Windows shortcut with parameters
Left-Click on Alias button: execute shortcut.
Right-Click on Alias button: open main folder.
Right-Click in text-entry: clean text-entry, and trigger dropdown.
Mid-Click in text-entry: remove chosen line from history.
Double-Click in text-entry: select all and copy.
REMOVE button: enable "-" button to remove shortcut.
CountDown button: start a timer on upper right corner of screen.
Left-Click on timer: reset timer.
Right-Click on timer: exit timer.
Examples: "main": "D:/Tools/PortableGit/git-cmd.exe"
- shutdown windows: shutdown /p
- Hibernate shutdown /h ^& exit
- run cmd in specific path E: & cd "Z:/github/pyToolkit"
Start VBox headless "main": "C:/Program Files/Oracle/VirtualBox/VBoxManage.exe"
- startvm --type headless u1804
Start servel web pages "main": "D:/Tools/MaxthonPortable/Bin/Maxthon.exe"
git-bash SSH "main": "D:/Tools/PortableGit/git-bash.exe"
- -c 'ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" [email protected]
Run python script "pyToolKit": { "folder": "D:/scripts/github_pyToolkit", "interpreter": "C:/pypy2/pypyw.exe", "list": [ "" ], "main": "D:/scripts/github_pyToolkit/" }