Display notifications from HomeAssistant to Tidbyt using this integration. You must also install the TidbytAssistant add-on which can be found here:
You can add this repository to HACS if you have it installed by adding this link to your custom repository:
This is the way i recommend you install this integration so that you can stay up-to-date on releases.
I also highly recommend installing the Studio Code Server and Samba add-ons if you dont have them already. These will make copying files and editing your configuration.yaml much easier. Samba is part of the official addons and Studio Code Server is part of the HomeAssistant community add-ons. You can use the Samba add-on to copy thos integration to your custom_components folder if yoh choose to install it manually.
- To add your Tidbyt device, open the Tidbyt app. Navigate to the device you want to add, click the settings icon at the top right then navigate to the Developer tab.
- Tap on Get API key. Here you will see a Device ID and Key. This is what you will use to set up the integration.
- In HomeAssistant, navigate to your configuration.yaml and add the following to the bottom:
- name: your device name
deviceid: device_id_from_previous_step
token: key_from_previous_step
- name: another device name
- You can add as many devices as you want. Be sure to give each a unique name, you will be using this name when calling the action.
- Restart HomeAssistant.
- Once HomeAssistant restarts, you should now have an action called TidbytAssistant: Push. Use this in your automations to send notifiations.
- Select the radio button for Built-in.
- Use the Content dropdown to select from the built in notifications. These are apps that I have built that have little animations for notifications.
- Type out your device name and run the action.
- Create a folder in your /config directory called tidbyt.
- Place your .star file(s) in this folder.
- Select the radio button for Custom. In the Custom Content text box, enter the file name minus the '.star'. Example: If your file is named custom.star, you will enter custom in the field.
- Select the radio buttom for Text
- In the Content box, enter the text you want displayed. You can also select from the avaialble fonts and colors as well as static text or scrolling.
- Enter your device name and run the action. You should see your text on the screen.
- Create a folder in your /config directory called tidbyt.
- Place your .star file(s) in this folder.
- In the Content text box, enter the file name minus the '.star'. Example: If your file is named custom.star, you will enter custom in the field.
- Enter a unique name in the Content ID field.
- Enter your device name. Run the action to add your app to your app rotation.
- Enter the content ID of the app you published and device name.
- Run the action. The app should now be removed from your rotation.
By default, this integration sends the request on port 9000. If for some reason that port is in use, you can change it in the add-on configuration. Be sure to also change it in your configuration.yaml like so:
port: 5000
- name: your device name
deviceid: device_id_from_previous_step
token: key_from_previous_step
- name: another device name
By default, this integration sends the request to locahost. If you want to host the add-on separately or using HA Core then you can change the host in the configuration:
- name: your device name
deviceid: device_id_from_previous_step
token: key_from_previous_step
- name: another device name
I also recommend that you use the secrets.yaml file to store your ID and Key. Add these to secrets.yaml:
tidbyt_id: device_id_from_previous_step
tidbyt_key: key_from_previous_step
Then your configuration will look like this:
- name: your device name
deviceid: !secret tidbyt_id
token: !secret tidbyt_key
- name: another device name
The action should do a few checks when you run it and give feedback on what went wrong (ie if you enter an incorrect device name, it will give you a list of valid names). However, sometimes everything checks out on the HA side but won't on the add-on side. If you navigate to the add-on page and click 'Logs' you can see what went wrong if the action you ran is not giving you the desired results.