" a recorded event that has been received but was not successfully processed.

All of this means that for persistent subscriptions there are "create", "read", "update" "delete", "ack", and "nack" operations to consider.

Whilst there are some advantages of persistent subscriptions, in particular the concurrent processing of recorded events by a group of consumers, by tracking in the server the position in the commit sequence of events that have been processed, the issue of "dual writing" in the consumption of events arises. Reliability in the processing of recorded events by a group of persistent subscription consumers will rely on their idempotent handling of duplicate messages, and their resilience to out-of-order delivery.

Create subscription to all

requires leader

The create_subscription_to_all() method can be used to create a "persistent subscription" to all the recorded events in the database across all streams.

This method has a required group_name argument, which is the name of a "group" of consumers of the subscription.

This method has nineteen optional arguments, from_end, commit_position, resolve_links, filter_exclude, filter_include, filter_by_stream_name, consumer_strategy, message_timeout, max_retry_count, min_checkpoint_count, max_checkpoint_count, checkpoint_after, max_subscriber_count, live_buffer_size, read_batch_size, history_buffer_size, extra_statistics, timeout and credentials.

The optional from_end argument can be used to specify that the group of consumers of the subscription should only receive events that were recorded after the subscription was created.

Alternatively, the optional commit_position argument can be used to specify a commit position from which the group of consumers of the subscription should receive events. Please note, the recorded event at the specified commit position might be included in the recorded events received by the group of consumers.

If neither from_end nor commit_position are specified, the group of consumers of the subscription will potentially receive all recorded events in the database.

The optional resolve_links argument is a Python bool. The default value of resolve_links is False, which means any event links will not be resolved, so that the events that are returned may represent event links. If resolve_links is True, any event links will be resolved, so that the linked events will be returned instead of the event links.

The optional filter_exclude argument is a sequence of regular expressions that specifies which recorded events should be returned. This argument is ignored if filter_include is set to a non-empty sequence. The default value of this argument matches the event types of EventStoreDB "system events", so that system events will not normally be included. See the Notes section below for more information about filter expressions.

The optional filter_include argument is a sequence of regular expressions that specifies which recorded events should be returned. By default, this argument is an empty tuple. If this argument is set to a non-empty sequence, the filter_exclude argument is ignored.

The optional filter_by_stream_name argument is a Python bool that indicates whether the filtering will apply to event types or stream names. By default, this value is False and so the filtering will apply to the event type strings of recorded events.

The optional consumer_strategy argument is a Python str that defines the consumer strategy for this persistent subscription. The value of this argument can be 'DispatchToSingle', 'RoundRobin', 'Pinned', or 'PinnedByCorrelation'. The default value is 'DispatchToSingle'.

The optional message_timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, from the server sending a recorded event to a consumer of the persistent subscription until either an "acknowledgement" (ack) or a "negative acknowledgement" (nack) is received by the server, after which the server will retry to send the event. The default value of message_timeout is 30.0.

The optional max_retry_count argument is a Python int which sets the number of times the server will retry to send an event. The default value of max_retry_count is 10.

The optional min_checkpoint_count argument is a Python int which sets the minimum number of "acknowledgements" (acks) received by the server before the server may record the acknowledgements. The default value of min_checkpoint_count is 10.

The optional max_checkpoint_count argument is a Python int which sets the maximum number of "acknowledgements" (acks) received by the server before the server must record the acknowledgements. The default value of max_checkpoint_count is 1000.

The optional checkpoint_after argument is a Python float which sets the maximum duration in seconds between recording "acknowledgements" (acks). The default value of checkpoint_after is 2.0.

The optional max_subscriber_count argument is a Python int which sets the maximum number of concurrent readers of the persistent subscription, beyond which attempts to read the persistent subscription will raise a MaximumSubscriptionsReached error.

The optional live_buffer_size argument is a Python int which sets the size of the buffer (in-memory) holding newly recorded events. The default value of live_buffer_size is 500.

The optional read_batch_size argument is a Python int which sets the number of recorded events read from disk when catching up. The default value of read_batch_size is 200.

The optional history_buffer_size argument is a Python int which sets the number of recorded events to cache in memory when catching up. The default value of history_buffer_size is 500.

The optional extra_statistics argument is a Python bool which enables tracking of extra statistics on this subscription. The default value of extra_statistics is False.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The method create_subscription_to_all() does not return a value. Recorded events are obtained by calling the read_subscription_to_all() method.

In the example below, a persistent subscription is created to operate from the first recorded non-system event in the database.

# Create a persistent subscription.
group_name1 = f"group-{uuid.uuid4()}"

Read subscription to all

requires leader

The read_subscription_to_all() method can be used by a group of consumers to receive recorded events from a persistent subscription that has been created using the create_subscription_to_all() method.

This method has a required group_name argument, which is the name of a "group" of consumers of the subscription specified when create_subscription_to_all() was called.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

This method returns a PersistentSubscription object, which is an iterator giving RecordedEvent objects. It also has ack(), nack() and stop() methods.

subscription = client.read_subscription_to_all(group_name=group_name1)

The ack() method should be used by a consumer to "acknowledge" to the server that it has received and successfully processed a recorded event. This will prevent that recorded event being received by another consumer in the same group. The ack() has an item argument which can be either a RecordedEvent or a UUID. If you pass in a RecordedEvent, the value of its ack_id attribute will be used to acknowledge the event to the server. If you pass in a UUID, then used the value of the ack_id of the RecordedEvent that is being acknowledged, in case the event has been resolved from a link event (which can happen both when persistent subscription setting resolve_links is True and also when replaying parked events regardless of the resolve_links setting).

The example below iterates over the subscription object, and calls ack() with the received RecordedEvent objects. The subscription's stop() method is called when we have received event9, stopping the iteration, so that we can continue with the examples below.

received_events = []

for event in subscription:

    # Acknowledge the received event.

    # Stop when 'event9' has been received.
    if event == event9:

The nack() should be used by a consumer to "negatively acknowledge" to the server that it has received but not successfully processed a recorded event. The nack() method has an item argument that works in the same way as ack(). Use the recorded event or its ack_id attribute. The nack() method also has an action argument, which should be a Python str: either 'unknown', 'park', 'retry', 'skip' or 'stop'.

The stop() method can be used to stop the gRPC streaming operation.

How to write a persistent subscription consumer

The reading of a persistent subscription can be encapsulated in a "consumer" that calls a "policy" function when a recorded event is received and then automatically calls ack() if the policy function returns normally, and nack() if it raises an exception, perhaps retrying the event for a certain number of times before parking the event.

The simple example below shows how this might be done. We can see that 'event9' is acknowledged before 'event5' is finally parked.

The number of time a RecordedEvent has been retried is presented by the its retry_count attribute.

acked_events = {}
nacked_events = {}

class ExampleConsumer:
    def __init__(self, subscription, max_retry_count, final_action):
        self.subscription = subscription
        self.max_retry_count = max_retry_count
        self.final_action = final_action
        self.error = None

    def run(self):
        with self.subscription:
            for event in self.subscription:
                except Exception:
                    if event.retry_count < self.max_retry_count:
                        action = "retry"
                        action = self.final_action
                    self.subscription.nack(event, action)
                    self.after_nack(event, action)

    def stop(self):

    def policy(self, event):
        # Raise an exception when we see "event5".
        if event == event5:
            raise Exception()

    def after_ack(self, event):
        # Track retry count of acked events.
        acked_events[] = event.retry_count

    def after_nack(self, event, action):
        # Track retry count of nacked events.
        nacked_events[] = event.retry_count

        if action == self.final_action:
            # Stop the consumer, so we can continue with the examples.

# Create subscription.
group_name = f"group-{uuid.uuid4()}"
client.create_subscription_to_all(group_name, commit_position=commit_position1)

# Read subscription.
subscription = client.read_subscription_to_all(group_name)

# Construct consumer.
consumer = ExampleConsumer(

# Run consumer.

# Check 'event5' was nacked and never acked.
assert in nacked_events
assert not in acked_events
assert nacked_events[] == 5

# Check 'event9' was acked and never nacked.
assert in acked_events
assert not in nacked_events

Update subscription to all

requires leader

The update_subscription_to_all() method can be used to update a "persistent subscription". Please note, the filter options and consumer strategy cannot be adjusted.

This method has a required group_name argument, which is the name of a "group" of consumers of the subscription.

This method also has sixteen optional arguments, from_end, commit_position, resolve_links, consumer_strategy, message_timeout, max_retry_count, min_checkpoint_count, max_checkpoint_count, checkpoint_after, max_subscriber_count, live_buffer_size, read_batch_size, history_buffer_size, extra_statistics, timeout and credentials.

The optional arguments from_end, commit_position, resolve_links, consumer_strategy, message_timeout, max_retry_count, min_checkpoint_count, max_checkpoint_count, checkpoint_after, max_subscriber_count, live_buffer_size, read_batch_size, history_buffer_size, amd extra_statistics can be used to adjust the values set on previous calls to create_subscription_to_all() and update_subscription_to_all(). If any of these arguments are not mentioned in a call to update_subscription_to_all(), the corresponding settings of the persistent subscription will be unchanged.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The method update_subscription_to_all() does not return a value.

In the example below, a persistent subscription is updated to run from the end of the database.

# Create a persistent subscription.
client.update_subscription_to_all(group_name=group_name1, from_end=True)

Create subscription to stream

requires leader

The create_subscription_to_stream() method can be used to create a persistent subscription to a stream.

This method has two required arguments, group_name and stream_name. The group_name argument names the group of consumers that will receive events from this subscription. The stream_name argument specifies which stream the subscription will follow. The values of both these arguments are expected to be Python str objects.

This method also has sixteen optional arguments, stream_position, from_end, resolve_links, consumer_strategy, message_timeout, max_retry_count, min_checkpoint_count, max_checkpoint_count, checkpoint_after, max_subscriber_count, live_buffer_size, read_batch_size, history_buffer_size, extra_statistics, timeout and credentials.

The optional stream_position argument specifies a stream position from which to subscribe. The recorded event at this stream position will be received when reading the subscription.

The optional from_end argument is a Python bool. By default, the value of this argument is False. If this argument is set to True, reading from the subscription will receive only events recorded after the subscription was created. That is, it is not inclusive of the current stream position.

The optional resolve_links argument is a Python bool. The default value of resolve_links is False, which means any event links will not be resolved, so that the events that are returned may represent event links. If resolve_links is True, any event links will be resolved, so that the linked events will be returned instead of the event links.

The optional consumer_strategy argument is a Python str that defines the consumer strategy for this persistent subscription. The value of this argument can be 'DispatchToSingle', 'RoundRobin', 'Pinned', or 'PinnedByCorrelation'. The default value is 'DispatchToSingle'.

The optional message_timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, from the server sending a recorded event to a consumer of the persistent subscription until either an "acknowledgement" (ack) or a "negative acknowledgement" (nack) is received by the server, after which the server will retry to send the event. The default value of message_timeout is 30.0.

The optional max_retry_count argument is a Python int which sets the number of times the server will retry to send an event. The default value of max_retry_count is 10.

The optional min_checkpoint_count argument is a Python int which sets the minimum number of "acknowledgements" (acks) received by the server before the server may record the acknowledgements. The default value of min_checkpoint_count is 10.

The optional max_checkpoint_count argument is a Python int which sets the maximum number of "acknowledgements" (acks) received by the server before the server must record the acknowledgements. The default value of max_checkpoint_count is 1000.

The optional checkpoint_after argument is a Python float which sets the maximum duration in seconds between recording "acknowledgements" (acks). The default value of checkpoint_after is 2.0.

The optional max_subscriber_count argument is a Python int which sets the maximum number of concurrent readers of the persistent subscription, beyond which attempts to read the persistent subscription will raise a MaximumSubscriptionsReached error.

The optional live_buffer_size argument is a Python int which sets the size of the buffer (in-memory) holding newly recorded events. The default value of live_buffer_size is 500.

The optional read_batch_size argument is a Python int which sets the number of recorded events read from disk when catching up. The default value of read_batch_size is 200.

The optional history_buffer_size argument is a Python int which sets the number of recorded events to cache in memory when catching up. The default value of history_buffer_size is 500.

The optional extra_statistics argument is a Python bool which enables tracking of extra statistics on this subscription. The default value of extra_statistics is False.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

This method does not return a value. Events can be received by calling read_subscription_to_stream().

The example below creates a persistent stream subscription from the start of the stream.

# Create a persistent stream subscription from start of the stream.
group_name2 = f"group-{uuid.uuid4()}"

Read subscription to stream

requires leader

The read_subscription_to_stream() method can be used to read a persistent subscription to a stream.

This method has two required arguments, group_name and stream_name, which should match the values of arguments used when calling create_subscription_to_stream().

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

This method returns a PersistentSubscription object, which is an iterator giving RecordedEvent objects, that also has ack(), nack() and stop() methods.

subscription = client.read_subscription_to_stream(

The example below iterates over the subscription object, and calls ack(). The subscription's stop() method is called when we have received event6, stopping the iteration, so that we can continue with the examples below.

events = []
for event in subscription:

    # Acknowledge the received event.

    # Stop when 'event6' has been received.
    if event == event6:

We can check we received all the events that were appended to stream_name2 in the examples above.

assert len(events) == 3
assert events[0] == event4
assert events[1] == event5
assert events[2] == event6

Update subscription to stream

requires leader

The update_subscription_to_stream() method can be used to update a persistent subscription to a stream. Please note, the consumer strategy cannot be adjusted.

This method has a required group_name argument, which is the name of a "group" of consumers of the subscription, and a required stream_name argument, which is the name of a stream.

This method also has sixteen optional arguments, from_end, stream_position, resolve_links, consumer_strategy, message_timeout, max_retry_count, max_subscriber_count, live_buffer_size, read_batch_size, history_buffer_size, extra_statistics, min_checkpoint_count, max_checkpoint_count, checkpoint_after, timeout and credentials.

The optional arguments from_end, stream_position, resolve_links, consumer_strategy, message_timeout, max_retry_count, min_checkpoint_count, max_checkpoint_count, checkpoint_after, max_subscriber_count, live_buffer_size, read_batch_size, history_buffer_size, and extra_statistics can be used to adjust the values set on previous calls to create_subscription_to_stream() and update_subscription_to_stream(). If any of these arguments are not mentioned in a call to update_subscription_to_stream(), the corresponding settings of the persistent subscription will be unchanged.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The update_subscription_to_stream() method does not return a value.

In the example below, a persistent subscription to a stream is updated to run from the end of the stream.

# Create a persistent subscription.

Replay parked events

requires leader

The replay_parked_events() method can be used to "replay" events that have been "parked" (negatively acknowledged with the action 'park') when reading a persistent subscription. Parked events will then be received again by consumers reading from the persistent subscription.

This method has a required group_name argument and an optional stream_name argument. The values of these arguments should match those used when calling create_subscription_to_all() or create_subscription_to_stream().

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The example below replays parked events for group group_name1.


The example below replays parked events for group group_name2.


Get subscription info

requires leader

The get_subscription_info() method can be used to get information for a persistent subscription.

This method has a required group_name argument and an optional stream_name argument, which should match the values of arguments used when calling either create_subscription_to_all() or create_subscription_to_stream().

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The example below gets information for the persistent subscription group_name1 which was created by calling create_subscription_to_all().

subscription_info = client.get_subscription_info(

The example below gets information for the persistent subscription group_name2 on stream_name2 which was created by calling create_subscription_to_stream().

subscription_info = client.get_subscription_info(

The returned value is a SubscriptionInfo object.

List subscriptions

requires leader

The list_subscriptions() method can be used to get information for all existing persistent subscriptions, both "subscriptions to all" and "subscriptions to stream".

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The example below lists all the existing persistent subscriptions.

subscriptions = client.list_subscriptions()

The returned value is a list of SubscriptionInfo objects.

List subscriptions to stream

requires leader

The list_subscriptions_to_stream() method can be used to get information for all the persistent subscriptions to a stream.

This method has one required argument, stream_name.

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

subscriptions = client.list_subscriptions_to_stream(

The returned value is a list of SubscriptionInfo objects.

Delete subscription

requires leader

The delete_subscription() method can be used to delete a persistent subscription.

This method has a required group_name argument and an optional stream_name argument, which should match the values of arguments used when calling either create_subscription_to_all() or create_subscription_to_stream().

This method has an optional timeout argument, which is a Python float that sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

This method has an optional credentials argument, which can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

The example below deletes the persistent subscription group_name1 which was created by calling create_subscription_to_all().


The example below deleted the persistent subscription group_name2 on stream_name2 which was created by calling create_subscription_to_stream().



Please refer to the EventStoreDB documentation for more information on projections in EventStoreDB.

Create projection

requires leader

The create_projection() method can be used to create a "continuous" projection.

This method has two required arguments, name and query.

This required name argument is a Python str that specifies the name of the projection.

This required query argument is a Python str that defines what the projection will do.

This method also has four optional arguments, emit_enabled, track_emitted_streams, timeout, and credentials.

The optional emit_enabled argument is a Python bool which specifies whether a projection will be able to emit events. If a True value is specified, the projection will be able to emit events, otherwise the projection will not be able to emit events. The default value of emit_enabled is False.

Please note, emit_enabled must be True if your projection query includes a call to emit(), otherwise the projection will not run.

The optional track_emitted_streams argument is a Python bool which specifies whether a projection will have its emitted streams tracked. If a True value is specified, the projection will have its emitted streams tracked, otherwise the projection will not have its emitted streams tracked. The default value of track_emitted_streams is False.

The purpose of tracking emitted streams is that they can optionally be deleted when a projection is deleted (see the delete_projection() method for more details).

Please note, if you set track_emitted_streams to True, then you must also set emit_enabled to True, otherwise an error will be raised by this method.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, a projection is created that processes events appended to stream_name2. The "state" of the projection is initialised to have a "count" that is incremented once for each event.

projection_name = str(uuid.uuid4())

projection_query = """fromStream('%s')
  $init: function(){
    return {
      count: 0
  OrderCreated: function(s,e){
    s.count += 1;
  OrderUpdated: function(s,e){
    s.count += 1;
  OrderDeleted: function(s,e){
    s.count += 1;
"""  % stream_name2


Please note, the outputState() call is optional, and causes the state of the projection to be persisted in a "result" stream. If outputState() is called, an event representing the state of the projection will immediately be written to a "result" stream.

The default name of the "result" stream for a projection with name projection_name is $projections-{projection_name}-result. This stream name can be used to read from and subscribe to the "result" stream, with the get_stream(), or read_stream(), or subscribe_to_stream(), or create_subscription_to_stream() and read_subscription_to_stream() methods.

If your projection does not call outputState(), then you won't be able to read or subscribe to a "result" stream, but you will still be able to get the projection "state" using the get_projection_state() method.

The "type" string of events recorded in "result" streams is 'Result'. You may want to include this in a filter_exclude argument when filtering events by type whilst reading or subscribing to "all" events recorded in the database (with read_all(), subscribe_to_all(), etc).

Additionally, and in any case, from time to time the state of the projection will be recorded in a "state" stream, and also the projection will write to a "checkpoint" stream. The "state" stream, the "checkpoint" stream, and all "emitted" streams that have been "tracked" (as a consequence of the track_emitted_streams argument having been True) can optionally be deleted when the projection is deleted. See delete_projection() for details.

Unlike the "result" and "emitted" streams, the "state" and the "checkpoint" streams cannot be read or subscribed to by users, or viewed in the "stream browser" view of EventStoreDB's Web interface.

Get projection state

requires leader

The get_projection_state() method can be used to get a projection's "state".

This method has a required name argument, which is a Python str that specifies the name of a projection.

This method also has two optional arguments, timeout and credentials.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

In the example below, after sleeping for 1 second to allow the projection to process all the recorded events, the projection "state" is obtained. We can see that the projection has processed three events.

sleep(1)  # allow time for projection to process recorded events

projection_state = client.get_projection_state(name=projection_name)

assert projection_state.value == {'count': 3}

Get projection statistics

requires leader

The get_projection_statistics() method can be used to get projection statistics.

This method has a required name argument, which is a Python str that specifies the name of a projection.

This method also has two optional arguments, timeout and credentials.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

This method returns a ProjectionStatistics object that represents the named projection.

statistics = client.get_projection_statistics(name=projection_name)

A ProjectionStatistics object is returned. The attributes of this object have values that represent the progress of the projection.

Update projection

requires leader

The update_projection() method can be used to update a projection.

This method has two required arguments, name and query.

The required name argument is a Python str which specifies the name of the projection to be updated.

The required query argument is a Python str which defines what the projection will do.

This method also has three optional arguments, emit_enabled, timeout, and credentials.

The optional emit_enabled argument is a Python bool which specifies whether a projection will be able to emit events. If a True value is specified, the projection will be able to emit events. If a False value is specified, the projection will not be able to emit events. The default value of emit_enabled is False.

Please note, emit_enabled must be True if your projection query includes a call to emit(), otherwise the projection will not run.

Please note, it is not possible to update track_emitted_streams via the gRPC API.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.

client.update_projection(name=projection_name, query=projection_query)

Enable projection

requires leader

The enable_projection() method can be used to enable (start running) a projection that was previously disabled (stopped).

This method has a required name argument, which is a Python str that specifies the name of the projection to be enabled.

This method also has two optional arguments, timeout and credentials.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.


Disable projection

requires leader

The disable_projection() method can be used to disable (stop running) a projection.

This method has a required name argument, which is a Python str that specifies the name of the projection to be disabled.

This method also has two optional arguments, timeout, and credentials.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.


Reset projection

requires leader

The reset_projection() method can be used to reset a projection.

This method has a required name argument, which is a Python str that specifies the name of the projection to be reset.

This method also has two optional arguments, timeout, and credentials.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.


Please note, a projection must be disabled before it can be reset.

Delete projection

requires leader

The delete_projection() method can be used to delete a projection.

This method has a required name argument, which is a Python str that specifies the name of the projection to be deleted.

This method also has five optional arguments, delete_emitted_streams, delete_state_stream, delete_checkpoint_stream, timeout, and credentials.

The optional delete_emitted_streams argument is a Python bool which specifies that all "emitted" streams that have been tracked will be deleted. For emitted streams to be deleted, they must have been tracked (see the track_emitted_streams argument of the create_projection() method.)

The optional delete_state_stream argument is a Python bool which specifies that the projection's "state" stream should also be deleted. The "state" stream is like the "result" stream, but events are written to the "state" stream occasionally, along with events written to the "checkpoint" stream, rather than being written immediately in the way a call outputState() immediately writes events to the "result" stream.

The optional delete_checkpoint_stream argument is a Python bool which specifies that the projection's "checkpoint" stream should also be deleted.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.


Please note, a projection must be disabled before it can be deleted.

Restart projections subsystem

requires leader

The restart_projections_subsystem() method can be used to restart the projections subsystem.

This method also has two optional arguments, timeout and credentials.

The optional timeout argument is a Python float which sets a maximum duration, in seconds, for the completion of the gRPC operation.

The optional credentials argument can be used to override call credentials derived from the connection string URI.


Call credentials

Default call credentials are derived by the client from the user info part of the connection string URI.

Many of the client methods described above have an optional credentials argument, which can be used to set call credentials for an individual method call that override those derived from the connection string URI.

Call credentials are sent to "secure" servers in a "basic auth" authorization header. This authorization header is used by the server to authenticate the client. The authorization header is not sent to "insecure" servers.

Construct call credentials

The client method construct_call_credentials() can be used to construct a call credentials object from a username and password.

call_credentials = client.construct_call_credentials(
    username='admin', password='changeit'

The call credentials object can be used as the value of the credentials argument in other client methods.



The reconnect() method can be used to manually reconnect the client to a suitable EventStoreDB node. This method uses the same routine for reading the cluster node states and then connecting to a suitable node according to the client's node preference that is specified in the connection string URI when the client is constructed. This method is thread-safe, in that when it is called by several threads at the same time, only one reconnection will occur. Concurrent attempts to reconnect will block until the client has reconnected successfully, and then they will all return normally.


An example of when it might be desirable to reconnect manually is when (for performance reasons) the client's node preference is to be connected to a follower node in the cluster, and, after a cluster leader election, the follower becomes the leader. Reconnecting to a follower node in this case is currently beyond the capabilities of this client, but this behavior might be implemented in a future release.

Reconnection will happen automatically in many cases, due to the @autoreconnect decorator.


The close() method can be used to cleanly close the client's gRPC connection.


Asyncio client

The esdbclient package also provides an asynchronous I/O gRPC Python client for EventStoreDB. It is functionally equivalent to the multithreaded client. It uses the grpc.aio package and the asyncio module, instead of grpc and threading.

It supports both the "esdb" and the "esdb+discover" connection string URI schemes, and can connect to both "secure" and "insecure" EventStoreDB servers.

The class AsyncEventStoreDBClient can be used to construct an instance of the asynchronous I/O gRPC Python client. It can be imported from esdbclient. The async method connect() should be called after constructing the client.

The asyncio client has exactly the same methods as the multithreaded EventStoreDBClient. These methods are defined as async def methods, and so calls to these methods will return Python "awaitables" that must be awaited to obtain the method return values. The methods have the same behaviors, the same arguments and the same or equivalent return values. The methods are similarly decorated with reconnect and retry decorators, that selectively reconnect and retry when connection issues or server errors are encountered.

When awaited, the methods read_all() and read_stream() return an AsyncReadResponse object. The methods subscribe_to_all() and subscribe_to_stream() return an AsyncCatchupSubscription object. The methods read_subscription_to_all() and read_subscription_to_stream() return an AsyncPersistentSubscription object. These objects are asyncio iterables, which you can iterate over with Python's async for syntax to obtain RecordedEvent objects. They are also asyncio context managers, supporting the async with syntax. They also have a stop() method which can be used to terminate the iterator in a way that actively cancels the streaming gRPC call to the server. When used as a context manager, the stop() method will be called when the context manager exits.

The methods read_subscription_to_all() and read_subscription_to_stream() return instances of the class AsyncPersistentSubscription, which has async methods ack(), nack() that work in the same way as the methods on PersistentSubscription, supporting the acknowledgement and negative acknowledgement of recorded events that have been received from a persistent subscription. See above for details.


The example below demonstrates the async append_to_stream(), get_stream() and subscribe_to_all() methods. These are the most useful methods for writing an event-sourced application, allowing new aggregate events to be recorded, the recorded events of an aggregate to be obtained so aggregates can be reconstructed, and the state of an application to propagated and processed with "exactly-once" semantics.

import asyncio

from esdbclient import AsyncEventStoreDBClient

async def demonstrate_async_client():

    # Construct client.
    client = AsyncEventStoreDBClient(

    # Connect to EventStoreDB.
    await client.connect()

    # Append events.
    stream_name = str(uuid.uuid4())
    event1 = NewEvent("OrderCreated", data=b'{}')
    event2 = NewEvent("OrderUpdated", data=b'{}')
    event3 = NewEvent("OrderDeleted", data=b'{}')

    commit_position = await client.append_to_stream(
        events=[event1, event2, event3]

    # Get stream events.
    recorded = await client.get_stream(stream_name)
    assert len(recorded) == 3
    assert recorded[0] == event1
    assert recorded[1] == event2
    assert recorded[2] == event3

    # Subscribe to all events.
    received = []
    async with await client.subscribe_to_all(commit_position=0) as subscription:
        async for event in subscription:
            if event.commit_position == commit_position:
    assert received[-3] == event1
    assert received[-2] == event2
    assert received[-1] == event3

    # Close the client.
    await client.close()

# Run the demo.

FastAPI example

The example below shows how to use AsyncEventStoreDBClient with FastAPI.

from contextlib import asynccontextmanager

from fastapi import FastAPI

from esdbclient import AsyncEventStoreDBClient

client: AsyncEventStoreDBClient

async def lifespan(_: FastAPI):
    # Construct the client.
    global client
    client = AsyncEventStoreDBClient(
    await client.connect()


    # Close the client.
    await client.close()

app = FastAPI(lifespan=lifespan)

async def commit_position():
    commit_position = await client.get_commit_position()
    return {"commit_position": commit_position}

If you put this code in a file called and then run command uvicorn fastapi_example:app --host --port 80, then the FastAPI application will return something like {"commit_position":628917} when a browser is pointed to http://localhost/commit_position. Use Ctrl-c to exit the process.


Regular expression filters

The read_all(), subscribe_to_all(), create_subscription_to_all() and get_commit_position() methods have filter_exclude and filter_include arguments. This section provides some more details about the values of these arguments.

The first thing to note is that the values of these arguments should be sequences of regular expressions.

Please note, they are concatenated together by the client as bracketed alternatives in a larger regular expression that is anchored to the start and end of the strings being matched. So there is no need to include the '^' and '$' anchor assertions.

You should use wildcards if you want to match substrings, for example '.*Snapshot' to match all strings that end with 'Snapshot', or 'Order.*' to match all strings that start with 'Order'.

System events generated by EventStoreDB have type strings that start with the $ sign. Persistence subscription events generated when manipulating persistence subscriptions have type strings that start with PersistentConfig.

For example, to match the type of EventStoreDB system events, use the regular expression string r'\$.+'. Please note, the constant ESDB_SYSTEM_EVENTS_REGEX is set to this value. You can import this constant from esdbclient and use it when building longer sequences of regular expressions.

Similarly, to match the type of EventStoreDB persistence subscription events, use the regular expression r'PersistentConfig\d+'. The constant ESDB_PERSISTENT_CONFIG_EVENTS_REGEX is set to this value. You can import this constant from esdbclient and use it when building longer sequences of regular expressions.

The constant DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_FILTER is a sequence of regular expressions that includes both ESDB_SYSTEM_EVENTS_REGEX and ESDB_PERSISTENT_CONFIG_EVENTS_REGEX. It is used as the default value of filter_exclude so that the events generated internally by EventStoreDB are excluded by default.

In all methods that have a filter_exclude argument, the default value of the argument is the constant DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_FILTER, which is designed to match (and therefore to exclude) both "system" and "persistence subscription config" event types, which would otherwise be included.

This value can be extended. For example, if you want to exclude system events and persistent subscription events and also events that have a type that ends with 'Snapshot', then you can use DEFAULT_EXCLUDE_FILTER + ['.*Snapshot'] as the filter_exclude argument.

The filter_include and filter_exclude arguments are designed to have exactly the opposite effect from each other, so that a sequence of strings given to filter_include will return exactly those events which would be excluded if the same argument value were used with filter_exclude. And vice versa, so that a sequence of strings given to filter_exclude will return exactly those events that would not be included if the same argument value were used with filter_include.

Reconnect and retry method decorators

Please note, nearly all the client methods are decorated with the @autoreconnect and the @retrygrpc decorators.

The @autoreconnect decorator will reconnect to a suitable node in the cluster when the server to which the client has been connected has become unavailable, or when the client's gRPC channel happens to have been closed. The client will also reconnect when a method is called that requires a leader, and the client's node preference is to be connected to a leader, but the node that the client has been connected to stops being the leader. In this case, the client will reconnect to the current leader. After reconnecting, the failed operation will be retried.

The @retrygrpc decorator selectively retries gRPC operations that have failed due to a timeout, network error, or server error. It doesn't retry operations that fail due to bad requests that will certainly fail again.

Please also note, the aspects not covered by the reconnect and retry decorator behaviours have to do with methods that return iterators. For example, consider the "read response" iterator returned from the read_all() method. The read_all() method will have returned, and the method decorators will therefore have exited, before iterating over the "read response" begins. Therefore, if a connection issue occurs whilst iterating over the "read response", it isn't possible for any decorator on the read_all() method to trigger a reconnection.

With the "catch-up subscription" objects, there is an initial "confirmation" response from the server which is received and checked by the client. And so, when a call is made to subscribe_to_all() or subscribe_to_stream(), if the server is unavailable, or if the channel has somehow been closed, or if the request fails for some other reason, then the client will reconnect and retry. However, if an exception is raised when iterating over a successfully returned "catch-up subscription" object, the catch-up subscription will need to be restarted. Similarly, when reading persistent subscriptions, if there are connection issues whilst iterating over a successfully received response, the consumer will need to be restarted.


Instrumentation is the act of modifying software so that analysis can be performed on it. Instrumentation helps enterprises reveal areas or features where users frequently encounter errors or slowdowns in their software or platform.

Instrumentation helps you understand the inner state of your software systems. Instrumented applications measure what code is doing when it responds to active requests by collecting data such as metrics, events, logs, and traces.

Instrumentation provides immediate visibility into your application, often using charts and graphs to illustrate what is going on “under the hood.”

This package supports instrumenting the EventStoreDB clients with OpenTelemetry.


The OpenTelemetry project provides a collection of APIs, SDKs, and tools for instrumenting, generating, collecting, and exporting telemetry data, that can help you analyze your software’s performance and behavior. It is vendor-neutral, 100% Free and Open Source, and adopted and supported by industry leaders in the observability space.

This package provides OpenTelemetry instrumentors for both the EventStoreDBClient and the AsyncEventStoreDBClient clients. These instrumentors depend on various OpenTelemetry Python packages, which you will need to install, preferably with this project's "opentelemetry" package extra to ensure verified version compatibility.

For example, you can install the "opentelemetry" package extra with pip.

$ pip install esdbclient[opentelemetry]

Or you can use Poetry to add it to your pyproject.toml file and install it.

$ poetry add esdbclient[opentelemetry]

You can then use the OpenTelemetry instrumentor EventStoreDBClientInstrumentor to instrument the EventStoreDBClient.

from esdbclient.instrumentation.opentelemetry import EventStoreDBClientInstrumentor

# Activate instrumentation.

# Deactivate instrumentation.

You can also use the OpenTelemetry instrumentor AsyncEventStoreDBClientInstrumentor to instrument the AsyncEventStoreDBClient.

from esdbclient.instrumentation.opentelemetry import AsyncEventStoreDBClientInstrumentor

# Activate instrumentation.

# Deactivate instrumentation.

The instrumentors use a global OpenTelemetry "tracer provider", which you will need to initialise in order to export telemetry data.

For example, to export data to the console you will need to install the Python package opentelemetry-sdk, and use the class TracerProvider, BatchSpanProcessor, and ConsoleSpanExporter in the following way.

from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor, ConsoleSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.trace import set_tracer_provider

resource = Resource.create(
        SERVICE_NAME: "eventstoredb",
provider = TracerProvider(resource=resource)

Or to export to an OpenTelemetry compatible data collector, such as Jaeger, you will need to install the Python package opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-http, and then use the class OTLPSpanExporter from the opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.http.trace_exporter module, with an appropriate endpoint argument for your collector.

from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.http.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import SERVICE_NAME, Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
from opentelemetry.trace import set_tracer_provider

resource = Resource.create(
        SERVICE_NAME: "eventstoredb",
provider = TracerProvider(resource=resource)

You can start Jaeger locally by running the following command.

$ docker run -d -p 4318:4318 -p 16686:16686 --name jaeger jaegertracing/all-in-one:latest

You can then navigate to http://localhost:16686 to access the Jaeger UI. And telemetry data can be sent by an OpenTelemetry tracer provider to http://localhost:4318/v1/traces.

At this time, the instrumented methods are append_to_stream(), subscribe_to_stream() subscribe_to_all(), read_subscription_to_stream(), read_subscription_to_all().

The append_to_stream() method is instrumented by spanning the method call with a "producer" span kind. It also adds span context information to the new event metadata so that consumers can associate "consumer" spans with the "producer" span.

The subscription methods are instrumented by instrumenting the response iterators, creating a "consumer" span for each recorded event received. It extracts span context information from the recorded event metadata and associates the "consumer" spans with a "producer" span, by making the "consumer" span a child of the "producer" span.



Install Poetry

The first thing is to check you have Poetry installed.

$ poetry --version

If you don't, then please install Poetry.

$ curl -sSL | python3 -

It will help to make sure Poetry's bin directory is in your PATH environment variable.

But in any case, make sure you know the path to the poetry executable. The Poetry installer tells you where it has been installed, and how to configure your shell.

Please refer to the Poetry docs for guidance on using Poetry.

Setup for PyCharm users

You can easily obtain the project files using PyCharm (menu "Git > Clone..."). PyCharm will then usually prompt you to open the project.

Open the project in a new window. PyCharm will then usually prompt you to create a new virtual environment.

Create a new Poetry virtual environment for the project. If PyCharm doesn't already know where your poetry executable is, then set the path to your poetry executable in the "New Poetry Environment" form input field labelled "Poetry executable". In the "New Poetry Environment" form, you will also have the opportunity to select which Python executable will be used by the virtual environment.

PyCharm will then create a new Poetry virtual environment for your project, using a particular version of Python, and also install into this virtual environment the project's package dependencies according to the project's poetry.lock file.

You can add different Poetry environments for different Python versions, and switch between them using the "Python Interpreter" settings of PyCharm. If you want to use a version of Python that isn't installed, either use your favourite package manager, or install Python by downloading an installer for recent versions of Python directly from the Python website.

Once project dependencies have been installed, you should be able to run tests from within PyCharm (right-click on the tests folder and select the 'Run' option).

Because of a conflict between pytest and PyCharm's debugger and the coverage tool, you may need to add --no-cov as an option to the test runner template. Alternatively, just use the Python Standard Library's unittest module.

You should also be able to open a terminal window in PyCharm, and run the project's Makefile commands from the command line (see below).

Setup from command line

Obtain the project files, using Git or suitable alternative.

In a terminal application, change your current working directory to the root folder of the project files. There should be a Makefile in this folder.

Use the Makefile to create a new Poetry virtual environment for the project and install the project's package dependencies into it, using the following command.

$ make install-packages

It's also possible to also install the project in 'editable mode'.

$ make install

Please note, if you create the virtual environment in this way, and then try to open the project in PyCharm and configure the project to use this virtual environment as an "Existing Poetry Environment", PyCharm sometimes has some issues (don't know why) which might be problematic. If you encounter such issues, you can resolve these issues by deleting the virtual environment and creating the Poetry virtual environment using PyCharm (see above).

Project Makefile commands

You can start EventStoreDB using the following command.

$ make start-eventstoredb

You can run tests using the following command (needs EventStoreDB to be running).

$ make test

You can stop EventStoreDB using the following command.

$ make stop-eventstoredb

You can check the formatting of the code using the following command.

$ make lint

You can reformat the code using the following command.

$ make fmt

Tests belong in ./tests. Code-under-test belongs in ./esdbclient.

Edit package dependencies in pyproject.toml. Update installed packages (and the poetry.lock file) using the following command.

$ make update-packages