You can install all of them via NUGET 🔨
or get minimal pack
- Clear - Sets a range of elements in an array to the default value of each element type.
- Join - Concatenates the elements of an object array, using the specified separator between each element
- ToArrayString - A simple string representation of an array(regular, 2d, jagged)
- AddIfNotContainsKey - Add an element with provided key to dictionary if this key is not exist yet
- AddOrUpdate - Add an element with provided key to dictionary, if this key is exist - update value
- ToTuple - Convert this dictionary to list of Tuples, where item1 is key and item2 is a value from this dictionary
- GetValueOrDefault - Get an element with provided key if this key is exist, otherwise default value
- AsReadOnly - Wrap a dictionary in read only collection
- AddIfNotContains - Add an element to the end of the collection if this value is not exist yet
- AddRange - Adds the elements of the specified Array to the end of the collection
- IsNullOrEmpty - Check if collection is null or empty
- RemoveRange - Removes a range of elements from collection
- Append - Add the object top the end of IEnumerable
- AreAllSame - Check if all elements in IEnumerable are equals
- Concatenate - Concatenates the elements of an IEnumerable to 1 string
- ForEach - Performs the specified action on each element of the IEnumerable
- IsEmpty - Check if IEnumerable is empty
- IsNotEmpty - Check if IEnumerable is not empty
- IsNullOrEmpty - Check if IEnumerable is null or empty
- Join - Concatenates the elements of an IEnumerable, using the specified separator between each element
- Prepend - Add the object at the beginning of IEnumerable
- Shuffle - Shuffle IEnumerable
- PickRandom - Pick N random elements from IEnumerable
- ThisOrEmpty - Safe foreach and more, returns an empty Enumerable if source is null
- ChunkBy - Chunk a list to smaller lists with a maximum capacity of the chunk size
- Clone - Clone an collection to new IList
- Push - Adds an object to the collection and return this collection for fluent api
- GetPermutations - Get all permutations for this List
- AsReadOnly - Wrap a list in read only collection
- ToYesNo - convert a boolean value to string representation
- ToBase64String - Converts an byte array to its equivalent string representation that is encoded with base-64.
- Between - Check if date is between 2 dates. Inclusive
- CalculateAge - > Calculate age
- GetTime - Get time in numbers format
- IsFuture - Check if this date is future
- IsPast - Check if this date is past
- IsDefault - Check if this DateTime is default, empty value
- ToUnixTime - convert date to UNIX Epoch time format
- TrimToSecond - Trims millisecond component so that the precision of the resulting time is to the second
- TrimToMinute - Trims the second and millisecond components so that the precision of the resulting time is to the minutes
- TrimToHour - Trims the minute, second and millisecond components so that the precision of the resulting time is to the hour
- TrimToDay - Trims the time components so that the precision of the resulting time is to the day
- GetQuarter - Determines the quarter to which the date belongs
- Abs - Returns the absolute value of this number
- Ceiling - Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number
- Floor - Returns the largest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number
- GetPercentage - Calculate percentage from this number
- IsBetween - Check if this number is between 2 numbers
- Max - Returns the larger of two numbers
- Min - Returns the smaller of two numbers
- Round - Rounds a decimal value to the nearest integral value
- Plus - Add a number to this number
- Minus - Subtract a number from this number
- DivideBy - Divide this number by given number
- MultiplyBy - Multiply this number by given number
- Abs - Returns the absolute value of this number
- Ceiling - Returns the smallest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number
- Floor - Returns the largest integral value that is greater than or equal to the specified number
- GetPercentage - Calculate percentage from this number
- IsBetween - Check if this number is between 2 numbers
- Max - Returns the larger of two numbers
- Min - Returns the smaller of two numbers
- Round - Rounds a decimal value to the nearest integral value
- Plus - Add a number to this number
- Minus - Subtract a number from this number
- DivideBy - Divide this number by given number
- MultiplyBy - Multiply this number by given number
- Abs - Returns the absolute value of this number
- GetPercentage - Calculate percentage from this number
- IsBetween - Check if this number is between 2 numbers
- Max - Returns the larger of two numbers
- Min - Returns the smaller of two numbers
- Plus - Add a number to this number
- Minus - Subtract a number from this number
- DivideBy - Divide this number by given number
- MultiplyBy - Multiply this number by given number
- Or - Combines two Func or Predicates to form a logical OR
- And - Combines two Func or Predicates to form a logical AND
- GetPercentage - Calculate percentage from this number
- IsBetween - Check if this number is between 2 numbers
- Max - Returns the larger of two numbers
- Min - Returns the smaller of two numbers
- ToFileSize - Format file size in KB/MB/GB/TB/PB/EB
- Plus - Add a number to this number
- Minus - Subtract a number from this number
- DivideBy - Divide this number by given number
- MultiplyBy - Multiply this number by given number
- GetPercentage - Calculate percentage from this number
- IsBetween - Check if this number is between 2 numbers
- Max - Returns the larger of two numbers
- Min - Returns the smaller of two numbers
- ToFileSize - Format file size in KB/MB/GB/TB/PB/EB
- Plus - Add a number to this number
- Minus - Subtract a number from this number
- DivideBy - Divide this number by given number
- MultiplyBy - Multiply this number by given number
- GetPropertiesWithValues - Get properties and values of this object using reflection
- IfNotNull - Perform action/function on the object if it not null
- IsDefaultValue - Check if object equals to its a default value
- IsIn - Determines if an object is contained in a sequence
- IsNotNull - Check if object is NOT null
- IsNull - Check if object is null
- ToStringSafe - like ToString of the object, but not crushes if the object is null
- Try - Try to perform action/function on object
- Yield - Wraps this object instance into an IEnumerable, consisting of a single item
- DeepCopy - Deep copy of object using BinaryFormatter
- ToDateTime - Convert to DateTime
- ToDecimal - Convert to decimal
- ToDouble - Convert to double
- ToFloat - Convert to float
- ToInt - Convert to int
- ToLong - Convert to long
- ToByteArray - Converts a string into an byte array
- DecodeBase64 - Decodes a string encoded in base-64
- EncodeBase64 - Encodes a string to its equivalent string representation that is encoded in base-64
- ToMd5 - Computes MD5 hash of a string.
- RemoveFirst - Remove the number of characters at the start of this string
- RemoveFirstCharacter - Remove the first character of this string
- RemoveLast - Remove the number of characters at the end of this string
- RemoveLastCharacter - Remove the last character of this string
- Reverse - Reverse the sequence of characters in this string
- SplitCamelCase - Split CamelCase words
- SurroundWith - Surround this string with some string
- ToTitleCase - Converts the specified string to title case
- TrimSafe - Performs a trim only if the item is not null
- ToLowerSafe - Performs ToLower() only if input is not null
- ToLowerInvariantSafe - Performs ToLowerInvariant() only if input is not null
- ToUpperSafe - Performs ToUpper() only if input is not null
- ToUpperInvariantSafe - Performs ToUpperInvariant() only if input is not null
- EndsWithIgnoreCase - Determines whether the end of this string matches the specified string
- EqualsIgnoreCase - Determines whether two specified strings have the same value
- IfNullThen - Determines if the string is null or whitespace if yes returns nullAlternateValue
- IsAlpha - Determines if this string contains only English letters
- IsAlphaNumeric - Determines if this string contains only English letters and digits
- IsNullOrEmpty - Indicates whether this string is null or an empty string
- IsNullOrWhiteSpace - Indicates whether this string is null, empty, or consists only of white-space characters
- IsNumeric - Determines if this string contains only digits
- IsPalindrome - Check if this string is a palindrome
- IsValidEmail - Determines if this string is a valid email address
- IsValidIP - Determines if this string is a valid IP address
- NthIndexOf - Reports the index of matched string regards to occurrenceNum
- OccurrenceNum - Reports the numbers of matches in this string
- StartsWithIgnoreCase - Determines whether the beginning of this string matches the specified string
- ContainsInvariantSafe - String.Contains with StringComparison parameter
- SaveAs - write string to file
- EqualsIgnoreCase - Determines whether two specified chars have the same value
- GetInnermostException - Get the innermost exception from this exception
- GetInnerExceptions - Get list of inner exceptions from this exception
- XmlSerialize - Serialize object to XML
- TryXmlDeserialize - Try to deserialize xml
- ToXDocument - Convert XmlDocument to XDocument
- ToStream - Convert XmlDocument to Stream
- ToXmlDocument - Convert XDocument/XElement to XmlDocument