- beijing china
(UTC +08:00)
keras Public
Forked from keras-team/kerasDeep Learning for humans
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 11, 2023 -
deeplearningbook-chinese Public
Forked from exacity/deeplearningbook-chineseDeep Learning Book Chinese Translation
TeX UpdatedDec 3, 2019 -
protobuf Public
Forked from protocolbuffers/protobufProtocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
C++ Other UpdatedOct 6, 2017 -
nginx Public
Forked from nginx/nginxAn official read-only mirror of http://hg.nginx.org/nginx/ which is updated hourly. Pull requests on GitHub cannot be accepted and will be automatically closed. The proper way to submit changes to …
C UpdatedOct 5, 2017 -
muduo Public
Forked from chenshuo/muduoA C++ non-blocking network library for multi-threaded server in Linux
C++ Other UpdatedMay 23, 2017 -
QGIS is a free, open source, cross platform (lin/win/mac) geographical information system (GIS)
C++ GNU General Public License v2.0 UpdatedNov 30, 2016 -
geoserver Public
Forked from geoserver/geoserverOfficial GeoServer repository
Java Other UpdatedNov 28, 2016 -
node Public
Forked from nodejs/nodeNode.js JavaScript runtime ✨🐢🚀✨
JavaScript Other UpdatedNov 4, 2016 -
redis Public
Forked from redis/redisRedis is an in-memory database that persists on disk. The data model is key-value, but many different kind of values are supported: Strings, Lists, Sets, Sorted Sets, Hashes, HyperLogLogs, Bitmaps.
C BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedOct 28, 2016 -
Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
C Other UpdatedOct 28, 2016 -
mxgraph Public
Forked from jgraph/mxgraphmxGraph is a fully client side JavaScript diagramming library
HTML Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 27, 2016 -
cpp-netlib Public
Forked from cpp-netlib/cpp-netlibThe C++ Network Library Project -- cross-platform, standards compliant networking library.
C++ Boost Software License 1.0 UpdatedOct 17, 2016 -
android-ndk Public
Forked from android/ndk-samplesAndroid NDK samples with Android Studio
C++ Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 13, 2016 -