FlashCards for songs with lyrics and tablatures (Django, JS)
The learning strategy of spaced-repetition can be applied for exploring a large repertoire of music. However, for songs it's desirable for the frequency that it's presented to us to depend on how much we like it. SongCards allows you to review your songs like flashcards while incorporating idiosyncratic features like autoscroll lyrics and tablatures.
- Search: for my cards
- in: always at the front
- Favorite: appears more frequently for practice
- New cards have red border, cards not due for review are grayed out
Autogenerate: lyrics, tempo, youtube video, tablature site from title and artist
A repertoire of public songs add-able to your collection
Transposition: to any key of the same type (major, minor), reset to original key
Autoscroll: adjust speed with controls
Privacy options: private, share with friends, or public
Feedback: for spaced repetition
Colors: for chord symbol corresponds to relative position. (circle of fifths, using rainbow colors)
Manage card: edit, delete, share
- Automated transposition of pieces to keys that suit user's vocal range and simplicity of tablature.
- Social / User feedback to improve existing repository of cards.