Starred repositories
为英语学习者量身打造的视频播放器,助你通过观看视频、沉浸真实语境,轻松提升英语水平。#美剧 #播放器 #听力
独立开发者出海工具收集站(Awesome Independent developer sea tool collection station)
An open-source project for Windows developers to learn how to add AI with local models and APIs to Windows apps.
Bring background images to your vscode. vscode background 背景扩展插件。
Material you widgets for your windows desktop, adaptable with wallpaper colors with both light & dark modes
防迷路 | 禁漫天堂APK | 禁漫APP安卓安装包 | jm天堂 | GitHub Actions
小红书笔记 | 评论爬虫、抖音视频 | 评论爬虫、快手视频 | 评论爬虫、B 站视频 | 评论爬虫、微博帖子 | 评论爬虫、百度贴吧帖子 | 百度贴吧评论回复爬虫 | 知乎问答文章|评论爬虫
Annosz / UIInfoSuite2
Forked from cdaragorn/Ui-Info-SuiteOngoing maintenance for the original UI Info Suite mod for Stardew Valley.
Contentlayer turns your content into data - making it super easy to import MD(X) and CMS content in your app
The web's most popular Jamstack front-end template (boilerplate) for building web applications with React
🌈 React for interactive command-line apps
🧑🚀 The better identity infrastructure for developers and the open-source alternative to Auth0.
Query, provision and operate Cloud and SaaS resources and APIs using an extensible SQL based framework
Low-code platform allows you to build business apps, enables you to quickly create internal tools such as dashboard, crud app, admin panel, crm, cms, etc. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, Supabase, Grap…
阅读3服务器版,桌面端,iOS可用。后端 Kotlin + Spring Boot + Vert.x + Coroutine ;前端 Vue.js + Element。麻烦点点star,关注一下公众号【假装大佬】❗️
Apk控制流混淆;Apk-Dex2C;Res资源混淆;Dex、jar、smali文件的相互转换; Dex、Pdf文件合并; Apk、dex、jar混淆和字符串加密; Apk签名、共存; Res资源混淆; Dex、AXML、ARSC文件编辑及翻译;字符串加密(Apk、dex); 一键添加Xposed检测,一键添加弹窗、对话框; axml反编译/回编译; 一键LOG添加; 一键添加字符串解密LO…
Curated list of project-based tutorials
SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF(Web Application Firewall) / reverse proxy to protect your web apps from attacks and exploits.
OCR software, free and offline. 开源、免费的离线OCR软件。支持截屏/批量导入图片,PDF文档识别,排除水印/页眉页脚,扫描/生成二维码。内置多国语言库。
A zero-config, drop-in animation utility that adds smooth transitions to your web app. You can use it with React, Vue, or any other JavaScript application.
一个用于在 macOS 上平滑你的鼠标滚动效果或单独设置滚动方向的小工具, 让你的滚轮爽如触控板 | A lightweight tool used to smooth scrolling and set scroll direction independently for your mouse on macOS
A HTML5 video player with a parser that saves traffic