The DragonBuild build system is fairly young, so if you're switching over, don't delete your theos directory just yet.
Paste the following into terminal:
bash <(curl -s
dragon update
dragon [commands]
Building -=-=-
do - Build and Install
c|clean - recompile, link, and package your project
b|build|make - compile, link, and package your project
r|release - Load DragonRelease file over the DragonMake one
rl|relink - Re-link the package regardless of changes
Installation -=-=-
s|device - Set build device IP/Port
i|install - Install to build device
sim - Add this to install to the simulator instead of a device
rs|respring - Respring the current build device
dr|devicerun - Run anything after this flag on device
Tools -=-=-
d|debug [Process Name] - Start a debugging server on device and connect to it
exp|export - Tell ninja to create a compile_commands.json
f|flutter - Build with flutter before doing anything else
ch|checkra1n - Open Checkra1n GUI
chc|checkra1ncli - Open Checkra1n CLI
A single-file tweak can be built with the following 'DragonMake' file.
name: MyTweak
icmd: sbreload
type: tweak
- Tweak.xm
DragonMake follows yaml syntax. Strings dont typically need to be wrapped in ""
, although wildcards do.
For str variables, you can use bash syntax to evaluate a command with $$(command args)
You can also refer to environment variables with $$VARNAME
is the syntax. **
and other globbing rules are applied. Type ls <your wildcard here>
to get an idea.
for example will find all .m files in the current directory and subdirectories
This should serve as a guideline for how a project should be laid out. You can declare as many projects as you want, it's all going to be crammed into the same deb.
"ModuleName" represents a module, here. Typically this is "TweakName" or "TweakNamePrefs", or something along those lines.
# This represents the overall project name.
name: TweakName
icmd: sbreload
# Variables declared here apply to all modules.
targetvers: 11.0
- arm64
- arm64e
# This represents a Tweak .dylib and .plist.
type: tweak
# A list of logos files. See variables section for more info.
- "*.xm"
# Now for preferences!
# Specify the directory, since it's a subproject
dir: nameprefs
# Tell dragon that it's a bundle
type: prefs
# You can specify files from anywhere in your tweak, or use directory specific wildcards
- BlahRootListController.m
- ACellYouUse.m
- ../SomeFileFromYourMainTweak.m
# If you have a tweak subproject that, for example, hooks another process, you can compile it into the same deb
# This is the minimal amount of info you can provide and have your project compile.
dir: othertweak
type: tweak
- othertweak/Tweak.xm
Top Level Variables
Name | Type | Description | Default |
name |
str | Name of the whole project | N/A |
icmd |
str | Command to run on device after install | killall -9 SpringBoard |
all |
dict | Variables here will be applied to all modules and can be overridden individually |
Module Variables
Name | Type | Description | Default |
type |
str | Type of project being built. See Project_Types | N/A |
files |
list | List of files to be compiled. These will be sorted into proper groups by extension. | [] |
logos_files |
list | List of files that require the logos preprocessor | [] |
c_files |
list | List of files to build as .c source | [] |
cxx_files |
list | List of files to build as .cpp source | [] |
objc_files |
list | List of files to build as .m source | [] |
objcxx_files |
list | List of files to build as .mm source | [] |
target |
str | OS being targeted. By default, iOS. You can define your own, too; See Targets | [] |
targetvers |
str | iOS Version being targeted. | [] |
archs |
list | Architectures to compile for | [] |
sysroot |
str | Root of the Patched SDK to build with | $DRAGONBUILD/sdks/iPhoneOS.sdk |
cc |
str | c/c++ compiler to use | clang |
cxx |
str | c/c++ compiler to use | clang++ |
ld |
str | linker to use | clang/clang++ |
lipo |
str | lipo tool to use | lipo |
codesign |
str | ldid binary to sign with | ldid |
dsym |
str | dsymutil binary to symbolicate with | dsymutil |
plutil |
str | dsymutil binary to symbolicate with | plutil |
swift |
str | dsymutil binary to symbolicate with | swift |
logos |
str | file to use for preprocessing | $DRAGONBUILD/bin/ |
stage |
str/list | Console command(s) to run before after build and before packaging | '' |
arc |
BOOL | Should we use -fobjc-arc | Yes |
warnings |
str | Warnings flag | -Wall |
optim |
str | Optimization level. Higher levels can break obfuscators. | 0 |
debug |
str | debug flags | -fcolor-diagnostics |
libs |
list | List of libraries to link the binary against | '' |
frameworks |
list | List of Frameworks to compile with | ['CoreFoundation', 'Foundation', 'UIKit', 'CoreGraphics', 'QuartzCore', 'CoreImage', 'AudioToolbox'] |
cflags |
str | additional flags to pass to clang and the linker. Will be applied after everything else. | '' |
ldflags |
str | additional flags to pass to the linker. Applied after cflags. | '' |
entflag |
str | custom flag for codesign util | '-S' |
entfile |
str | Applied directly after entflag. Typically for ldid, an entitlement plist. | '' |
install_location |
str | override variable for bundles/libraries to allow specifying install location | '' |
fw_dirs |
list | Framework Search Dirs. Changing this variable overrides defaults. | ['$sysroot/System/Library/Frameworks', '$sysroot/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks', '$dragondir/frameworks'] |
additional_fw_dirs |
list | Allows adding framework search dirs without overwriting old ones. | [] |
lib_dirs |
list | Library search dirs. Just like the framework search | ['$dragondir/lib', '.'] |
additional_lib_dirs |
list | Add to lib search without overwriting | [] |
You can reference any of these variables in a variable below it (really, avoid doing this please) using $var
All (most) of these can be combined and ran at the same time, if needed.
dragon update
will update your dragonbuild installation to the latest version.
dragon -h
outputs the following:
DragonBuild v1.0 -=-=-
usage: dragon [commands]
Building -=-=-
do - Build and Install
c|clean - recompile, link, and package your project
b|build|make - compile, link, and package your project
r|release - Load DragonRelease file over the DragonMake one
rl|relink - Re-link the package regardless of changes
Installation -=-=-
s|device - Set build device IP/Port
i|install - Install to build device
sim - Add this to install to the simulator instead of a device
rs|respring - Respring the current build device
dr|devicerun - Run anything after this flag on device
Tools -=-=-
d|debug [Process Name] - Start a debugging server on device and connect to it (Can be used with the install flag as well)
exp|export - Tell ninja to create a compile_commands.json
f|flutter - Build with flutter before doing anything else
ch|checkra1n - Open Checkra1n GUI
chc|checkra1ncli - Open Checkra1n CLI
DragonBuild v1.0.0 - by kritanta
install_location: '/Applications/'
target: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$$name'
install_location: '/Applications/'
target: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$$name'
- deb
install_location: '/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location$name.dylib'
lopts: '-dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000'
internalldflags: -framework CydiaSubstrate
- UIKit
- Foundation
- 'cp $name.plist $proj_build_dir/_/Library/MobileSubstrate/DynamicLibraries/$name.plist'
install_location: '/Library/PreferenceBundles/$name.bundle'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir$location/$name'
- 'substrate'
lopts: '-dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000'
internalldflags: -framework Preferences
- UIKit
- Foundation
- 'mkdir -p .dragon/_/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences/'
- 'cp entry.plist .dragon/_/Library/PreferenceLoader/Preferences/$name.plist'
- 'cp -R Resources/ $proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location'
install_location: '/Library/$name/$name.bundle/'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name'
lopts: '-dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000'
- UIKit
- Foundation
- 'cp -R Resources/ $proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name.bundle/'
install_location: '/Library/Frameworks/$name.framework'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name'
lopts: '-dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000'
- Foundation
- 'cp -R Resources/ $proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location'
- 'cp -R $proj_build_dir/$stagedir$location $$DRAGONBUILD/frameworks/$name.framework'
- 'if [ ! -z "$public_headers" ]; then
mkdir -p $proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/Headers;
cp $public_headers $proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/Headers;
install_location: '/Library/$name/$name.bundle/'
build_target_file: ''
- 'substrate'
lopts: '-dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000'
- UIKit
- Foundation
- 'true;'
build_target_file: ''
- 'true;'
install_location: 'usr/lib'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name.dylib'
ldflags: '-install_name $location$name.dylib'
lopts: '-dynamiclib -ggdb -Xlinker -segalign -Xlinker 4000'
- 'true;'
install_location: '/usr/bin'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name'
- 'true;'
install_location: '/usr/bin'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name'
- 'true;'
install_location: '/usr/lib'
build_target_file: '$proj_build_dir/$stagedir/$location/$name.a'
- 'true;'
The ultimate hope for this project is that the major alternative, theos, sees the same improvements this project has. It's unlikely it'll ever become as popular as theos, but the hope is that it can instead inspire the maintainers there into "catching up."
DragonBuild is currently "mildly stable." It'll have some bumps, especially on linux.
DragonBuild also recently went through a major rewrite of the generator. As I only have one PC to test on, what works for me may not work on your machine. I'm always willing to get in touch and debug your issues.
@Siguza, for writing ./bin/tbdump, the tool used to symbolicate libraries that can be compiled for this.
@sbinger, for patiently helping me add arm64e support to tbdump (turns out its easy when you know what you're doing :))
@theos, and the badass team there, who created a good amount of the resources this project depends on, and who have all been a major help in guiding the way for this project. This wouldn't exist without theos, and without the great people behind it.