Algorithms is fascinating.
Keep it simple and stupid, but not simpler.
- Permutation
- Combination
- Convex hull
- Triangulation
- Linked list
- Merge sort
- Tree
- Self-balancing binary search tree
- AVL Tree
- Red–black tree
- Heap
- Binary heap
- Binomial heap
- Fibonacci heap
- Trie
- Suffix tree
- Fenwick tree
- Self-balancing binary search tree
- Graph
- Hash table
- Disjoint-set
- Suffix array
- Minimum spanning tree
- Shortest path problem
- Knight's tour
- Traveling salesman problem (TSP)
- Network flow problem
- Big integer
- Prime number
- Fast Fourier transform
- Dynamic programming
- Linear programming
- Metaheuristics
- Hashing
- Pathfinding
- Breadth-first search
- Depth-first search
(A-star) search algorithmIDA*
(Iterative deepening A-star)
- Exchange sorts
- Bubble sort
- Cocktail sort
- Quicksort
- Selection sorts
- Selection sort
- Heap sort
- Smoothsort
- Insertion sorts
- Insertion sort
- Shellsort
- Merge sorts
- Merge sort
- Distribution sorts
- Radix sort
- Hybrid sorts
- Introsort
- Timsort
- Palindrome
- Matching
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