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Hanbot 3 Detailed tutorial:
1.Download sa.shard and place hanbot3\league of legends\shards
2.Download SA.ini place hanbot3\league of legends
3.Enter the password in SA.ini
Support list :
Additional > :
Orbwalking Tracker TargetSelector Predction 1 | Predction 2
Champions > :
99 champion Ashe Aatrox(A Version And B Version) Akali Annie Ahri Anivia Aphelios Akshan Azir Amumu Blitzcrank Brand Caitlyn Cassiopeia Chogath Corki Diana Draven DrMundo Ekko Elise Ezreal(A Version And B Version) Fiora Gnar Graves (The script has a VIP version) Gwen Illaoi Irelia(A Version And B Version) Jax Jinx Jhin Kaisa Kalista Karthus Kassadin Kayle Kennen KogMaw Kindred Khazix Leblanc Lux Lulu LeeSin (The script has a VIP version) Lillia Lissandra Lucian Leona Malphite Malzahar MissFortune Mordekaiser Morgana Nautilus Neeko Nasus Nunu Nami Nidalee Olaf Orianna Ornn Pantheon Pyke RekSai Renekton Ryze Rell Riven (Gagong_Riven Only with SA Orbwallker callback) Qiyana Senna Sett Shyvana Sivir Sona Soraka Swain Sylas Syndra Singed Samira Seraphine Tristana Twitch Talon Thresh TwistedFate Teemo Vayne(A Version And B Version) Viktor Vladimir Viego(Support all SanAndreas champion skills) Vex Xayah Xerath Yasuo(A Version And B Version) Yone Yorick Yuumi Zilean Zoe Ziggs