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UnlockJS is a JavaScript library to activate cheat codes and keyboard shortcuts in your project.


This library is available through npm.

npm i unlockjs -S


Alternatively, you can use jsDelivr:

<script src=""></script>

Note: I'm just picky about the .js at the end. You can also use <script src=""></script>


Getting Started

By default, UnlockJS creates a global function in the browser, but is exported as a UMD module so you can probably import using your setup ;)

To get started, initialize a new Unlock object using:

var unlocker = new Unlock({ /*** options ***/ });


When creating a new Unlock object, you can pass in the following parameters:

timeout (number)

This sets the amount of time in ms before a cheat code times out. This is 500 by default.

resetOnMatch (bool)

If true, when you successfully match a cheatcode, the timer is reset. For example, this allows chaining cheats one after another. False by default.

Cheat Codes

var konamiCode = ['up', 'up', 'down', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'left', 'right', 'b', 'a', 'enter'];

	name: 'konami',
	code: konamiCode,
	callback: function() {

The .addCheat method accepts three parameters: a name, code array, and callback function. The name is just an identifier and has no use other than to find the cheat later on, but it should be descriptive enough for other developers to identify. Currently, UnlockJS has only been testing and verified as working on a traditional US keyboard layout.

There are two ways of passing in the parameters. The preferred method, as seen above, is by passing them in as an object. Alternatively, you can pass in parameters in the order of name, code, and callback:

unlocker.addCheat('konami', konamiCode, function () {

When passing the parameters as an object, the code property also accepts a string of individual characters. For example, the cheat code above can be rewritten as code: 'UUDDLRLRba>'. Below is a list of key codes, as used in an array and the single character counterpart. Special key symbols are loosely based off of AutoHotkey.

Character Chart
Key Array Item (case insensitive) Character (match case)
A-Z a-z a-z
0-9 0-9 0-9
NumPad 0-9 pad0-pad9 Unsupported
Up Arrow Key up U
Down Arrow Key down D
Left Arrow Key left L
Right Arrow Key right R
Tab tab _
Esc esc X
Ctrl ctrl ^
Shift shift +
Alt alt !
Backspace backspace <
Enter enter >
Windows win #
Caps Lock capsLock Unsupported

Enabling/Disabling Cheats

Cheats can be enabled or disabled on command:

unlocker.disable() // Disables all cheats.

unlocker.enable and unlocker.toggle can be used in the same way.

Modifying Cheats

Newly created cheats return themselves, and can be passed by reference to a variable. Alternatively, you can use unlocker.find(name) to obtain the cheat using the name used to create it.

var konami = unlocker.addCheat({
	name: 'konami',
	code: ['up', 'up', 'down', 'down', 'left', 'right', 'left', 'right', 'b', 'a', 'enter'],
	callback: function() {

// is the same as:

var konami = unlocker.find('konami');

The cheat object contains the same enabling methods as the Unlock object, but is specific to itself (meaning you can use konami.disable() to disable that specific cheat). Furthermore, you can set the hotkey and callback using by assigning new values to them:

konami.callback = function() {

konami.code = 'UUDDLRLRba';

Please Note: The name property used to be read-only and is now changeable as UnlockJS no longer emphasizes restricting the things you do. However, if you do decide to manually set the name, you're a moron. No offense.


UnlockJS comes with several presets for common cheat codes.

konami.code = Unlock.presets.KONAMI;

Users of ES Modules can also import the presets like so:

import { KONAMI } from 'unlockjs/src/utils/presets';

konami.code = KONAMI;
Preset Code
KONAMI Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right B A Enter


Shortcuts are added in pretty much the same way as cheatcodes:

	hotkey: '^z',
	selector: '.selector',
	callback: function() {

unlocker.addShortcut('^z', '.selector', function() {

The .addShortcut function accepts three parameters, hotkey, selector, and callback. Like cheat codes, they can be passed as an object. When passed as individual parameters, the selector is optional. Providing a selector, which accepts either a string selector or an actual DOM element, binds the shortcut to that element so it does not hotkey outside of it.

The Hotkey Parameter

The hotkey is what activates the callback and must be in the following format:

  • Zero or more modifier key character (^, +, !, or #).
  • Exactly one hotkey (Any non-modifier key character).

The supported characters match the character chart above. The initial behavior of a shortcut is not disabled by default (i.e. Ctrl+S still opens a save dialog). To prevent the default behavior, prepend your hotkey string with a hyphen. For example, ^s (Ctrl+S) should be replaced with -^s.

Modifying Shortcuts

Like cheat codes, shortcut parameters can be modified by assigning them a new value.

ES Modules

At its core, the Unlock module is actually a wrapper around two separate submodules, providing extra functionality for managing both cheatcodes and shortcuts. As such, it may carry additional load that's not relevant to your project. Therefore, if you are using a build system that support modules, it is recommended that you instead import the components you need.

import CheatCode from 'unlockjs/src/cheatcode';
import Shortcut from 'unlockjs/src/shortcut';

Usage is mostly the same. Behind the scenes, unlocker.addCheat([args]) is calling new CheatCode([args]) using the same parameters you passed in and returns the CheatCode instance that was created. Therefore, anything in the documentation for CheatCodes above that's not specific to the Unlock class will apply here as well. Likewise, unlocker.addShortcut([args]) creates and returns an instance of new Shortcut([args])


This project uses Webpack to build the distribution files and tests. Please make sure to have npm and Webpack installed. The scripts are in package.json for your leisurely use.


MIT License


Use keyboard keys to their fullest potential!







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