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This repository was archived by the owner on Apr 16, 2024. It is now read-only.


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This repository is no longer relevant

You should no longer refer to these docs as they have been succeeded by Developing with QIIME 2.

This repository contains the "old QIIME 2 developer documentation" for archival purposes.

Welcome to the QIIME 2 developer docs!

To contribute, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repo.
  2. Clone your forked repo onto your computer.
  3. Make a new branch: git checkout -b informative-branch-name
  4. Make and preview your edits.
  5. Commit and push your edits, and start a pull request.

Previewing edits

This documentation is built by sphinx, which you can also use to make a local copy of the docs to preview on your computer.

First, you need to have all the required packages installed. Start by going to<20XX.Y>/amplicon/released (where <20XX.Y> is the current release epoch).

Check on the latest versions for qiime2 and q2cli (these are the two QIIME 2 packages you'll need in your conda environment).

Create a new conda environment with the following packages/channels:

conda create -n dev-docs -c<20XX.Y>/amplicon/released -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c defaults qiime2=<20XX.Y.ver> q2cli=<20XX.Y.ver> sphinx

Where 20XX.Y is the current release epoch, and 20XX.Y.ver is the version found on for qiime2 and q2cli, respectively.

Once the environment has been created, you'll activate it with:

conda activate dev-docs

From the main dev-docs repo, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt

This should download sphinx (plus a few other dependencies). Note that you might want to run this in a qiime2 dev environment, to keep installs separate from your main computer.

To build the documentation and preview your changes, run the following command from the main repo:

make dirhtml

The output files will show up in the build folder. Open these html files to explore the documentation locally.

Once you're satisfied with your changes, commit your changes and push them to your repo, and then start a pull request from your repo's site. Don't commit any of the files in the build directory.

Uploading a new release version to S3 (QIIME 2 Core Development Team)

Start by making a copy of the build/dirhtml directory & its contents (while in the build folder):

cp dirhtml 20XX.REL

Move this newly named directory to an easily accessible location on your machine (i.e. Downloads, etc).

Under the caporaso lab grant AWS account:

  • Navigate to: Amazon S3 -> Buckets -> qiime2-dev-docs
  • Select: Upload -> Add folder
    • This is where you'll select the 20XX.REL directory from your machine. You'll then be taken to a pop-up window asking if you're sure you'd like to upload all of the files and folders within this directory, to which you'll select Upload.
    • You'll then see a list of all of the files (in their relative locations) in a list. As long as everything looks as expected, select Upload at the bottom of this page.


Developer documentation for QIIME 2




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No releases published


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