This repository exists as a talend cloud installer control-repo that is used with R10k.
The major points are:
- An environment.conf that correctly implements:
- A site directory for roles, profiles, and any custom modules for your organization
- A config_version script
- Provided config_version scripts to output the commit of code that your agent just applied
- Basic example of roles/profiles code
- Example hieradata directory with pre-created common.yaml and nodes directory
- These match the default hierarchy that ships with PE
- Epel Repository
- Ruby >= 1.9.3
- Bundler >= 1.11.0
- ruby-augeas
Clone this repo
git clone [email protected]:Talend/talend-cloud-installer.git
Apply configurations within this repository with
sh scripts/
This runs bundler and a puppet apply with --noop enabled
You may need to do a special setup for ruby with asdf:
sudo mkdir /opt/github-libs && sudo chmod 777 /opt/github-libs
cd /opt/github-libs
mkdir src out
cd src
git clone [email protected]:openssl/openssl.git --branch OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable
cd openssl
./config --prefix=/opt/github-libs/out/OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable --openssldir=/opt/github-libs/out/OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable/ssl shared zlib -fPIC
make depend
make install
make clean
LDFLAGS="-L/opt/github-libs/out/OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable/lib" CPPFLAGS="-I/opt/github-libs/out/OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable/include/openssl" RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=/opt/github-libs/out/OpenSSL_1_0_2-stable" asdf install ruby 2.0.0-p648
We need first to update the certificate because our openssl 1.0 has a bad configuration by default
ruby --version
ruby 2.0.0p648 (2015-12-16 revision 53162) [x86_64-linux]
curl -fsSL -o $(ruby -ropenssl -e 'puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE')
then install bundler
gem install bundler --version '=1.13.6'
# Because of a bug, we have to reshim
asdf reshim
Run bundler inside the checkout to statisfy requirents
bundle install --path=vendor/bundle --without=development
Run puppet-rspec test for all site modules with
sh scripts/
You need vagrant installed for this and VirtualBox and at least 6Go RAM free.
To see the script usage:
script/ -h
Launching all the test, cleaning everything before:
script/ -c
For manually running rspec or beaker test per module change in the module dir and manually run
bundle exec rake beaker