Tags: qntfy/kazaam
Toggle v4.0.1's commit message
Merge pull request #113 from JoshKCarroll/fix-travis
Fix travis
Toggle v4.0.0's commit message
Merge pull request #112 from JoshKCarroll/go-mod
Add go.mod and bump to major version 4
Toggle v3.4.9's commit message
Merge pull request #107 from JoshKCarroll/root-array-over-support
Support "over" keyword on root level array
Toggle v3.4.8's commit message
Merge pull request #97 from henry-megarry/master
adding key separator into spec to allow '.' in key values
Toggle v3.4.7's commit message
Fix broken UUID dependency (#87 )
Toggle v3.4.6's commit message
Merge pull request #81 from findkim/80-unix-ts-support
Add unix epoch timestamp transform
Toggle v3.4.5's commit message
update UUID dependency (#76 )
Toggle v3.4.4's commit message
Merge pull request #70 from jcelliott/fix_uuid_breaking_change
Fix breaking API change in uuid package
Toggle v3.4.3's commit message
Merge pull request #68 from JoshKCarroll/67-over-string-bug
#67 Bug fix
Toggle v3.4.2's commit message
Merge pull request #66 from JoshKCarroll/64-bug-fixes
Bug fixes related to #64
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