- Testers and Validators
- Tools
- Code generators
- Backgrounds and Palettes
- CSS nice effects
- Public APIs
- Tips and tricks
- JS Libraries
- .Net NuGet packages
- Info
- Chrome Extensions
- Visual Studio Code Extensions
- Visual Studio Extensions
- Programming Software for Windows
- Must have Software for Windows
- Programming Software for MacOS
- Must have Software for MacOS
- HTML validator
- CSS validator
- Link checker
- Test a website's performance
- Scan headers of web site
- Test your media queries
- CSS Stats
- Meta Tags — Preview, Edit and Generate
- Google Closure Compiler Service
- Netling is a load tester client for easy web testing.
- EmailComb - Removes unused CSS from email templates
- Facebook meta tags checker
- Website Vulnerability Scanner - Scan for Web Vulnerabilities
- Nibbler - Test any website
- Core Web Vitals Tool for Technical SEO - Waterfaller
- Yellow Lab Tools - Page Speed audit
- AST (abstract syntax tree) explorer
- Autoprefixer ONLINE
- Base64 Converter
- Base64 Image Encoder | elmah.io
- Beautiful images of your source code
- Code Generator for HTTP requests
- Code to Graph
- CreateApp - Frontend build config generator
- CSS Shorthand Generator
- ExtendsClass - Free Online Toolbox for developers
- Extract CSS from HTML
- Fancy Text Generator & Unicode Converter
- FracturedJson - A JSON formatter that produces human-readable output
- Frontend Toolkit - Utilities for your recurring Frontend tasks
- Generate C# models and helper methods from JSON
- Generate Data
- GlooMaps Site Map Generator
- IT Tools - handy tools for developers
- JavaScript Obfuscator Tool
- JS Intl (Internationalization API) generator
- JS Key Event Test Script
- JSON Crack - Visualize, analyze, and manipulate JSON data with ease
- JSON Formatter - Free online JSON validator and formatter | elmah.io
- JSON formatter and validator
- JSON Generator – Tool for generating random data
- JSON parser to any language
- JSON Schema Validator
- JSON to TypeScript transform
- KodyTools - collection of online tools designed to simplify your digital tasks
- Lorem Ipsum
- Lorem Ipsum Generator
- MetaSEO - Generate meta tags in one click
- Multiline String Converter C# strings | elmah.io
- Nicen my code
- Omatsuri - Open source browser tools for everyday use
- Online Regular Expression Testing
- Online SVG editor
- Online Url Parser / Query String Splitter
- PNG and JPEG compression
- Protobuf Code Generator and Parser
- Responsive Image Breakpoints Generator by Cloudinary
- Rows to Columns
- SQL Formatter
- SQL Tables Generator
- Stack Trace Formatter - Pretty print your exception messages | elmah.io
- SVG compression
- Svg Path Editor
- SVG to JSX
- Swagger Editor
- Symbols to Copy
- The Mailto Link Generator
- Transform | A polyglot web converter.
- Type Scale - A Visual Calculator
- Typetura a fluid type setting tool
- Unminify JS, CSS and HTML Code
- URL-encoder for SVG
- Visualize your JSON into interactive graphs.
- Warp SVG Online
- Web.config Transformation Tester - Online XDT/XML tool | elmah.io
- Web.Config Validator - Free checker for all .NET versions
- XML Formatter online
- Box shadow generator
- Button generator
- CSS Accordion Slider Generator
- CSS Animations generator
- css arrow please
- CSS Clip-path maker
- CSS Filters Generator
- CSS gradient text - Gradient Text Generator
- CSS Grid Generator
- CSS Layout Generator
- CSS Section Separator Generator
- CSS3 Generator
- Dashed Border Generator
- Fancy border radius generator
- FLEXBOX generator
- Glassmorphism CSS Generator
- GRID generator
- Image Slider Maker - Free Generator Tool
- Keyframes - visual tool for generating css
- On/Off FlipSwitch
- Smooth Shadow Generator
- Smooth shadow many layers generator
- Soft UI Neumorphism CSS shadow generator
- Text shadow generator
- The Ultimate CSS Generator
- The Ultimate Website Code Generators
- Transform css generator
- Wait animate animation generator
- 404 Illustrations
- A color tool for finding lighter and darker colors based on any color
- BGJar - SVG background image generator
- Color Designer - Simple Color Palette Generator
- Color names
- Color Palette Generator
- Color Palettes for Designers and Artists
- Color thief
- ColorBox by Lyft Design
- Colormind - the AI powered color palette generator
- colors.lol - Overly descriptive color palettes
- Cool HUE
- Coolors color schemes
- Create SVG waves for your next design
- CSS Background Patterns by MagicPattern
- CSS gradient
- CSS gradient
- CSS gradient
- CSS gradient generator
- CSS Patterns Gallery Lea Verou
- Eva Design System: DL color generator
- FarbVélo —— Random Color Cycler
- Flat UI colors
- Free stock photos · Pexels
- Get Color
- Gradients
- Haikei app - svg assets generators
- Image to Colors Palette Generator - Extract Colors from Image
- LOL Colors palette inspiration
- Material Design Color Palette Generator
- Mobile Palette Generator
- Palette Generator - The super color schemes generator
- Palette generator
- Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer
- Pattern Generator
- Pattern Monster - SVG Pattern Generator
- Random Color Picker
- Shape Divider App
- Sorted CSS Colors
- Stylify Me - Online Style Guide Generator
- Subcolor. Find colors between 2 colors
- SVG backgrounds
- SVG backgrounds
- Transparent textures
- VISIWIG - Vector Pattern Generator
- WhatTheHex?! — Let's give your color a name?!
- Wicked Backgrounds
- Beautifully simple click-to-copy CSS effects
- CSS Layout Patterns Explore
- CSS WAND Easy Copy-Paste Beautiful CSS
- Normalize CSS
- Shapes generated with CSS background gradients
- The Shapes of CSS
- Library of Open-Source UI
- Boxicons : Premium web friendly icons for free
- CopyChar – Copy special characters to your clipboard
- CSS Icons
- Css Icons
- dddraw: online freehand SVG drawing tool | fffuel
- Favicon Generator
- favicon.ico Generator
- Feather – Simply beautiful open source icons
- FlatIcon - Free vector icons
- Free icons - Iconfinder
- Free Icons SVG, PNG, ICO or ICNS
- Game-icons.net - Icons for your games or apps
- Google Fonts Material Icons
- Heroicons - Beautiful SVG icons, by the makers of Tailwind CSS
- Iconduck - Free open source icons, illustrations and graphics
- iconhub
- Iconmonstr - Free simple icons for your next project
- Iconoir - Free SVG Icons
- Icons in SVG
- Illustration Gallery by ManyPixels | Open-Source Editable Illustrations
- Jam SVG icons / pixel perfect icons
- Linea: a free outline iconset
- Mono Icons
- Phosphor Icons - a flexible icon family
- Simple Icons
- Snoweb - Free SVG collections for web
- SVG logos
- SVG Repo - Free SVG Vectors and Icons
- Tabler Icons
- Tabler Icons: a vector icons for web design
- Transformicons The Animated Icon Builder
- Unicode Codepoint Chart
- VISIWIG - Icons
- Worldvectorlogo - SVG Brand logos
- 3D Button
- A Confusing Toggle Button
- Amazing Button Hover [Responsive]
- Button Generator
- Button hover animation
- Candy Color Button Animation
- CSS button hover
- CSS Ripple Effect
- CSS Scan - Beautiful CSS buttons examples
- Flippin' burgers
- Links/Buttons Animations
- Modern Gradient Buttons
- Satisfying Button (Neumorphism)
- Top 20 CSS Buttons + animations - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
- Button Hover Effects
- Button Hover Effects
- Circle icons to text on hover
- Circular Ripple Hover Effect on Button
- CSS Border Transitions
- CSS Button with Hover Effect
- CSS directionally aware buttons ✨😎
- CSS Tooltip Magic
- CSS-Mask Button Hover Animation
- Exploding Box Hover
- Gradient Background On Hover
- hover effects for horizontal menu with icons
- hover icon effects social media
- Link hover animation
- Staggered Blink Text Menu
- SVG Animation
- text-decoration: underline animated
- Three Fancy Link Hover Effects
- Yes/No slanted button with cool hover effect
- Acrobatic Preloader
- Animated - SVG Loader
- Bookshelf loader
- CSS loaders and Spinners
- CSS Loading Animations
- CSS Truck Loader
- CSS3 Loading animations
- Dot Loader
- Epic Spinners
- Escalade Loader
- Flat Preloader
- Helicopter loading page
- Infinite 8 loader
- Loader
- Loader
- Loading Goes Off Track
- Nice loader
- Single Element Rainbow Pen Loader
- SpinKit | Simple CSS Spinners
- Spinning Rings
- squares loader
- SVG Loading Images
- TRON Spinner
- Wavy curve loader
- Whirl: CSS loading animations with minimal effort
- WiFi loader animation - Only CSS
- 3D Book Image CSS Generator
- A fancy CSS Heading animation
- Accordion
- Animated active menu indicator
- Animated Search Interaction
- Balloon Slider
- Clean CSS Glitch 404
- CSS box-shadow examples - CSS Scan
- CSS Card Hover Effects NO JS
- CSS Text Shadows
- CSS Typing Effect
- CSS-only Hamburger Menu
- Download button animation
- In/out of focus text effect
- Input Focus & Placeholder Effects
- Interactive Wheel Menu
- Morphing Text effect
- Moving Letters | Text animated with JavaScript & anime.js
- Moving Underline Nav Menu
- NO JS Carousel
- Order confirm animation
- Progressively Enhanced Autocomplete
- Pulse effect
- Pure Css Accordion Menu
- Pure CSS Glitch Effect
- Pure CSS Tabs
- Rotating Text
- Simple CSS Waves | Mobile & Full width
- Sticky Photostack CSS only
- Transition.css - easy transitions with clip-path, copy paste
- Typing Effect
- 3D Keyboard Keys (with long Key)
- Add to cart
- Animated - SVG Birds
- Animated Progress Bar
- CSS 3D floating Credit Card!
- CSS-only direction aware box
- Drag-n-drop sticky, with no JS!
- Reddit border inset challenge
- Sale label
- Turning pages with CSS
- A collective list of free APIs for use in software and web development.
- Any API
- API Marketplace - Free Public & Open Rest APIs | RapidAPI
- Countries Get information about countries via a RESTful API
- Israel government public APIs
- JSON placeholder
- Lorem Picsum - The Lorem Ipsum for photos.
- Public APIs
- Random User Generator
- REQRES test your AJAX requests
- רשימת ישובים בישראל - רשימת ישובים בישראל - Government Data
- שירות המטאורולוגי הישראלי API
- 1-Line Layouts
- 30 seconds of Code
- A collection of tips to help take your CSS skills pro
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox | CSS-Tricks
- CSS Centering Explorer
- CSS selectors :nth Tester
- FLEX cheat sheet
- GRID cheat sheet
- HTML cheat sheet
- JavaScript Regex Cheatsheet
- Layout patterns - collection of layout patterns built using modern CSS
- Learn Box Alignment
- Oh Shit, Git!?!
- SmolCSS - Minimal snippets for modern CSS layouts and components
- Sliders, Carousels, Lightboxes
- Alerts and notifications
- DOM effects
- Data
- Utilities
- Text
- Time and numbers
- Animation
- Uploads
- WebGL
- React
- DX - development and debug tools
- A library for zooming images like on Medium
- easy to integrate lightbox gallery library. Super-lightweight, outstanding performance, no dependencies.
- Embla Extensible bare bones carousels for the web, written in TypeScript
- Fancybox
- Image lightbox
- Simple slider
- Slick carousel
- A JS library to animate content on page scroll
- Animate On Scroll Library
- Animated spinners
- Balloon.css — simple pure CSS tooltips
- Create and animate hand-drawn annotations on a web page
- Favico.js - Make use of your favicon with badges, images or videos
- fluid and interactive gradient animations
- JavaScript Drag & Drop library
- JS audio library howler.js
- library for creating particles
- Pagemap - Mini map for web pages
- Placeholder loading - css only, content placeholder loading animation
- PrintJs - A tiny library to help printing from the web
- Rallax dynamic parallax scrolling effect
- Yet Another Lazy Loader
- a vanilla javascript plugin to create interactive tables and spreadsheets compatible with Excel
- Chart Image from URL
- Charts
- D3 Data-Driven Documents
- Excel Workbook Manager
- Bliss - Lea Verou's collection of helpers and light syntactic sugar over Vanilla JS
- Credit Card input masking and validation
- DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML
- Generate RFC-compliant UUIDs
- HtmlToImage - Generates an image from a DOM node using HTML5 canvas and SVG
- instant.page just-in-time preloading — preload a page right before a user clicks on it
- javascript library for working with currency values
- JSZip - Create, read and edit .zip files
- lib for doing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations precisely
- Random generator of strings and numbers
- Validation library
- Workbox PWA | Google Developers
- animate typing utility
- Auto complete
- Extra JavaScript string methods
- Form validation
- Highlight any text
- imaskjs - vanilla javascript input mask
- JS library to detect links / URLs / Emails in text and convert them to clickable HTML anchor links
- Simple autocomplete pure vanilla JS library
- Split words and charts
- Super fast unicode-aware string manipulation Javascript library
- Typewriter effect library
- VerbalExpressions - library that helps construct REGEX
- Animate css
- Anime JS
- curtains.js WebGL tool to animate images and videos
- Hover.css
- Magic animation
- MicronJS animate via data attribute
- Popmotion Pure | A functional, flexible JavaScript animation library
- Some CSS classes to move your DOM
- Ztext - 3D typography
- Antd - A design system for enterprise-level products
- Formik - Build forms in React
- Immer - Create the next immutable state by mutating the current one
- React admin - A framework for building data-driven applications running in the browser on top of REST/GraphQL APIs
- React Codemirror
- React Freeze - Prevent React component subtrees from rendering
- React hook form - Hooks for forms validation
- React motion - solves your animation problems
- React query - Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React
- React responsive - CSS media queries in react
- React virtualized - a components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data
- React window - a components for efficiently rendering large lists and tabular data (react virtualized lite)
- Why Did You Render: patches React to notify you about avoidable re-renders
- Source-map-explorer - Analyze and debug JS code bloat through source maps
- Redux-immutable-state-invariant - Redux middleware that spits an error on you when you try to mutate your state either inside a dispatch or between dispatches
- Webpack Bundle Analyzer
- AngleSharp - ultimate angle brackets parser library
- ApprovalTests - assertion/verification library to aid unit testing
- AspNetCoreRateLimit - ASP.NET Core rate limiting middleware
- AutoFixture - Automating non-relevant Test Fixture Setup
- AutoMapper - A convention-based object-object mapper
- Awesome .NET Core collection
- Awesome C-Sharp frameworks, libraries and software
- Ben.Demystifier - Make error logs more productive
- BenchmarkDotNet - Powerful .NET library for benchmarking
- Bogus - data generator for populating objects, supports different locales
- BookFx - creating Excel workbooks.
- CliWrap - Library for running shell commands
- ClosedXML - library for reading, manipulating and writing Excel files
- CommandLineParser - Terse syntax C# command line parser
- ConsoleAppFramework - an infrastructure of creating CLI tools
- ConsoleTab les - Allows you to print out objects in a table view in a console application
- CSharpFunctionalExtensions - functional extensions for C#
- CsvHelper - A library for reading and writing CSV files
- Dapper - high performance Micro-ORM
- DbUp - runs the change scripts that are needed to get your database up to date
- dot.NEXT - family of powerful libraries
- Downloader - Fast and reliable multipart downloader
- EntityFramework Core - a lightweight and extensible version of the popular EF
- FakeItEasy - mocking library for .NET
- Fastenshtein - Levenshtein calculates the shortest possible distance between two string
- FluentAssertions - Fluent API for asserting the results of unit tests
- FluentEmail.Core - Send emails very easily
- FluentMigrator - a database migration framework
- FluentValidation - A validation library for .NET
- Flurl - A fluent, portable URL builder
- Fody - Extensible tool for weaving .net assemblies
- Gematria - library for calculating the Gematria value of strings of Hebrew text, or convert numbers into Hebrew Text
- Handlebars.Net - templating language
- HangFire - An easy way to perform background processing in .NET
- Hashids.net - generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers
- HtmlAgilityPack - library that allows you to parse HTML files
- Humanizer - meets all your .NET needs for manipulating and displaying strings, enums, dates, times, timespans, numbers and quantities
- Ical.Net - iCalendar library, create ics files
- ImageSharp - A library for processing of image files
- ImpromptuInterface - A Lightweight Duck Casting Framework for dynamic C#
- JWT - JSON Web Token implementation for .NET
- LigerShark.WebOptimizer.Core - A runtime bundler and minifier
- LiteDB - A lightweight embedded .NET NoSQL document store in a single datafile
- log4net - logging framework
- LunrCore - a lightweight full-text indexing library
- Magick.NET - a powerful image manipulation library
- MailKit - .NET mail-client library, based on MimeKit and optimized for mobile devices
- MassTransit - a message-based distributed application framework
- MediatR - Simple, unambitious mediator implementation in .NET
- MetadataExtractor - Easily and efficiently read metadata from images, video and audio files.
- Microsoft.Coyote - a tool to help ensure that your code is free of concurrency bugs
- Microsoft.IO.RecyclableMemoryStream - a MemoryStream replacement for performance-critical systems
- Microsoft.Playwright
- MiniProfiler - Lightweight mini-profiler, designed for ASP.NET
- MockHttp - Testing layer for HttpClient
- MongoDB.Driver - Official .NET driver for MongoDB
- Moq - friendly mocking framework for .NET
- MoreLinq - enhances LINQ to Objects
- MvvmCross - MVVM framework for cross-platform solutions
- Newtonsoft.Json - high-performance JSON framework for .NET
- Nito.AsyncEx - A helper library for async/await.
- Nito.Comparers - The last comparison library you'll ever need!
- NSubstitute - A friendly substitute for .NET mocking libraries
- ObjectDumper.NET - serialize C# objects to string for debugging and logging purposes
- OneOf - F# style discriminated unions
- ParkSquare.AspNetCore.Sitemap - sitemap and robots.txt generator
- PdfPig - Reads text content from PDF
- Polly - a library that allows developers to express resilience and transient fault handling policies
- PowerArgs - The ultimate command line application framework
- Protobuf - fast and efficient "Protocol Buffers" serialization
- QRCoder - create QR codes
- Quartz - Scheduling Framework for .NET
- Reactive Extensions (Rx) for .NET
- ReactiveUi - A MVVM framework that integrates with the Reactive Extensions for .NET
- Refit - The automatic type-safe REST library
- Respawn - Intelligent checkpoints for database tests
- RestSharp - Simple REST and HTTP API Client
- Selenium.WebDriver - browser automation library
- SharpCompress - a compression library
- ShellProgressBar - display progress in your console application
- Shouldly - Assertion framework for .NET
- Sigil - A fail-fast validating helper for .NET CIL generation
- SimpleInjector - an easy, flexible and fast dependency injection library
- SpectreConsole - A library that makes it easier to create beautiful console applications
- Spire.Doc - enables to fast generate, open, write, edit and save Word document etc.
- sqlite-net-pcl - library providing easy SQLite database storage
- StackExchange.Redis - High performance Redis client
- Stateless - Create state machines
- Tavis.UriTemplates - URI Template resolution library
- TinyORM - Simple, fast, and secure micro ORM for .NET
- UAParser - user agent parser
- Warden.NET - simplifies launching and managing processes on Windows
- YamlDotNet - .NET library for YAML
- Modern styles and controls for your WPF applications
- WPF UI - A simple way to make your application keep up with modern design trends
- 30 Web Development Checklists Every Team Should Keep Handy — SitePoint
- 33 Concepts Every JavaScript Developer Should Know
- 534 ways to reload the page with JavaScript
- A complete collection of web safe CSS font stacks
- A list of 300+ CSS properties
- A long list of advanced JavaScript questions, and their explanations
- A tool for visualizing Execution Context, Hoisting, Closures, and Scopes in JavaScript
- Adaptation of Design Patterns for Humans to C#
- Alvin Ashcraft Morning dew
- An A-Z Index of Windows CMD commands
- An awesome list of awesome things curated by the community
- Api Design Guidelines
- Apple devices Screen Sizes
- Architecture Playbook
- ASP.NET Core Developer Roadmap
- Awesome c#: A curated list of awesome frameworks, libraries and software.
- BEM Naming Cheat Sheet
- Browser Default Styles
- Can I email… Support tables for HTML and CSS in emails
- Can i Include tag to another html tag
- Can I Use
- Clean Code concepts adapted for .NET
- Clean Code concepts adapted for JavaScript
- Commonly used language features in a side-by-side format
- Component Party - Web component JS frameworks overview by their syntax and features
- Computer Security algorithms in C#
- CSS animations easing functions visualizer
- CSS breakpoints used by popular CSS frameworks
- CSS Click Chart | CSS3 Browser Support and Information
- CSS Triggers - Layout/Paint/Composite prices
- CSS Values | CSS Reference, Properties and Values, Browser Support
- CSS3 Transform 2D & 3D CSS Transform functions visualizer
- Database of Databases
- ECMAScript Proposals
- ES2015+ cheatsheet
- find the cost of adding a npm package to your bundle
- Front-End Performance Checklist
- High Scalability
- HTML5 Periodical Table
- I Hate Regex - The Regex Cheat Sheet
- Info about devices viewport,width etc.
- JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
- JavaScript The Right Way
- Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful.
- List of HTML elements and attributes
- Martins Fowler Software Architecture Guide
- Mobbin - Latest Mobile Design Patterns
- Mobile Input Visualization
- Modern CSS Solutions
- Monorepo Explained
- Node.js CLI Apps Best Practices
- Open Source Insights - Understand your dependencies
- pinvoke.net - the interop wiki
- Practical samples of aspnet core projects you can use
- Psychology of Design: 101 Cognitive Biases & Principles That Affect Your UX
- RTL Styling 101
- Simple CSS Media Query Builder and more tools
- Software engineering blog damienbod.com
- The Big List of Naughty Strings
- The Catalog of Design Patterns
- The Data Visualisation Catalogue
- The Morning Brew - Chris Alcocks Blog
- the most popular CSS properties
- The Ultimate Guide to Learning CSS
- Various goodies from Dotnetos
- Visual CSS editor
- Visualization of npm dependencies
- Visualizing data structures and algorithms through animation
- W3C cheat sheet
- Web Skills
- You don't Need JS CSS is powerful, you can do a lot of things without JS.
- You've Been Haacked
- AdGuard AdBlocker
- ARC Toolkit Accessibility testing tools
- Augury - Not in use, official angular dev tools released
- Angular DevTools
- axe - Web Accessibility Testing
- BehindTheOverlay
- BuiltWith Technology Profiler
- Checker Plus for Gmail
- ColorZilla
- CSS Feature Toggles
- CSS Peeper
- CSS Spider
- CSSViewer
- EditThisCookie
- Emmet Re:view
- GoFullPage - Full Page Screen Capture
- JsonDiscovery
- Link to text fragment
- Marinara: Pomodoro® Assistant
- META SEO inspector
- Octotree
- React Developer Tools
- Reactime - React Performance Tool
- ResponsiveViewer
- Screenity - Screen Recorder & Annotation Tool
- SimilarWeb - Traffic Rank & Website Analysis
- SingleFile - save a complete web page into a single HTML file
- SVG Gobbler
- Ubersuggest
- User-Agent Switcher for Chrome
- VisBug
- Wappalyzer
- Web Developer Form Filler
- .NET Core Test Explorer
- .NET Interactive Notebooks
- Angular 8 Snippets - TypeScript, Html, Angular Material, ngRx, RxJS & Flex Layout
- Angular Files
- Angular Language Service
- Angular Snippets
- Auto Close Tag
- Auto Import
- Auto Rename Tag
- Autoprefixer
- Bookmarks
- Bootstrap 4, Font awesome 4, Font Awesome 5 Free & Pro snippets
- C#
- C# Namespace Autocompletion
- change-case
- Close HTML/XML tag
- Code Runner
- Code Spell Checker
- Codeium - AI Coding Autocomplete
- Codesnap - Beautiful screenshots
- CodeTour - record and playback guided tours of codebases
- Color Highlight
- Color Picker
- Coverage Gutters
- CSS Initial Value
- CSS Peek
- CSSTree validator
- Debugger for Firefox
- Docker
- Draw.io Integration
- Error Lens
- ESLint
- Excel Viewer
- Fabulous
- Format in context menus
- FracturedJson - A JSON formatter that produces human-readable output
- Git Graph
- GitLens — Git supercharged
- GitLive
- Highlight Trailing White Spaces
- HTML CSS Support
- HTML End Tag Labels
- ILSpy .NET Decompiler
- Image preview
- Import Cost
- indent-rainbow - colorize the indentation
- Inline Parameters for VSCode
- Instant Markdown
- IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
- IntelliCode for C# Dev Kit
- JavaScript (ES6) code snippets
- JavaScript Booster
- JavaScript Test Runner
- Jest
- jQuery Code Snippets
- JS & CSS Minifier (Minify)
- jwt-decoder
- Kubernetes
- Live Sass Compiler
- Live Server
- Log File Highlighter
- Mintlify Doc Writer
- Node.js Modules Intellisense
- npm Intellisense
- NuGet Package Manager
- NuGet Reverse Package Search
- Open Spec File
- P42 JavaScript Assistant
- Paste JSON as Code
- Path Intellisense
- Pretty TypeScript Errors
- Prettier - Code formatter
- Polyglot Notebooks
- Rainbow CSV
- Random Everything
- Regex Previewer
- Remote Development
- REST Client
- Roslynator
- Sapling - traverse react components
- SCSS IntelliSense
- SonarLint
- Sort JSON objects
- Sort lines
- SQL Formatter
- SQL Server (mssql)
- Styco - styled components converter
- TabNine
- TODO Highlight
- Todo Tree
- Typehole - Automatically generate TypeScript types and interfaces
- Vscode Google Translate
- vscode-icons
- vscode-solution-explorer
- XML Tools
- Add New File
- Bundler & Minifier
- C# Methods Code Snippets
- Clr Heap Allocation Analyzer
- Code Converter C# to/from VB.NET
- Codeium
- CodeMaid
- Dummy Text Generator
- EF Core Power Tools
- File Differ
- File Icons
- File Path On Footer
- HTML Snippet Pack
- ILSpy
- JavaScript Snippet Pack
- MappingGenerator
- Microsoft Analysis Services Projects
- Microsoft RDLC Report Designer
- Microsoft Reporting Services Projects
- NUnit Test Generator
- Open Command Line
- Open in Visual Studio Code
- Output enhancer
- Package Installer
- PasteSQL C# Classes
- Power Commands for Visual Studio
- Productivity Power Tools
- REST API Client Code Generator
- Roslynator
- Snippetica
- SonarLint
- TypeScript Definition Generator
- U2U Consult Performance Analyzers
- Unit Test Boilerplate Generator
- Viasfora
- Visual Studio Spell Checker
- VSColorOutput
- Azure Data Studio
- Burp Suite CE
- CodeTrack
- Database Note Taker
- DB Browser for SQLite
- DDOSify - High-performance load testing tool
- DevToys
- Docker Desktop
- Fiddler
- Git Fork
- IlSpy
- Jetbrains dotPeek
- LinqPad
- NBomber - load testing tool
- Notepad++
- NuGet Package Explorer
- PerfView
- Postman
- Process Explorer
- Responsively App
- RoslynPad
- SSMS SQL Server Management Studio
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- WebSurge - load testing
- WinDbg
- Windows terminal
- WinMerge
- Wireshark
- Zeal
- 7zip - file archiver with a high compression ratio
- Aimp - Audio Player
- Format Factory - multifunctional multimedia file processing tools
- IDM - the fastest dowmload manager
- KmPlayer - a media player that can play ALL current formats
- NimbleText - a text manipulation tool
- PowerToys - Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
- QuickLook - enables a very quick preview of file contents by pressing the Spacebar
- Rufus - Create bootable USB drives
- SpaceSniffer - disk space analyser
- Speccy - advanced system information tool
- Spotify
- ZoomIt - screen zoom and annotation tool
- TeamViewer - application for remote control
- Total Commander - Best file manager
- Windows File Recovery
- Winget - Windows Package Manager CLI
- Azure Data Studio
- DB Browser for SQLite
- DevUtills
- Git Fork
- IlSpy port
- Postman
- Rider (VS for mac is almost EOL)
- TextMate
- UltraCompare
- UltraEdit
- Visual Studio
- Visual Studio Code
- Amphetamine - keep-awake utility
- BrightIntosh - use the increased brightness of its Liquid Retina XDR display anytime
- CleanMyMac
- CleanShot - a powerful replacement for the macOS tool
- ClipGrab - tool for downloading videos from multiple streaming websites
- CoconutBattery - shows battery health
- Command X - Cut and paste files and folders in Finder using Command+X and Command+V
- Commander One - file manager
- Crop Any Video
- DirEqual - compare files and folders
- Disk Space Analyzer
- Easy New File - finder extension
- FigrCollage - make collages
- HandBrake - video transcoder
- Hidden Bar - Hide menubar items
- IINA - The modern media player for macOS
- ImageOptim - Reduces image file size
- iNet Network scanner
- Little Snitch
- Lyn - fast media browser and viewer
- NTFS for Mac
- Parallels Desktop - Run Windows on Mac
- PDFgear - FREE All-in-one PDF tool
- Shareful - add save to and open in to share menu
- Stats - system monitor in menu bar
- Swish - window manager with gestures
- System Color Picker
- Topaz Gigapixel - Super scale any image with AI
- Trim Any Video
- WidsMob Panorama - Auto stitch for panoramas
- WiFi Explorer
- zCommander - file manager