Snapdrop is inspired by Apple's Airdrop, but is a Progressive Web App built with Polymer and Web RTC.
- Polymer
- WebRTC
- WebSockets fallback (iDevices don't support WebRTC)
- NodeJS
- Material Design
What about the connection? Is it a P2P-connection directly from device to device or is there any third-party-server?
It uses a P2P connection if WebRTC is supported by the browser. (WebRTC needs a Signaling Server, but it is only used to establish a connection and is not involved in the file transfer).
If WebRTC isn’t supported (Safari, IE) it uses a Web Sockets fallback for the file transfer. The server connects the clients with a stream.
None of your files are ever saved on any server. Snapdrop doesn't even use cookies or a database. If you are curious have a look at the Server It does use Google Analytics.
No. ShareDrop is built with ember. Snapdrop is built with Polymer. I wanted to play around with Progressive Web Apps and then I got the idea to clone Apple’s Airdrop. By doing research on this idea I found and analysed ShareDrop. ShareDrop uses WebRTC only and isn't compatible with Safari Browsers. Snapdrop uses a Websocket fallback and some hacks to make Snapdrop work due to the download restrictions on iDevices.
- Buy me a cup of coffee
- Help me to scale the server! My server is going crazy in the last hour. If you know how to scale nodejs apps (maybe heroku expert?) please write me at [email protected] !
- Fix bugs and do a Pull Request. This is my first open source project, so I am not very used to the common workflow, but we'll figure it out! )