Tags: qucontrol/krotov
Release 1.2.1 * Bugfix: Crash when initializing discretized numpy-array controls (#79, thanks to @loganbvh) * Bugfix: Corrected definition of co-states in Dissipative Qubit Reset example (#80, thanks to Alberto Castro) * Update: Switched Testing and Documentation deployment from Travis to Github Actions (#82)
Release 1.2.0 - Added: `via_midpoints` argument to `krotov.conversions.discretize` function - Changed: Controls and update shapes are now discretized in a way that ensures numerical stability ([#74][], thanks to [@zachmanson][] - Changed: Replaced `uniseg` dependency with `grapheme` ([#76][]) Note: due to the changes in the time discretization of the controls and update shapes, this version will generally not reproduce optimization results from previous versions to machine precision. [#74]: #74 [#76]: #76 [@zachmanson]: https://github.com/zachmanson
Release 1.0.0 * Update: Citation info now points to `SciPost paper <https://scipost.org/SciPostPhys.7.6.080>`_ (`#61`_) * Added: parameters `col_formats` and `col_headers` to customize the output of ``krotov.info_hooks.print_table`` (`#65`_) * Added: info-hooks now have access to the additional arguments `propagator`, `chi_constructor`, `mu`, `sigma`, `iter_start`, and `iter_stop` (`#66`_) * Added: parameter `keep_original_objectives` to ``krotov.objectives.ensemble_objectives`` (`#67`_) * Added: "Related Software" in the documentation * Update: Documentation is now hosted on gh-pages_ and deployed by Doctr_ (`#68`_)
Release 0.5.0 * Update: Documentation now contains all information from https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.11284v5 * Added: Allow to pass `args` to time-dependent control functions (`#56`_, thanks to `@timohillmann`_) * Changed: Renamed ``krotov.structural_conversions`` to ``krotov.conversions`` * Bugfix: Crash when ``krotov.optimize_pulses`` is called with ``iter_stop=0`` (`#58`_) * Added: ``krotov.result.Result`` is now exposed at the top level of the API, as ``krotov.Result`` (`#59`_, thanks to `@nathanshammah`_) * Added: str-representation of ``krotov.result.Result`` now includes the total running time (`#60`_, thanks to `@nathanshammah`_)
Release 0.4.1 * Update: Documentation now contains all information from https://arxiv.org/abs/1902.11284v4 (`#54`_) * Added: a PDF of the documentation is now available at https://github.com/qucontrol/krotov/tree/master/docs/pdf (`#52`_, thanks to `@TejasAvinashShetty`_)
Release 0.4.0 * Added: Support for Python 3.7 * Changed: The ``'shape'`` key in ``pulse_options`` was renamed to ``'update_shape'``, to further avoid confusion between pulse shapes and update shapes. * Changed: The ``.adjoint`` property of ``Objective`` is now a method * Added: Ability to not use QuTiP ``Qobj`` objects, but arbitrary low-level objects instead. * Improved: Printing an ``Objective`` now uses internal counters and a symbolic notation to identify objects shared between different objectives. (#43) * Improved: ``gate_objectives`` now takes into account if target states are (reshuffled) basis states and does not create unnecessary new copies. * Bugfix: Two ``Objective`` instances that contain numpy arrays as controls can now be compared with ``==`` (#44) * Bugfix: Custom attributes (such as ``weight``) are now preserved when copying an ``Objective`` (#44) * Bugfix: Calling ``copy.deepcopy`` on an ``Objective`` now preserves control functions (#44) * Improved: The ``Objective.mesolve`` and ``Objective.propagate`` methods can now receive arguments ``H`` and ``c_ops`` to override the respective attributes of the objectives. This make is easier to analyze perform a robustness analysis, where the result of an optimization should be propagated under a perturbed Hamiltonian. * Improved: The ``print_table`` and ``print_debug_information`` info-hooks now flush their output buffers after each iteration. As a result, when writing to a file, that file can be watched with ``tail -f``. * Changed: Redefine ``tau_vals`` as their complex conjugate, fixing a bug in ``chis_ss`` and ``chis_sm`` (#46) * Bugfix: Correctly calculate ∂H/∂ϵ if ϵ occurs in H multiple times (#47, thanks to `@uiofgh`_) * Bugfix: Correctly calculate ∂H/∂ϵ=0 if the specific ϵ currently being updated does not occur in H (#48) * Added: Method ``objectives_with_controls`` for ``Result`` object.
Release 0.3.0 * Added: Preprint citation information (`krotov.__arxiv__`, `krotov.__citation__`, `krotov.__bibtex__`) * Added: Ability to continue from a previous optimization (#26) * Added: Parameter `out` to `print_table` info-hook * Added: Parameter `finalize` to `Result.load` * Added: Ability to dump optimization result every so many iterations (`dump_result` check-convergence routine) * Added: `re-entrant` option for `DensityMatrixODEPropagator` * Bugfix: Discretize controls to float values (#41) * Bugfix: Fix overlap for non-Hermitian operators (#39) * Bugfix: Interface for passing `tau_vals` to `chi_constructor` (#36) * Added: function `above_value` for convergence check (#35)