This is the Qiskit Fall Fest event for IIT Roorkee, "Dead & Alive". We're so excited to have you all here. This event is being hosted by the Quantum Computing Group (QCG), IIT Roorkee. Join the [Discord](( for speedy updates!
The Qiskit Fall Fest is a collection of quantum computing events on college campuses around the world. Every Fall Fest event is organized and run by the students on each campus, with support from the entire IBM Quantum team. Students work alongside IBM throughout the month of September to design and plan their event, which are then run in October-November. The events vary from technical hackathons to beginner-friendly challenges, all with the goal of helping to grow the local community’s skill set.
The Fall Fest here at IIT Roorkee is going to be a hackathon, starting on November 4th. Details about the hackathon and rules can be found below. The deadline for all projects is November 6th, at 1630 hrs IST. Any projects submitted after the deadline will NOT be judged. The presentations for shortlisted projects will be at 1800 hrs on the same day (November 6th).
- Before you register, read the full rules here. This is a hackathon for IIT Roorkee only, if you are not a student of IIT Roorkee, you may not participate in this hackathon.
- To officially sign up, register using this link.
- All projects submitted must follow the hackathon prompt, which we will reveal at the Opening Ceremony cum Workshop on November 4th, 1900 hrs.
- There will be a seperate prompt and prize pool for freshmen (batch of 2026).
- There will be a general prompt for all participants (freshmen may take part in this too!). Each team must have 2 to 4 members.
- The deadline for submission of the projects is November 6th, 1630 hrs. The presentations for shortlisted projects will begin on November 6th, 1800 hrs.
- All projects must use Qiskit, the open-source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits, and application modules. You can learn more about Qiskit and begin getting familiar here. We will cover Qiskit in our workshop also.
- For the fresher's prompt, ties will be broken on the basis of the submission time.
- Please strictly adhere to the deadlines. Late submissions will not be entertained.
- Please follow the code of conduct with utmost seriousness. Breaking rules will lead to immediate disqualification
Please find the prompts in the repository files above.
- General Prompt : general prompt.pdf is a pdf file containg the prompt statement.
- Fresher's Prompt: Freshers_Prompt.ipynb is a I Python Notebook (similar to Google Colab) which must be filled and completed by frshers.
- For general prompt: INR 3500, INR 2000, INR 1500 and Medals for each team.
- Separate prompt for Freshers: Swags by IBM Quantum and direct entry to QCG recruitment interviews.
- Certificates to all winners and submitted projects.
We are proud to welcome you to the IIT Roorkee Qiskit Fall Fest. Our team of organizers has put together an amazing schedule of events and learning. Find the schedule below.
Event | Date | Time |
Workshop 1 - Introduction to Quantum Computing (Theoretical) | 3rd November | 1900 hrs to 2000 hrs |
Team Formation | 3rd November | 2000 hrs to 2030 hrs |
Workshop 2 - Hands on with Qiskit (Practical) | 4th November | 1900 hrs to 2000 hrs |
Opening Ceremony | 4th November | 2000 hrs to 2030 hrs |
Project Presentations (for shortlisted projects) | 6th November | 1800 hrs |
Results | 8th November | TBD |
Venue for the workshops: L2-104 (APJ Abdul Kalam Block)
Make sure to join our Discord server to stay up to date!
Here is a nice blog about the top projects form our previous hackathon. Attend our workshops to know more about quantum computing and its applications.
- Spoilers and sharing of answers in discord server or any other personal messaging platform is not allowed.
- Any form of plagiarism will lead to disqualification.
- Please submitt on time, late submissions will not be entertained. Qiskit Events Code of Conduct