Angularjs data grid
$ npm install ng-qgrid
$ bower install ng-qgrid
- easy to start:
<q-grid rows="data">
<q-grid:columns generation="deep">
- virtualization everywhere: rows and columns should be virtualizable
- considered styles: user should be able to make any css customization in easy format
- fully customizable: header, cells, rows, footer etc. should be templatable
- clear javascript: no html templates in javascript
$ npm install
prerequisites$ npm run start
start the webpack development server on http:\\localhost:3030\demo$ npm run build:prod
create a js bundle with webpack$ npm run lint
run code quality tests$ npm run test
run tests$ npm run test:debug
watch and debug tests
$ npm run release
create release version with tag. You should be authorized as qgrid user to publish it to npm$ npm run publish
publish the code to github pages
We are trying to encapsulate any ui framework(angular in our case) dependencies to the separate module. We believe that it will give us a chance to migrate
to other environments without big efforts(in plans angular2, react and vuejs)
Code licensed under MIT license.
- primeng
- ngx-datatable
- kendo-ng grid
- ui-grid
- ng-table
- addazle react data grid
- zippyui react data grid
- ag-grid
- js-grid
- advanced data grid component
- backgridjs
- kendo-ui grid
- ignite-ui grid
- devexpress grid
- devexpress grid
- devexpress silverlight grid
- wpf toolkit grid
- telerik silverlight grid
- infragistics silverlight grid
- ng2-supertable
- valor grid / ng2-table
- iron data table
- Handsontable
- SlickGrid
- DataTables
- jqGrid / trirand / guriddo
- jsGrid
- DevExtreme
- DHtmlXGrid
- Webix spreadsheet
- FancyGrid
- Data Grid
- Clusterize
- Ng table
- Smart-Table
- ngx-datatable
- recline
- w2ui grid
- Ember table
- jtable
- dgrid
- React-Spreadsheet-Component
- react-pivot
- jQuery.sheet
- paramquery
- bs_grid
- jexcel
- sou-react-table
- jui_datagrid
- cell-cursor
- react-virtualized-pivot
- ipgrid
- ingrid
- tgrid
- dynamic-table