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Tags: quetz/profanity



Toggle 1.60's commit message
New major mathematical optimization giving boost of up to 14% on my n…

…Vidia GTX 1070. Number of multiplications during point addition phase has been reduced from 3 to 2. In addition to this a visible progress counter has been added during initialization.


Toggle v1.50's commit message
Add debug output where important kernels are timed in milliseconds. S…

…plit main memory area for points into two separate areas for X and Y coordinates respectively to improve memory access performance. Switch from Montgomery multiplication to improved interleaved Barret reduction eliminating two modular multiplications per point when moving out of montgomery form every iteration. Add a ton of explanations to the program.


Toggle v1.4's commit message
Update README to better reflect current performance


Toggle v1.31's commit message
Fix contract address generation broken by comment


Toggle v1.3's commit message
Major rework on Keccak implementation which together with some other …

…minor changes gives up to 4x performance boost on nVidia cards


Toggle v1.22's commit message
Rework initialization so devices can be initialized in parallell.


Toggle v1.21's commit message
Rework initialization so devices can be initialized in parallell.


Toggle v1.2's commit message
Major overhaul. Users now have more control over memory usage on the …

…device. Overall a minor speed increase.


Toggle v1.12's commit message
Add benchmark speed for a GTX 1070 to README and sort table.


Toggle v1.11's commit message
Improve printed GPU index and fallback to automatic local worksize on…

… error.