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Tags: qucontrol/krotov



Toggle v1.3.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 1.3.0

This is mainly a maintenance and compatiblity release.


Toggle v1.2.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 1.2.1

* Bugfix: Crash when initializing discretized numpy-array controls (#79, thanks to @loganbvh)
* Bugfix: Corrected definition of co-states in Dissipative Qubit Reset example (#80, thanks to Alberto Castro)
* Update: Switched Testing and Documentation deployment from Travis to Github Actions (#82)


Toggle v1.2.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 1.2.0

-   Added: `via_midpoints` argument to `krotov.conversions.discretize`
-   Changed: Controls and update shapes are now discretized in a way
    that ensures numerical stability ([#74][], thanks to [@zachmanson][]
-   Changed: Replaced `uniseg` dependency with `grapheme` ([#76][])

Note: due to the changes in the time discretization of the controls and
update shapes, this version will generally not reproduce optimization
results from previous versions to machine precision.

[#74]: #74
[#76]: #76


Toggle v1.1.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 1.1.0


Toggle v1.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 1.0.0

* Update: Citation info now points to `SciPost paper <>`_ (`#61`_)
* Added: parameters `col_formats` and `col_headers` to customize the output of ``krotov.info_hooks.print_table`` (`#65`_)
* Added: info-hooks now have access to the additional arguments `propagator`, `chi_constructor`, `mu`, `sigma`, `iter_start`, and `iter_stop` (`#66`_)
* Added: parameter `keep_original_objectives` to ``krotov.objectives.ensemble_objectives`` (`#67`_)
* Added: "Related Software" in the documentation
* Update: Documentation is now hosted on gh-pages_ and deployed by Doctr_ (`#68`_)


Toggle v1.0.0-rc1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 1.0.0-rc1


Toggle v0.5.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 0.5.0

* Update: Documentation now contains all information from
* Added: Allow to pass `args` to time-dependent control functions (`#56`_, thanks to `@timohillmann`_)
* Changed: Renamed ``krotov.structural_conversions`` to ``krotov.conversions``
* Bugfix: Crash when ``krotov.optimize_pulses`` is called with ``iter_stop=0`` (`#58`_)
* Added: ``krotov.result.Result`` is now exposed at the top level of the API, as ``krotov.Result`` (`#59`_, thanks to `@nathanshammah`_)
* Added: str-representation of ``krotov.result.Result`` now includes the total running time (`#60`_, thanks to `@nathanshammah`_)


Toggle v0.4.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 0.4.1

* Update: Documentation now contains all information from (`#54`_)
* Added: a PDF of the documentation is now available at (`#52`_,
  thanks to `@TejasAvinashShetty`_)


Toggle v0.4.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 0.4.0

* Added: Support for Python 3.7
* Changed: The ``'shape'`` key in ``pulse_options`` was renamed to ``'update_shape'``, to further avoid confusion between pulse shapes and update shapes.
* Changed: The ``.adjoint`` property of ``Objective`` is now a method
* Added: Ability to not use QuTiP ``Qobj`` objects, but arbitrary low-level objects instead.
* Improved: Printing an ``Objective`` now uses internal counters and a symbolic notation to identify objects shared between different objectives. (#43)
* Improved: ``gate_objectives`` now takes into account if target states are (reshuffled) basis states and does not create unnecessary new copies.
* Bugfix: Two ``Objective`` instances that contain numpy arrays as controls can now be compared with ``==`` (#44)
* Bugfix: Custom attributes (such as ``weight``) are now preserved when copying an ``Objective`` (#44)
* Bugfix: Calling ``copy.deepcopy`` on an ``Objective`` now preserves control functions (#44)
* Improved: The ``Objective.mesolve`` and ``Objective.propagate`` methods can now receive arguments ``H`` and ``c_ops`` to override the respective attributes of the objectives. This make is easier to analyze perform a robustness analysis, where the result of an optimization should be propagated under a perturbed Hamiltonian.
* Improved: The ``print_table`` and ``print_debug_information`` info-hooks now flush their output buffers after each iteration. As a result, when writing to a file, that file can be watched with ``tail -f``.
* Changed: Redefine ``tau_vals`` as their complex conjugate, fixing a bug in ``chis_ss`` and ``chis_sm`` (#46)
* Bugfix: Correctly calculate ∂H/∂ϵ if ϵ occurs in H multiple times (#47, thanks to `@uiofgh`_)
* Bugfix: Correctly calculate ∂H/∂ϵ=0 if the specific ϵ currently being updated does not occur in H (#48)
* Added: Method ``objectives_with_controls`` for ``Result`` object.


Toggle v0.3.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
goerz Michael Goerz
Release 0.3.0

* Added: Preprint citation information (`krotov.__arxiv__`,
  `krotov.__citation__`, `krotov.__bibtex__`)
* Added: Ability to continue from a previous optimization (#26)
* Added: Parameter `out` to `print_table` info-hook
* Added: Parameter `finalize` to `Result.load`
* Added: Ability to dump optimization result every so many iterations
  (`dump_result` check-convergence routine)
* Added: `re-entrant` option for `DensityMatrixODEPropagator`
* Bugfix: Discretize controls to float values (#41)
* Bugfix: Fix overlap for non-Hermitian operators (#39)
* Bugfix: Interface for passing `tau_vals` to `chi_constructor` (#36)
* Added: function `above_value` for convergence check (#35)