Resolve front-end development of automation tools, dojo build, Independent development, Dependency management, Version management.
Solar requires Node.js v4+ to run.
You need Solar installed globally:
$ npm solar-cli -g
-- init package
Init your package. It will generate 'package.json' like npm init
$ solar init -n 'packageName' -d 'description' -v 'version'
-- install packages
Install packages like npm install.
$ solar install -n 'packageName' [--save]
$ solar install -n 'packageName1' -n 'packageName2' [--save]
-- uninstall packages
Uninstall packages like npm uninstall.
$ solar uninstall -n 'packageName' [--save]
$ solar uninstall -n 'packageName1' -n 'packageName2' [--save]
-- generate dojo profile
Auto generate profile.js base on source code. it will exclude packages: system, comlib, bcomlib, app.
$ solar profile -n 'packageName'
-- dojo build
Run dojo build base on profile.js.
$ solar build -n 'packageName'
-- add package
Mapping source to the entire project base on the arguments.
$ solar add -n 'packageName' -l 'location' [-i 'identityName' -p 'modulePath']
-- remove package
Remove(Restore) the mapping.
$ solar remove -n 'packageName' [-i 'identityName']
-- publish package
Publish the package to the NPM server.
$ solar publish -n 'packageName'
-- init development environment
Build debug.html, dojoConfig.js, packagesscript.js to start the whole project locally.
$ solar start
Solar uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Grunt - The JavaScript Task Runner
- liftoff - Launch your command line tool with ease.
- minimist - parse argument options
- lodash - Lodash modular utilities.
And of course Solar itself is open source with a public repository on GitHub.
- Issue fix.
- Unit Tests plugin.
- Style Check plugin.
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