This is the best place to start with up-2-date developed firmware and bootloader for mcHF. If you do want to start looking into the code we recommend to use this actual code - not completely outdated code which exists outside GitHub! If you use old firmware you will miss many, many new features of mcHF, the code contains much bugs and works very slowly. Structure of code is not a good starting point for beginners.
If you only want binaries, you can find them for stable releases and pre-releases in "github releases".
Binaries of actual development are available as "daily snapshots". Versioning is only done in RELEASES. For identifying daily snapshots you must use build time stamp which is shown in splash screen.
All this is bundled in startup page.
We are soon switching to HAL based development. During intermediate period we offer HAL based builds and (old) builds simultaneously. Please test HAL based builds and report issues if you see some here on GitHub issues. Your help is appreciated!
Have fun - Open-Source opens possibilities!
KA7OEI, Clint
DF8OE, Andreas
DB4PLE, Danilo
DD4WH, Frank
and the complete mcHF community